Westwood-Athmar Park NTMP

Project Background

The Westwood-Athmar Park neighborhoods were selected as the next two neighborhoods to go through the NTMP Action Plan collaboration process. The neighborhoods are on the SW quadrant of the County, spanning from the South Platte River to the east, Sheridan Boulevard to the west, Alameda Ave. to the north, and Mississippi Ave. to the south.

These two neighborhoods ranked high in the NTMP prioritization model which incorporated the following factors: growth pressure, safety, transportation equity, and multimodal demand.

The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) established the Neighborhood Transportation Management Program (NTMP) in 2018. The NTMP provides a framework for creating local Neighborhood Action Plans, which is a 7-9 month proactive and collaborative process that allows us to hear your ideas about transportation and work with you to identify implementable improvements.

Westwood/Athmar Park NTMP Action Plan

The Westwood/Athmar Park Action Plan identifies specific, near-term transportation and mobility enhancement projects, while highlighting longer term actions.

Final Westwood/Athmar Park Action Plan(PDF, 30MB)

Spring 2024 Update

The Westwood/Athmar Park (WWAP) Neighborhood Transportation Management Program (NTMP) has completed the planning phase, and the action plan has been released!

A package of projects prioritized by the community (including NTMP and Safe Routes to Schools improvements) are currently going through the design process, which is anticipated to be complete in Spring of 2024. Construction funds have been identified, and construction on the first phase of projects is anticipated to begin Fall 2024.

Keep an eye on this website to learn more about the second phase of construction and the associated public engagement activities.

Project Area

Project Timeline

Project Timeline graphic for Westwood-Athmar Park NTMP project