DME Phase 4 – Capital Improvement Project
Phase 4 of engagement for Denver Moves Everyone (DME) – Capital Improvement Program – is complete. This phase ran from October 27 to December 12, 2022 and residents provided feedback on how DOTI plans to prioritize its dollars for transportation improvements to help achieve Denver’s shared vision and goals in the short-term. More than 1,500+ people participated during this phase.
Participants learned about the types of improvements DOTI makes to provide a more equitable transportation system that is affordable, reliable, safe, comfortable, and sustainable for everyone. An interactive map displayed hundreds of prioritized projects that represented 11 different project types.
An online tool was used to gather feedback on the plan of prioritized transportation improvements for the short-term. An archive of the tool can be viewed here.
DME Phase 3 – Prioritization & Funding
Phase 3 of engagement for Denver Moves Everyone (DME) – Our Transportation Future – is complete. This phase ran from April 11 to July 1, 2022, and gathered information about Denverite’s priorities to advance the projects that will move Denver toward the city-wide vision and goals. More than 3,200+ people participated during this phase.
DOTI asked the public how Denver should spend transportation dollars and what transportation improvements are most important to them and their neighborhoods. Specifically, we asked the public to rank spending priorities across four categories:
- Operating Denver’s System, or having the people and tools needed to keep our streets going.
- Maintaining Denver’s System, or fixing things like cracks, potholes, and broken signs to keep them in good shape.
- Improving Denver’s System, or making our existing network of streets, sidewalks, bikeways and transit lines work better.
- Expanding Denver’s System, or providing new travel options that didn’t exist before to connect more places.
The DME team used several tactics to gain feedback including an online tool, committee meetings and in-person events across Denver. An archive of the online tool can be viewed here.
Feedback will be used to enable the DME project team to begin identifying what transportation investments and policies should be prioritized both short and long term.
DME Virtual Public Meeting #3
The third virtual public meeting for Denver Moves Everyone was held on May 17, 2022. DME team members also answered questions and gathered feedback from the community throughout the meeting.
A recording of the meeting and meeting presentation can be viewed below:
DME Phase 2 – Our Transportation Future
Phase 2 of engagement for Denver Moves Everyone (DME) – Our Transportation Future – is complete. This phase ran from November 2021 to January 2022, and gathered feedback about what people want Denver's transportation system to look like in the future. More than 3,000 people participated during this phase.
During this phase, the DME team shared the project's vision and goals and possibilities for what Denver's future could look like. Specifically, we asked the public to share their thoughts on four different versions of how travelling in Denver could look in 2050 if:
- We continued to travel much like we do today.
- The changes we saw during the COVID-19 Pandemic – more people working from home and more things done online – accelerated.
- We made big changes to travel options, with great transit, walking and bicycling systems.
- Self-driving vehicles became common in Denver.
The DME team used several tactics to gain feedback during this phase, including an online tool, committee meetings, and in-person events across Denver. An archive of the online tool can be viewed here.
Feedback will be used to develop strategies to build the transportation system the public desires most and avoid the consequences of potential changes that are less desirable.
DME Virtual Public Meeting #2
The second virtual meeting for Denver Moves Everyone was held on November 17, 2021. DME team members also answered questions and gathered feedback from the community throughout the meeting.
A recording of the meeting can be viewed below.
DME Phase 1 – Our Transportation Values, Vision and Goals
The first phase of engagement for Denver Moves Everyone – Our Values, Vision and Goals – is completed and included two steps. The first step focused on understanding what Denverites value from their transportation system. In the second step, the DME team used values feedback to craft and verify a vision and goals for what we want our transportation system to become in the future. More than 7,000 people participated during this phase of engagement.
Step 1.0 – Understanding our Transportation Values
The first step of engagement for Denver Moves Everyone ran from June to August 2021. The DME team used several tactics to gain feedback during this phase, including an online tool, dozens of committee meetings, and six in-person events across Denver. Nearly 4,000 people provided feedback during Step 1.0. An archive of the online tool can be viewed here.
Feedback gathered during this phase focused on seeking input what people value for Denver’s transportation system. Key questions asked during Step 1.0 included:
- What values matter most to you and best represent what you expect from Denver’s transportation system?
- What are your current travel patterns around Denver?
- What do you think are some transportation challenges we face today?
The planning team used feedback collected to create a set of transportation goals for Denver Moves Everyone 2050. Overall, the average top three values from all participants were comfortable neighborhoods and streets, climate change, and safety and security. These values were used to finalize the goals that were presented in Phase 1.1 and guided plan development.
Step 1.1 – Crafting our Transportation Vision and Goals
The second step of engagement for Denver Moves Everyone ran from June to September 2021. The DME team used several tactics to gain feedback during this phase, including an online tool, dozens of committee meetings, and 14 in-person events across Denver. More than 3,000 people provided feedback during Step 1.1. An archive of the online tool can be viewed here.
The DME team crafted draft goals based on feedback collected during Step 1.0, where people prioritized what they value for Denver’s transportation system. Key questions asked during Step 1.1 included:
- Do the Denver Moves Everyone goals reflect your values? What goals are missing from the draft topics?
- What is your vision for the future of transportation in Denver?
- What actions should we prioritize within our goals?
The planning team used feedback collected during Step 1.1 to verify and finalize the vision and goals for Denver Moves Everyone 2050. Overall, 91% of Denverites either agreed or strongly agreed with the goals. These goals will be used to prioritize transportation investments in Denver.
DME Virtual Public Meeting #1
During Step 1.1, the DME team held its first virtual public meeting on August 25, 2021, and a recording of the meeting can be viewed below.
During this meeting, the planning team described how we are planning for the future of transportation in Denver, including a project overview, draft goals, and next steps. We asked participants to share their thoughts on the following questions:
- What would you like this plan to accomplish?
- What trends should we be planning for in the future?
- Do you see your values reflected in our draft goal topics?
DME team members also answered questions from the community throughout the meeting. The feedback that was collected will be incorporated into the final goals and future phases of the plan.
Meeting Video (YouTube)
Meeting Presentation(PDF, 8MB)