East 16th Avenue Storm Interceptor

Phase 2 - Coming Soon

16th Avenue Storm Interceptor project web banner

The East 16th Avenue Storm Interceptor project area is located in Montclair Basin, to address flooding of the neighborhood. Existing storm sewers in East 16th Avenue and Batavia Place are currently undersized; this project's goal is to work with hydrology developed by the Outfall Systems Plan (OSP) team to size, design, and construct a new storm main line to safely transport the flows from existing systems in Colfax Avenue and East 16th Avenue towards City Park, while picking up the local flows along the way.

Phase 2 will pick up where Phase 1 left off on Albion Street between 17th Avenue Parkway and Batavia Place. The new storm sewer system will turn east on Batavia Place and run along Batavia Place to Clermont Street. Future phases will continue down Batavia Place to Dahlia Street, turn South on Dahlia Street before continuing East on East 16th Avenue.

Phase 2 bids have been opened and there was a successful contractor. We anticipate the contract being fully executed in Quarter 1 (February) 2025. As timeframes become more concrete, we will update this page and send a message to our email list. So please sign up to get on that list via the project email. Xcel and their contractor have completed their gas relocation work in the neighborhood. They will be returning spring 2025 to complete landscaping/irrigation repairs. (See the "Related Information" section in the right sidebar on this page for that notice.) Denver Water has mobilized into the neighborhood to complete water main relocations on Batavia Pl. — from Dahlia St. to Bellaire St. This work is anticipated to last until February 2025.

Special Update - Sanitary Mainline Cleaning Next Week

UPDATE: February 14, 2025

The DOTI Wastewater Management Division's contractor will be in the area next week cleaning sanitary mainlines in Batavia Place at the Albion / Bellaire / Clermont / Cherry intersections. This work will not require any full road closures but there may be some daily single-lane closures. No specific impacts to resident sanitary sewer services are expected. Depending on weather, this work is expected to take approximately two days.

Construction Vibration Information

UPDATE: February 7, 2025

For the safety of the crew, this project will require digging deep into the ground and placing shoring to keep the trench from collapsing during the installation of the new storm pipe. This work will produce varying levels of noise and vibration in areas adjacent to the work.

The city has developed a construction information pamphlet that helps explain the process.

Addresses that are within 125 feet of the work to be performed will be contacted once the contractor is fully under contract next month. Their vibration consultant will contact all of these addresses at a minimum to deliver this pamphlet and offer a no-charge assessment to document the current condition of these structures.

If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please reach out to us.

Project Map

Phase 2 map for East 16th Avenue Storm Interceptor project

Photo Gallery

Examples of similar work on a recent storm drain project on Marion Street.

Construction equipment digging a 18' wide trench in Marion St for installation of 8'x8' Concrete box culvert.

Construction equipment digging a 18' wide trench in Marion St for installation of 8'x8' Concrete box culvert.

Crews setting 8' x 8' concrete box culvert in a 18' wide trench in Marion St. Trench is roughly 16' deep.

Crews setting 8' x 8' concrete box culvert in a 18' wide trench in Marion St.

Spoil piles from excavation for storm sewer installation in Marion St.

Spoil piles from excavation for storm sewer installation in Marion St.

Installation of shoring system within the trench for the new storm sewer infrastructure in Marion St.

Installation of shoring system within the trench for the new storm sewer infrastructure in Marion St.

Worker standing on top of installed 8' x 8' concrete box culvert in Marion St.

Worker standing on top of installed 8' x 8' concrete box culvert in Marion St.

Street grading on Marion St to prepare for new curb/gutter and full depth asphalt street.

Street grading on Marion St to prepare for new curb/gutter and full depth asphalt street.

Phase 1 - Completed

16th Avenue Storm Interceptor project web banner

This project increased the size of stormwater pipes that run east/west under Colorado Boulevard to increase the amount of stormwater we can collect and carry.  It marks the continuation of a backbone system we are building to ultimately reach and provide relief to well-known, documented flood areas that include 14th and Krameria, 14th and Kearney, and 16th and Dahlia.  We encourage you to stay informed about this project and sign up for regular project updates by emailing info@16thavestorm.com.

Crews finished up the flatwork and inlet work

Crews finished up the flatwork and inlet work this week.

Crews are working on the inlets, curb + gutter

Crews are working on the inlets, curb + gutter, and paving prep on the east side.

Westbound E. 17th Avenue Pkwy is paved!

Westbound East 17th Avenue Parkway is paved.

Concrete work is ongoing

Concrete work — including curb / gutter and inlet work — is ongoing on the east side of 17th Ave. Pkwy.

Paving prep and concrete flatwork is the focus

Paving prep and concrete flatwork is the focus on the 16th Avenue Storm Interceptor site.

The first section of paving on E. 17th Avenue

The first section of paving on westbound East 17th Ave. Parkway—from the Colorado Blvd. intersection to the alley to the east—was completed this week.

Construction Updates - 9/8/22

Status: Eastbound E. 17th Ave. Pkwy will be reopened tomorrow by end of day. We may need to keep the section of Albion closed—between eastbound and westbound 17th—for just a few more days to finish up irrigation repairs and sod installation.

This is the last of the weekly updates for this project. Thank you for your cooperation and patience during these closures, and the impacts they brought.

We understand how extremely difficult they can be, and your cooperation was very much appreciated. You’ve been great to work with, thank you.

Project Map

E. 16th Avenue Storm Interceptor project area map

Project Details

The goal of this project is to work with hydrology developed by the Outfall Systems Plan team to size, design, and construct a new storm main line to improve safety and reduce flood risks in the South Park Hill neighborhood, safely transporting the flows from existing systems in Colfax Avenue and East 16th Avenue towards City Park, while picking up the local flows along the way.

The existing storm sewers in E. 16th Ave. and Batavia Pl. are currently undersized to adequately convey stormwater levels, resulting in frequent and significant flooding in the South Park Hill neighborhood. The construction includes installing a new stormwater pipe beneath Colorado Boulevard which will connect to the current the stormwater system at City Park Golf Course.

In addition to the storm pipe construction, work includes roadway reconfiguration and traffic signal changes at the intersection of E. 17th Ave. and Colorado Blvd., as well as safer crossings for pedestrians and cyclists.

Work begins at Jackson Street and E. 17th Avenue, continues east along E. 17th Avenue Parkway, crosses Colorado Blvd and turns south onto Albion Street for approximately 100 feet.

Construction Methods, Impacts and Delays

We are actively monitoring how people in cars flow through this part of town to reduce cut-through traffic on residential streets off East 17th Avenue. We have implemented additional traffic control measures that narrow 17th Avenue on its approach to York and Josephine and encourage only local traffic to continue on 17th Ave past York and Josephine. Please note this change will result in the loss of the RTD Route 20 Bus Stop at York/Josephine and we’ll be restricting right turns from northbound Josephine onto eastbound 17th Ave.

We do anticipate increased traffic flow on East Colfax Avenue, East 23rd Avenue and other east/west routes as 17th Avenue is closed for our project. This full closure will be in place until March 2022.

Traffic Impacts

Various street closures will be in place on 17th Avenue, Colorado Boulevard and 17th Avenue Parkway when crews are scheduled to work on those stretches. Residences immediately adjacent to the construction site will receive advance notice before work begins on their block. Walk-up access to residents and businesses inside the project area will always be open.

Detour signs and message boards will also be in place throughout the duration of the project to alert commuters about the work and to expect delays. All work is weather dependent and subject to change. Signage will clearly define and direct the detour routes, and we will be sending out weekly impact / detour maps in our email updates — so be sure to sign up for these crucial emails.

The public’s patience and cooperation during construction are greatly appreciated.

Public Meetings

April 7, 2021 - Virtual Public Meeting

A virtual community meeting was held on April 7, 2021.  Please click the link below to watch the recorded version:

September 5, 2018 - Public Meeting

A September 5, 2018 public meeting focused on the alignment evaluation of this future pipe, and include information on green infrastructure possibilities explored in the Upper Montclair Stormwater Study.

Presentation(PDF, 6MB)

Meeting Notes(PDF, 339KB)

Project Information Sheet(PDF, 181KB)

Upper Montclair Basin: Stormwater Systems Study

Archive Updates

September 2022 - Archive Updates

September 8, 2022

Status: Eastbound E. 17th Ave. Pkwy will be reopened tomorrow by end of day. We may need to keep the section of Albion closed—between eastbound and westbound 17th—for just a few more days to finish up irrigation repairs and sod installation.

This is the last of the weekly updates for this project. Thank you for your cooperation and patience during these closures, and the impacts they brought. We understand how extremely difficult they can be, and your cooperation was very much appreciated. You’ve been great to work with, thank you.

Have a wonderful weekend!

September 1, 2022

Status: We expect to have everything paved by tomorrow. However, we will wait until next Friday, September 9th—by end of day—to open the streets, to give the landscapers room to work on irrigation repairs and sod installation, and allow our crew to complete general clean-up along the site.
Schedule: Eastbound E. 17th Ave. Pkwy—and Albion—will be reopened next Friday, September 9th, by end of day, unless we have a weather delay.

Current Impacts: Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are currently closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. 

Caution: Keep in mind that we still have heavy machinery on the roadways as we finish up. Please continue to be careful around the project area.

Have a Question?: Just reach out via email, or text / call the hotline, and we will get back to you right away.

The completion is just a little over a week away! Here’s to a great weekend!

August 2022 - Archive Updates

August 25, 2022

Status: With westbound E. 17th Ave. Pkwy now open, all of the focus is on eastbound: finishing the inlets this week, curb / gutter and other flatwork next week, and then the paving prep along Albion. We expect to have all paving completed within the next two weeks.
Schedule: Eastbound E. 17th Ave. Pkwy—and Albion—will be reopened on Friday, September 9th, by end of day. Once these streets reopen, there will be some single day lane closures needed for additional irrigation repairs and sod installation.

Current Impacts: Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion.

Be Careful!: We still have trucks coming and going, and heavy machinery working on the site. As always, use caution in the area.

Need to Reach Us?: It’s easy to reach us via email, or text / call the hotline, and we will get back to you ASAP.

It’s the final push, thanks for working with us during these closures! 

August 18, 2022

Status: The last waterline tie in—for service on the south side of Albion—took place this week. Thanks for your patience during those service interruptions.

Westbound E. 17th Ave. Pkwy is paved and we plan to open it on Saturday after pavement markings and sign installations are completed. Our work in Colorado Blvd. is finished and it is back up to 3 northbound lanes.

Next week brings work on the inlets, curb / gutter and paving prep along Albion.

Saturday Work: Crews are working Saturdays to get things wrapped up.

Schedule: We expect to reopen westbound E. 17th Ave. Pkwy on Saturday. Eastbound E. 17th Ave. Pkwy—and Albion—will be reopened on Friday, September 9th, by end of day. Once these streets reopen, there will be some single day lane closures needed for additional irrigation repairs and sod installation. 

Current Impacts: East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. 

Caution!: We have a lot going on out there during this final push. Please be cautious near the project area when you are out and about.

Need Help? Have a Question?: You can reach us via email, or text / call the hotline if you have any questions or concerns. 

It’s looking good out there. Thanks for your patience!

August 11, 2022

Status: We have more curb / gutter in place, and we are paving sections of roadway as they are prepped. Crews continue to work on sod replacement and irrigation repair along the route, and in the parkway as well. Inlet work is also being finished up. You’ll soon see crews reinstalling the signage that was removed.

Saturday Work: Expect to see crews working on Saturdays as we push to finish up this work.

Schedule: We expect that westbound E. 17th Ave. Pkwy will be reopened on Friday, August 19th, by end of day. Eastbound E. 17th Ave. Pkwy—and Albion—will be reopened on Friday, September 9th, by end of day. Once these streets reopen, there will be some single day lane closures needed for additional irrigation repairs and sod installation. 

Water Service Interruptions: The water line installation and testing is complete and tie-ins are underway. There will be water service interruptions during the tie-ins, but if your service will be affected you will be notified.

Current Impacts: East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. 

Be Careful: Paving operations bring in more heavy equipment. Please be extra careful in the project area, especially if you walk on the parkway itself.

Reach Out: Just let us know if you need us. You can reach us via email, or text / call the hotline if you have any questions or concerns.

It’s looking good out there. Thanks for your patience! 

August 4, 2022

Status: Paving prep and concrete flatwork is the focus on the site. New curb/gutter and sidewalk is now in place on the eastbound side of the E. 17th Ave. Pkwy intersection with Colorado Blvd. Water line is currently being installed in Albion St. Next up is concrete work on the SW and SE corners of Albion at E. 17th Ave. Pkwy in advance of that paving. Sod replacement and irrigation repair is underway as well. 
Schedule: We expect that westbound E. 17th Ave. Pkwy will be reopened on Friday, August 19th, by end of day. Eastbound E. 17th Ave. Pkwy—and Albion—will be reopened on Friday, September 9th, by end of day. Once these streets reopen, there will be some single day lane closures needed for irrigation repairs and sod installation. 

Water Service Interruptions: There will be water service interruptions with this water line work, however, if your service will be affected you will be notified.

Current Impacts: East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. 

Use Caution: We have heavy truck traffic on the east side with the paving preparations. Please be extremely careful and watch for trucks, especially if you walk on the parkway itself.

Need to Reach Us?: You can get in touch with us via email, or call / text the hotline and we will get back to you right away.

Have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you out there next week.

July 2022 - Archive Updates

July 29, 2022

Status: The first section of paving on westbound E. 17th Ave. Parkway—from the Colorado Blvd. intersection to the alley to the east—was completed this week. Paving prep for the rest of the project is full steam ahead. Crews poured concrete this week for curb / gutter and sidewalks on the south-side island, with more concrete work to follow. As we finish concrete we will continue to pave sections of the roadway. 

Water Service Interruptions Coming Soon: The waterline replacement work along Albion Street is wrapping up. Expect water service interruptions when we tie-in. You will be notified if your service will be affected. 

Weather: ’Tis the season for monsoon rains, and we have certainly been navigating around the weather the past few days. Please remember that all schedules are weather dependent.

Current Impacts: East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. 

East Side Caution: The east side still has lots of activity. Please use caution when you are out and about.

Please Reach Out: It’s easy to contact us via email, or call / text the hotline if you have a question or concern.

We really appreciate your patience during these closures. 

Here’s to the weekend!

July 14, 2022

Status: The 96” pipe placement in Albion is now complete. We have lots of curb / gutter and sidewalk work underway on the east side of Colorado Blvd. Inlet work is also ongoing in advance of the upcoming paving of E. 17th Ave. Parkway and Albion.

Waterline Work: The waterline replacement work along Albion Street is beginning next week. When we tie-in there will be water service interruptions. You will be notified if your service will be affected. 

Current Impacts: East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. 

Be Careful!: The east side of the site is still extremely busy, so please use caution when walking / driving / biking near the project. 

Questions?: Please reach out to us via email, or call / text the hotline and we will get back to you right away.

Here’s to the weekend, have a great one!!

July 7, 2022

Crews will finish up the 96” pipe placement in Albion this week. Curb / gutter and sidewalk work on the east side of Colorado Blvd. will continue through next week, with inlet work and paving in Albion to follow. The paving of westbound E. 17th Ave. Parkway is scheduled for the week of July 18th.

Waterline Work: The waterline replacement work along Albion Street is beginning and will take a couple of days. When we tie-in next week, there will be some service interruptions. You will be notified if your service will be affected. 

Current Impacts: East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. 

Use Caution: Especially with the upcoming paving—and other work ongoing on the east side—the site is very busy. Please use caution near the project area.

Need to Reach Us?: Please email, or call / text the hotline and we will get back to you right away.

Thanks for your patience, during this work. We certainly appreciate it!

June 2022 - Archive Updates

June 30, 2022

Status: The last few pieces of 96” pipe will be placed in the ground this week! Inlet building is full steam ahead at the Colorado Blvd. intersection. Curb / gutter, sidewalk work, and landscaping details are underway as well. Paving prep begins soon along the westbound lanes of the parkway. 

Waterline Work:
The waterline replacement work along Albion Street starts up next week and will cause some service interruptions during the week of July 11th. You will be notified if your service will be affected.

Holiday Schedule:
Crews will not be working this Friday—or Monday of next week—in observation of Independence Day. 
Current Impacts:
East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. 

Be Careful Out There:
We have lots of heavy equipment working on the east side. Please use caution near the project area.

Questions / Concerns?:
Just let us know. Please email, or call / text the hotline.

Happy 4th of July!

June 23, 2022

Status: Crews have been working this past week on the placement of some manholes in the 96” pipe already installed in Albion Street. The final pieces of pipe will go in the ground once that work is complete. Three more inlets are being built along the parkway, as well as curb / gutter, sidewalk work, and landscaping odds and ends. Paving prep details will soon begin along the westbound lanes of the parkway. There will also be some upcoming waterline replacement work along Albion Street which will cause some service interruptions—you will be notified if your service will be affected.
Current Impacts:
East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. 

East Side Caution:
Crews continue to work with heavy equipment on the east side, so please use caution when you are driving / walking / biking near the project area.

Need to Reach Us?:
It’s easy! Please email, or call / text the hotline.

Thanks for working through these impacts with us. We appreciate it!

June 16, 2022

Status: Work on the east side is full-steam ahead, with the placement of the 96” pipe in Albion Street continuing across E. 17th Ave. Parkway. In addition, there are three more inlets to build along the parkway, and upcoming curb / gutter, manhole and sidewalk work. There will also be some waterline replacement work along Albion Street the week of June 20th which will cause some service interruptions. You will be notified if your service will be affected.
Trash Pickup Reminder:
Solid waste is short-staffed and—as you have noticed—is often running a day or so late on pickup. The construction fence along eastbound E. 17th Ave. Parkway requires some trash pickups to be relocated until further notice. You should have been notified of this change if your service is affected. If you need any assistance with this issue, please call our hotline, or send us an email.
Current Impacts:
East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. 

Be Careful!:
There’s a lot of heavy machinery on the east side, so please be very careful when you are out and about.

Have a Question or Concern?:
Please email, or call / text the hotline if you need us.

Thanks for your continued patience during this work. We appreciate it!

June 9, 2022

Status: E. 17th Ave.—west of the Colorado Blvd. intersection—is now open! And with that opening, the transition to the new signals at the intersection is complete. Crews are now focusing on the the open-cut placement of 96” pipe in Albion, in addition to curb/gutter and inlet work along E. 17th Ave. Pkwy. Waterline replacement work will take place along Albion Street the week of June 20th. There will be some service interruptions associated with that work—you will be notified if your service will be affected.
Trash Pickup Reminder:
Please keep in mind that solid waste is short-staffed and is currently running a day or so late on pickup. The construction fence in place along eastbound E. 17th Ave. Pkwy requires some trash pickups to be relocated effective immediately, and until further notice. If you are affected, you should have been notified of this change. If you need assistance with this, please let us know immediately. You can call our hotline, or send us an email.
Current Impacts:
East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. 

Use Caution:
The east side of the job site continues to be extremely busy. Please be very careful when traveling near the project area. 

Need to Reach Us?:
If you have any questions—or issues you need addressed—please email, call or text the hotline.

Here’s to a great weekend!

June 2, 2022

Status: With the paving of the Colorado Blvd. intersection complete, the focus is now on the preparation of E. 17th Ave. for final paving, which is scheduled for tomorrow and Saturday. In addition to that work, final landscaping details such as sod installation and irrigation repairs are also underway on the west side. There will be some ramp work on the west side corners of the intersection on Saturday. The old traffic signal poles at the intersection will be taken down within the next couple of days and the new signals will become operational.

While the west side work is finishing up, crews will continue with the open-cut placement of 96” pipe in Albion, in addition to other infrastructure details along E. 17th Ave. Pkwy. 
Important Trash Pickup Update: Solid waste is short-staffed and is currently running a day or so late on pickup, so please keep that in mind if your pickup is delayed. Also, with the construction fence now in place along eastbound E. 17th Ave. Pkwy, some trash pickup will need to be relocated effective immediately, and until further notice. There are seven homes which will be affected on eastbound E. 17th Ave. Pkwy—between Colorado Blvd. and Albion Street—and you will need to put your trash out to the south, along Batavia. If you are affected, you will be notified directly of this change. If you need assistance with this, please let us know immediately. You can call our hotline, or send us an email and we will help.
Current Impacts: Watch for a southbound lane closure of Colorado Blvd. for paving operations. There will also be some pedestrian detours in place for the ramp work at the intersection. E. 17th Avenue—from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd.—will open the week of June 6th. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. 

It’s Busy Out There!: We have several crews working on different tasks on both sides of Colorado Blvd., in addition to the paving operations. Please be extra careful when walking / biking / driving near the site.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20

Garfield Bike Path Work: The bike path across E. 17th Ave. into City Park at Garfield Street is complete and Garfield Street is set to open soon. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 if you have any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Questions?: Just let us know. Please email, call or text the hotline if you have any questions.

Thanks for your patience during these closures. We appreciate it!

May 2022 - Archive Updates

May 26, 2022

Status: It was great to see milling and paving in the intersection this week! Some final paving details may take place on Saturday, if necessary. Thank you for your patience during those traffic impacts.

All of the remaining work on the west side of the intersection is in preparation for reopening that stretch of roadway. The junction structure there has been completed and backfilled. The new traffic signal control cabinet on the NW corner of the intersection is in place and the control panel will be installed soon, finalizing the signal work. We plan on laying road base along E. 17th Ave. on Wednesday of next week and—weather permitting—hope to pave that section at the end of next week. The open-cut placement of the 96” pipe on the east side is moving along at a good pace. Other infrastructure details on the east side are underway as well. 
Trash Pickup: Please let us know immediately if you have any issues with trash removal. You can call our hotline, or send us an email and we will help fix the problem.
Current Impacts: E. 17th Avenue—from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd.—will be closed until early June. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. 

Use Caution!: It will be extra busy on both sides of Colorado Blvd. as we start to bring in paving equipment and move items off the site. Please be careful when traveling on both the east and west sides of the project.

Holiday Weekend: Crews will not be working this Friday or Monday in observance of Memorial Day.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20

Garfield Bike Path Work: Work on the bike path across E. 17th Ave. into City Park at Garfield Street is nearing final completion. Garfield Street—just west of our project—remains closed. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 if you have any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Need to Reach Us?: Please email, call or text the hotline if you have any questions you need answered.

Here’s to a great Memorial Day weekend!

May 19, 2022

Status: The open-cut placement of the 96” pipe is now to the middle of the Parkway and is ongoing. The new alley apron and sidewalk at the Harrison alley has been completed and that sidewalk has been reopened. The junction structure—at the Colorado Blvd. / E. 17th Ave. intersection on the west side—is finished and is being backfilled in preparation for reopening the roadway. Weather permitting, we expect to mill and overlay at the Colorado Blvd. / E. 17th Ave. intersection next week on May 25th.

Trash Pickup: If there are any changes to trash pickup locations on the east side we will contact you. And please let us know immediately if your trash does not get picked up. You can call our hotline, or send us an email and we will help resolve the issue.

Upcoming Impacts: The upcoming milling and overlay of Colorado Blvd. on May 25th will require rolling, intermittent two-lane closures of Colorado Blvd. that will cause some delays. Please take that into consideration when traveling near the project. The work is expected to take 3 days.
Current Impacts: E. 17th Avenue—from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd.—will be closed until early June. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. 

Heavy Traffic: We have a lot going on in preparation for opening the roadway, and that means even more heavy truck traffic in the area. Please use extreme caution on both the east and west sides of the project.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20

Garfield Bike Path Work: Work on the bike path across E. 17th Ave. into City Park at Garfield Street is almost done. Garfield Street—just west of our project—remains closed. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 if you have any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Questions or Concerns?: Please email, call or text the hotline if you need to reach us.

Have a great weekend!

May 11, 2022

Status: Work on the open-cut placement of the 96” pipe in Albion continues on the east side. The walls of the the junction structure—at the Colorado Blvd. / E. 17th Ave. intersection on the west side—were poured this week and we expect to pour the deck (top) on Saturday. We will backfill the structure and start some paving prep next week and into the following week. Wiring for light poles, and pole and light installation at the Colorado Blvd. / E. 17th Ave. intersection is nearing completion and they should be operational soon. Paving work at the Harrison alley—the alley apron and a bit of sidewalk—is upcoming.

Trash Pickup: We will contact you individually if there are any changes to trash pickup locations on the east side. And please let us know immediately if your trash does not get picked up. You can call our hotline, or send us an email and we will help.

Current Impacts: E. 17th Avenue—from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd.—will be closed until early June. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. Watch for some sidewalk closures on the east side of Colorado—along E. 17th Ave. Parkway—during curb and gutter work. The upcoming milling and overlay of Colorado Blvd. will require some lane closures of Colorado Blvd. We will have more details as we get closer.

Be Careful!: It continues to be a very busy area. No matter how you are traveling, please use extreme caution on both the east and west sides of the project.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20

Garfield Bike Path Work: Work on the bike path across E. 17th Ave. into City Park at Garfield Street is nearly completed. Garfield Street—just west of our project—remains closed. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Have a Question?: It’s easy to reach us. Please email, call or text the hotline if you have any questions or concerns.

We are making great progress out there. We appreciate your patience!

May 5, 2022

Status: It's a very busy site, with crews working on both sides of Colorado. The junction structure—at the Colorado Blvd. / E. 17th Ave. intersection on the west side—is taking shape. The open-cut placement of the 96” pipe in Albion—which ties into the end of the tunnel pipe in E. 17th Ave. Parkway—is moving along at a good pace. Work on wiring for light poles, and pole and light installation at the Colorado Blvd. / E. 17th Ave. intersection is underway, and will continue through next week. We have work on curb / gutter and medians ongoing on the east side along E. 17th Ave. Parkway. Paving work at the Harrison alley—the alley apron and a bit of sidewalk—is upcoming.

Trash Pickup: If there are any changes to trash pickup locations on the east side we will contact you individually. If your trash service does not get picked up, please let us know. You can call our hotline, or send us an email and we will help.

Current Impacts: E. 17th Avenue—from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd.—will be closed until early June. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. Watch for some sidewalk closures on the east side of Colorado—along E. 17th Ave. Parkway—during curb and gutter work. The upcoming milling and overlay of Colorado Blvd. in the middle of May will require some lane closures of Colorado Blvd. We will keep you posted as we get closer to that work.

Safety First!: There’s a lot going on out there with heavy equipment moving on the site. Please use extreme caution on both the east and west sides of the project.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20

Garfield Bike Path Work: Work on the bike path across E. 17th Ave. into City Park at Garfield Street is wrapping up. Garfield Street—just west of our project—remains closed. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Need to Reach Us?: Please email, call or text the hotline if you have any questions or concerns.

Thanks for your patience during this work. Enjoy the weekend!

April 2022 - Archive Updates

April 29, 2022

Status: Work on the junction structure—at the Colorado Blvd. / E. 17th Ave. intersection on the west side—is underway. That structure will connect the 96” inch stormwater pipe to the 9’ x 9’ box culverts. Crews are set to tie into the end of the tunnel pipe in E. 17th Ave. Parkway and begin the open-cut placement of the 96” pipe in Albion. Work on curb / gutter and medians on the east side along E. 17th Ave. Parkway continues. Electrical work for the light poles at the Colorado Blvd. / E. 17th Ave. intersection is also underway with pole and light installation scheduled within the next two weeks.

Trash Pickup: There may be some upcoming changes to trash pickup locations on the east side. You will be contacted individually if your location needs to be changed. If your trash service does not get picked up, please call our hotline or send us an email and we will help get that resolved.

Current Impacts: Watch for some sidewalk closures on the east side of Colorado—along E. 17th Ave. Parkway—during curb and gutter work. The milling and overlay of Colorado Blvd. in the middle of May will require some lane closures of Colorado Blvd. We will keep you posted as we get closer.

E. 17th Avenue—from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd.—will be closed until early June. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. 

Be Careful!: We have heavy equipment working on both sides of Colorado Blvd. Please use extreme caution when walking / driving / biking near the site.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20

Garfield Bike Path Work: The bike path across E. 17th Ave. into City Park at Garfield Street is nearing completion. Garfield Street—just west of our project—remains closed. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Questions?: Just let us know. Please email, call or text the hotline if you have any questions or concerns.

Have a great weekend!

April 21, 2022

Status: The installation of the 9’ x 9’ box where the tunnel pit was located—on the west side of the Colorado Blvd./E. 17th Ave. intersection—is finishing up. Work on the junction structure at that same location will continue for the next couple of weeks. That structure will connect the 96” inch pipe to the 9’ x 9’ boxes. The placement of the 96” pipe in Albion will start next week. Crews are also working on curb / gutter, and medians on the east side along E. 17th Ave. Parkway. The electrical prep work for light poles at the Colorado Blvd. / E. 17th Ave. intersection is happening this week, and we expect pole and light installation within the next two weeks. We will be milling and paving sections of the Colorado Blvd / E. 17th Ave. intersection the first week of May. 

Trash Pickup: You will be contacted individually if trash pickup locations need to be changed. If your trash service does not get picked up, please call our hotline or send us an email and we will help to get that resolved.

Current Impacts: Watch for some sidewalk closures on the east side of Colorado—along E. 17th Ave. Parkway—during curb and gutter work. The milling and overlay of Colorado Blvd. during the first week of May will require a closure of Colorado Blvd. We will keep you posted on details.

E. 17th Avenue—from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd.—will be closed until early June. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. 

Use Caution!: We have lots of work ongoing on both sides of Colorado Blvd., so please be extremely careful around the project area. 

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20

Garfield Bike Path Work: Work on the bike path across E. 17th Ave. into City Park at Garfield Street is still ongoing. Garfield Street—just west of our project—remains closed. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Reach Out: If you have any questions, Please email, call or text the hotline if you have any questions or concerns.

Enjoy the weekend!

April 15, 2022

Status: With all tunneling equipment off the site, the focus is on laying the 9’ x 9’ box where the tunnel pit was located—on the west side of the Colorado Blvd./E. 17th Ave. intersection. That work will continue into next week. Crews will also begin work on the junction structure next week at that same location. This structure will connect the 96” inch pipe to the 9’ x 9’ boxes. Once the 9’ x 9’ boxes are in place, that crew will jump across Colorado Blvd. to start to work on the placement of the 96” pipe in the E. 17th Ave. Parkway and Albion area. More miscellaneous stormwater work includes manholes and inlets in the eastbound lanes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway at Colorado Blvd. Work on traffic signals at the Colorado Blvd./E. 17th Ave. intersection is ongoing. 

Trash Pickup: If we need to alter trash pickup locations, you will be contacted individually. If your trash service does not get picked up, please call our hotline or send us an email and we will help to get that resolved.

Current Impacts: E. 17th Avenue—from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd.—will be closed until early June. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. 

Heavy Truck Traffic Warning: There’s a lot going on out there. Please use caution when you are out and about near the project.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20

Garfield Bike Path Work: Work on the bike path across E. 17th Ave. into City Park at Garfield Street is still ongoing. Garfield Street— just west of our project—remains closed. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Have a Concern?: It’s easy to reach us. Please email, call or text the hotline if you have any questions or concerns.

More good progress was made this week, with work on both sides of Colorado Blvd!

April 8, 2022

Status: Last weekend’s northbound closure of Colorado Blvd. was a success, with crews opening the roadway on Sunday—well ahead of schedule. Tunneling is now complete and the tunnel head was pulled out of the pit this morning. Crews are now cleaning out the tunnel and all tunneling equipment should be off the site by early next week. Truckloads of pipe are now starting to arrive for placement in Albion Street. That work is scheduled to begin the end of the week of April 18th. Work on traffic signals at the intersection will start up next week. Watch for curb / gutter work on the medians at Colorado and E. 17th Ave. Parkway.
Trash Pickup: There may be some upcoming changes in trash pickup locations as the job progresses—you will be contacted individually if things should change.  If your trash service does not get picked up, please call our hotline and we will help to get that resolved.

Current Impacts: E. 17th Avenue—from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd.—will be closed until early June. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Bellaire Street to Colorado Blvd.—is closed. Both eastbound routes of E. 17th Ave. Parkway are closed from Colorado Blvd. to Albion. See the new impact map above for details.

Be Careful!: We have tunneling equipment moving off the site and truckloads of pipe moving in, so please use caution when you are out and about near the project.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20 

Garfield Bike Path Work: The bike path across E. 17th Ave. into City Park at Garfield Street is ongoing. Garfield Street— just west of our project—remains closed for this work. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Questions?: We have answers! Please email, call or text the hotline if you have any questions or concerns.

Lots of good progress this past week!

April 1, 2022

Status: Tunneling operations are winding down, and the tunnel is complete to just short of Albion Street. By the end of next week, all of the tunneling equipment will be off the site. At that point, the crew will begin to stage the last 50’ of the 9’ x 9’ concrete boxes that will be placed up to the entrance of the tunnel on the west side. That work should occur during the week of April 11th. Sidewalk work on the SE corner of the park is complete and that area is now fully open to pedestrians. Traffic signal upgrades at the intersection are coming soon. 

Northbound Colorado Blvd. Closure This Weekend, April 1- 4: We are set for the next complete closure of northbound Colorado Blvd. this weekend, April 1 - 4. The closure will be in place from the north side of Colfax Ave. to the south side of E. 18th Ave. The closure will begin at 9 PM on April 1st—continuing until approximately 5 AM on Monday morning, April 4th, if not before. The Montview and E. 23rd Ave. intersections will not be affected. Detour signs and message boards will be in place. 

City Park, City Park Golf Course, Denver Zoo and Denver Museum of Nature and Science will all be accessible from Colorado Blvd. and 23rd Ave. during both closures. Delays should be anticipated. Crews will install sound barriers on Friday night before work begins. We will work 24 hours a day during the weekend to ensure that we finish as quickly as possible.  

This closure is weather dependent — we will keep you posted.
Current Impacts: E. 17th Avenue—from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd.—will be closed until early June. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Albion to Colorado Blvd.—remains closed. 

Caution!: With the tunneling equipment moving off the site, the area will be even busier with truck traffic. Please use caution when driving / biking / walking around the project area.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20 

Garfield Bike Path Work: The bike path across E. 17th Ave. into City Park at Garfield Street is looking good. Garfield Street— just west of our project—remains closed for this work. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Need to Reach Us?: Have a question or concern? If so, please email, call or text the hotline. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

It’s all systems go with this nice weather.

March 2022 - Archive Updates

March 24, 2022

Status: We have successfully modified the tunneling equipment for better efficiency, and we will be underway again tomorrow. We will continue to track the progress of the tunneling activity to ensure it is progressing at the proper rate. In the meantime, sidewalk work is finishing up on the SE corner of the park and that area will be fully open to pedestrians within the next day or so. Next week brings traffic signal upgrades at the intersection.

Northbound Colorado Blvd. Closure Cancelled: Due to unexpected site conditions and staffing issues, we have had to cancel the Colorado Blvd. closure scheduled for this weekend. It has been rescheduled for next weekend, April 1-4. We will continue to keep you posted.

Current Impacts: E. 17th Avenue — from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd. — will be closed until early June. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Albion to Colorado Blvd.— remains closed. 

Caution!: There’s a lot going on out there, on both sides of Colorado Blvd. Please be extremely careful when walking / biking / driving near the project.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20 

Garfield Bike Path Work: The bike path crossing E. 17th Ave. into City Park at Garfield Street is looking good. Garfield Street — just west of our project — remains closed for this work. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Have a Question?: It’s easy to reach us if you have a question or concern. Please email, call or text the hotline, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.  Thanks for your cooperation during this work — we appreciate it.

March 16, 2022

Sidewalk work will finish up this weekend on the NW corner of the park and pedestrians access will open early next week. Full pedestrian access to NE corner sidewalks will open on Friday. The alley apron / entrance off of E. 17th Ave. Pkwy — in between Colorado Blvd and Albion Street — has been reconfigured and replaced, and will be open early next week.

Looking forward, we’ve had to make a few changes to our schedule. The project team is adjusting its timeline for fully reopening E. 17th Avenue — west of Colorado Boulevard — from early April to early June as the result of several unavoidable obstacles.  1) material shortages delayed delivery of the stormwater pipe going under Colorado Blvd,  2) a COVID infection spike in January affected our contractor’s workforce numbers, 3) the discovery of an unknown fiber optic line under Colorado Blvd had to be removed, and 4) the tunneling work itself is taking longer than anticipated. We are exploring why the underground tunneling equipment is not moving through the soil as quickly as we would like, and in the next couple of weeks we will determine if tunneling is still the best method to get that pipe installed, or if an alternative method is needed. We will work through these issues as quickly as possible and will continue to keep you informed as we move forward.

Northbound Colorado Blvd. Closure Scheduled for March 25-28: We are set for the next complete closure of northbound Colorado Blvd. the weekend of March 25-28. The closure will be in place from the north side of Colfax Ave. to the south side of E. 18th Ave. The closure will begin at 9 PM on March 25th—continuing until approximately 5 AM on Monday morning, March 28th. The Montview and E. 23rd Ave. intersections will not be affected. Detour signs and message boards will be in place. 

City Park, City Park Golf Course, Denver Zoo and Denver Museum of Nature and Science will all be accessible from Colorado Blvd. and 23rd Ave. during both closures. Delays should be anticipated. Crews will install sound barriers on Friday night before work begins. We will work 24 hours a day during the weekend to ensure that we finish as quickly as possible.  

This closure is weather dependent — we will let you know if this date changes.
Current Impacts: The sidewalk work is affecting a southbound, west side lane of Colorado Boulevard. E. 17th Avenue — from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd. — will be closed until early June. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Albion to Colorado Blvd.— remains closed. Watch for work and associated pedestrian detours at the NW intersection corner.

Please Be Careful: We continue to have lots of heavy equipment on the site, and truck traffic coming and going. Please be extremely careful around the project area.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20

Garfield Bike Path Work: The bike path across E. 17th Ave. into City Park at Garfield Street is taking shape. Garfield Street — just west of our project — remains closed for this work. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Reach Out: If you need to reach us with a question or concern, please email, call or text the hotline. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

We appreciate your continued patience during these closures and impacts. Thank you!

March 11, 2022

Status: Bike path, sidewalk, and ramp work is now complete at the NE corner of E. 17th Ave. at Colorado Blvd. That area will be reopened for pedestrians. Work on ramps and sidewalks on the SE corner of the park is starting. Watch for pedestrian detours around that work. Tunneling is underway — and will continue down to Albion Street.

The relocation of a gas line at Albion and E. 17th Ave. Parkway — in preparation for our upcoming work at that location — should be wrapped up early next week.

Upcoming Northbound Colorado Blvd. Closure CANCELLED: Because of continued cold and snowy weather, we have had to cancel the closure set for this weekend. We are tentatively rescheduling the closure for the weekend of March 25th.

Current Impacts: Inlet work is affecting a southbound, west side lane of Colorado Blvd. The initial closures are still in place: E. 17th Avenue — from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd. — will be closed thru March. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Albion to Colorado Blvd.— remains closed. Watch for work and associated pedestrian detours at the SE intersection corner. A southbound lane of Albion is closed at E. 17th Parkway.

Use Caution: Heavy truck traffic continues in and around the the project area. Please be extremely cautious when driving / walking / biking near the project.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20

Garfield Bike Path Work: Work continues on the bike path across E. 17th Ave. into City Park at Garfield Street. Garfield Street — just west of our project — remains closed for this work. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Need to Reach Us?: Please email, call or text the hotline if you have any questions or concerns and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Feels like this weather has been set on repeat!  Thanks for your patience!

February 2022 - Archive Updates

February 24, 2022

Status: Despite being sidelined by some frigid weather this week, tunneling begins tomorrow and will continue into the weekend. Tunneling is expected to be finished in approximately 10 working days. After that is completed, excavation will start at Albion and E. 17th Ave. Parkway. Bike path, sidewalk, and curb / gutter work is currently underway at the NE corner of E. 17th Ave. at Colorado Blvd. Watch for pedestrian detours as that work progresses. Inlet work is affecting a southbound, west side lane of Colorado Blvd.

Upcoming Xcel Work at Albion: Beginning next week, an Xcel crew will be relocating a gas line at Albion and E. 17th Ave. Pkwy in preparation for our upcoming work at that location. The work will require a closure of the southern lane of E. 17th Ave. Pkwy, and Albion will dead end at that intersection. The work is expected to take about a week.

Upcoming Northbound Colorado Blvd. Closure Set for March 11-14: This complete closure of northbound Colorado Blvd. will be in place from the north side of Colfax Ave. to the south side of E. 18th Ave. The closure will begin at 9 PM on March 11th—continuing until approximately 5 AM on Monday morning, March 14. The Montview and E. 23rd Ave. intersections will not be affected. Detour signs and message boards will be in place. 

City Park, City Park Golf Course, Denver Zoo and Denver Museum of Nature and Science will all be accessible from Colorado Blvd. and 23rd Ave. during both closures. Delays should be anticipated. Crews will install sound barriers on Friday night before work begins. We will work 24 hours a day during these weekends to ensure that we finish as quickly as possible.  

This closure is weather dependent and we will continue to keep you updated.

Current Impacts: In addition to the southbound, west side lane closure of Colorado Blvd. at E. 17th Ave., the ongoing closures are still in place: E. 17th Avenue — from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd. — will be closed thru March. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Albion to Colorado Blvd.— remains closed. Watch for work at the intersection corners.

Caution!: There’s a lot going on out there. Please be extremely cautious when  driving / walking / biking near the project.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20 

Garfield Bike Path Work: Crews continue to work on the bike path across E. 17th Ave. and into City Park at Garfield Street. Garfield Street — just west of our project — remains closed for this work. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Need to Reach Us?: Please email, call or text the hotline and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  Looks like great weather moving in next week—finally!

February 17, 2022

Status: It was an exciting day on the site yesterday as the tunnel head was delivered and placed into the pit. Tunneling begins next week. Curb / gutter, sidewalk, ramp and inlet work is currently underway at the NE corner of E. 17th Ave. at Colorado Blvd. Watch for pedestrian detours as that work progresses. Inlet work is also affecting a southbound, west side lane of Colorado Blvd.

Current Impacts: In addition to the southbound, west side lane closure of Colorado Blvd. at E. 17th Ave., the ongoing closures are still in place: E. 17th Avenue — from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd. — will be closed until March. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Albion to Colorado Blvd.— remains closed. Watch for work at the intersection corners.

Safety Near the Site: All roadways near the project continue to be extremely busy with extra truck traffic. Please be extremely cautious when  driving / walking / biking near the project.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20 

Garfield Bike Path Work: Bike path work continues across E. 17th Ave. and into City Park at Garfield Street. Garfield Street — just west of our project — remains closed for this work. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Have a Question?: We can help with that. Please email, call or text the hotline and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  Have a great weekend!

February 10, 2022

Status: There’s a lot of activity on the site as we prepare to tunnel. It’s hard to see from street level, but work continues down in the tunnel launch pit, with the headwall and the thrust block being poured this week. The hydraulics and the jacking frame that push the tunneling pipe forward go into place next. The gray equipment you see parked on E. 17th Ave. is the separation plant, which separates the solids and water from the tunnel debris and routes the water back to be used in the tunneling effort. 

We estimate the actual tunneling to begin the week of the 21st. Curb / gutter and sidewalk work is underway at the east side corners of the intersection, moving next to the west side corners. Watch for pedestrian detours as that work progresses.

Water Service Interruptions: On Monday crews will start water main work on the east side along E. 17th Ave. Pkwy. to Albion. There will be some interruptions to water service during that work. You will receive a notification if your service will be affected.

Current Impacts: The current closures remain the same: E. 17th Avenue — from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd. — will be closed until March. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Albion to Colorado Blvd.— remains closed. Watch for work at the intersection corners.

Heavy Truck Traffic: The project area is even busier now as we get closer to tunneling. Please use caution when driving / walking / biking near the project.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20 

Garfield Bike Lane Work: You can now see the bike path taking shape into the park. Garfield Street at E. 17th Ave. — just west of our project — remains closed for this work. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Need to Reach Us?: It’s easy! Email, call or text the hotline and we will get back to you right away.

We are excited to get the tunneling underway soon!

February 3, 2022

Status: Weather has been an issue this week and has slowed us a bit. The excavation of the tunnel launch pit has been completed and we are waiting for a warmer day next week to place the concrete for the floor. We hope to start the actual tunneling at the end of next week, weather permitting. Work on the east side includes water main relocation and inlet work.

Current Impacts: The current closures remain the same: E. 17th Avenue — from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd. — will be closed until March. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Albion to Colorado Blvd.— remains closed.

Caution!: E. 17th Ave. continues to be extra busy with tunneling equipment moving onto the site. As a result, please use caution when driving / walking / biking near the project.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20 

Garfield Bike Lane Work: Garfield Street at E. 17th Ave. — just west of our project — remains closed for the bike lane crossing work. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Question? Concern?: Please reach out—we are here to help. Email, call or text the hotline and we will get back to you right away.  Keep your fingers crossed for some warm weather!

January 2022 - Archive Updates

January 27, 2022

Status: Saturday’s relocation of the fiber optic line—which was in conflict with the upcoming tunneling path—was a success. We appreciate your patience during that work and the resulting closures. The tunneling equipment is moving onto the site now in preparation for the excavation of the tunnel launch pit. The actual tunneling starts late next week, weather permitting. We also have a lot of snow removal underway with these recent storms.

Current Impacts: The current closure along E. 17th Avenue — from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd. — will be in place until March. East 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Albion to Colorado Blvd.— remains closed.

Heavy Truck Traffic Alert: There is extra truck traffic on E. 17th Ave. as tunneling equipment moves onto the site. As a result, please use caution around the project area.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20 

Garfield Bike Lane: Garfield Street at E. 17th Ave. — just west of our project — remains closed for the bike lane crossing work. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Need More Info?: Email, call or text the hotline if you have any questions or concerns and we will get back to you right away.

Thanks everyone, we appreciate your patience during this work.

January 20, 2022

Status: Work on the sanitary line should be finishing up this week. Crews are also working on inlets and various sections of sidewalk and curb. You will start to see lots of equipment moving onto the site now, as we prepare for the excavation of the tunnel launch pit next week. The actual tunneling starts at the end of this month. The crew is also prepping for a partial closure of Colorado Blvd. on Saturday. 

Partial Colorado Blvd. Closure This Saturday 1/22/22
The crew encountered an unknown fiber optic line during our January 8 weekend closure which is in direct conflict with our upcoming tunneling effort. Relocating the line this weekend will require crews to fully close the northbound lanes of Colorado Boulevard as well as two lanes of southbound Colorado Boulevard this coming Saturday, January 22, from 7 AM - 9 PM. This closure is weather dependent. 

City Park, City Park Golf Course, Denver Zoo and Denver Museum of Nature and Science will all be accessible from Colorado Blvd. and 23rd Ave. during the closure. Delays should be anticipated. 

Other Impacts: The current closure along E. 17th Avenue — from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd. — will be in place until March 2022. The closure of E. 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Albion to Colorado Blvd.— remains closed.

17th Ave. Caution!: With the equipment moving on site for tunneling, truck traffic along E. 17th Avenue continues to be very heavy. Please be extremely careful around the project area.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has changed as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20  

Garfield Bike Lane: Garfield Street at E. 17th Ave. — just west of our project — remains closed for the bike lane crossing work. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Questions?: Please email, call or text the hotline if you have any questions or concerns and we will get back to you right away.

We appreciate your patience during this work. Thank you!

January 19, 2022

The crew encountered an unknown fiber optic line during our January 8 weekend closure that’s in direct conflict with our upcoming tunneling effort. Relocating the line this weekend will require crews to fully close the northbound lanes of Colorado Boulevard as well as two lanes of southbound Colorado Boulevard this coming Saturday, January 22, from 7 AM - 9 PM.
This closure is weather dependent. We will keep you updated. 

Thank you for your continued patience!

January 13, 2022

Status: Weekend work on the sanitary main in the E. 17th Ave. / Colorado Blvd. intersection went well. Work on E. 17th Ave. Pkwy. continues as the crew brings the sanitary line up to the intersection in preparation for tunneling. The tunneling equipment is moving onto the site, with the tunneling work beginning later this month. The tunnel will go in E. 17th Ave. — under Colorado Blvd. — all the way to Albion Street. 

Upcoming Colorado Blvd. Closure: 

Northbound Colorado Blvd. Closure This Weekend, January 14th - January 17th
This complete closure of northbound Colorado Blvd. will be in place from the north side of Colfax Ave. to the south side of E. 18th Ave. The closure will begin at 9 PM on January 14th—continuing until approximately 5 AM on Monday morning, January 17. The Montview and E. 23rd Ave. intersections will not be affected. Local traffic will be allowed to proceed north on Colorado Blvd. up to eastbound 17th Ave. Pkwy in an effort to maintain neighborhood access. Detours will be placed at Colfax Ave / Colorado Blvd with an option to proceed east to Monaco Pkwy or west to York Street. From there, the detour will continue north to E. 23rd Ave. and then direct traffic back to northbound Colorado Blvd. Detour signs and message boards will be in place. 

City Park, City Park Golf Course, Denver Zoo and Denver Museum of Nature and Science will all be accessible from Colorado Blvd. and 23rd Ave. during this closure. Delays should be anticipated. Crews will install sound barriers on Friday night before work begins. We will work 24 hours a day during the weekend to ensure that we finish as quickly as possible.  

This closure is weather dependent and we will continue to keep you updated.

Other Impacts: The current closure along E. 17th Avenue — from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd. — will be in place until March 2022. The closure of E. 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Albion to Colorado Blvd.— has been extended until approximately January 31st.

Heavy Trucks!: Pipe deliveries for the upcoming tunneling are ongoing, which means heavy truck traffic moving along E. 17th Avenue continues. Please be extremely careful biking / walking or crossing that stretch of roadway.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has been affected as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20

Garfield Bike Lane: Work on this bike lane crossing of 17th Avenue at Garfield—just west of our project—continues. Garfield Street at that location is closed. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

Have a question?:  It’s easy to reach us. Just email, call or text the hotline if you have any questions or concerns and we will get back to you right away.

January 6, 2022

Status: The installation of sanitary sewer line continues. The tunneling equipment will be moving onto the site soon, with the work beginning later this month. The tunnel will go in 17th Ave. — under Colorado Blvd. — all the way to Albion Street.

Upcoming Colorado Blvd. Closures: 

Southbound Colorado Blvd. Closure Coming This Weekend: January 7th - January 10
The next planned closure of southbound Colorado Blvd. is coming this weekend. This complete closure will be in place starting Friday, January 7th at 9 PM—continuing until approximately 5 AM on Monday morning, January 10. As before, the closure will extend from the south side of E. 23rd Ave. to the north side of E. 16th Ave. Local and Denver Museum of Nature and Science / Zoo traffic will be allowed to proceed south on Colorado Blvd to Montview Blvd.

Northbound Colorado Blvd. Closure Set for January 14th - January 17th
This complete closure of northbound Colorado Blvd. will be in place from the north side of Colfax Ave. to the south side of E. 18th Ave. The closure will begin at 9 PM on January 14th—continuing until approximately 5 AM on Monday morning, January 17. The Montview and E. 23rd Ave. intersections will not be affected. Local traffic will be allowed to proceed north on Colorado Blvd. up to eastbound 17th Ave. Pkwy in an effort to maintain neighborhood access. Detours will be placed at Colfax Ave / Colorado Blvd with an option to proceed east to Monaco Pkwy or west to York Street. From there, the detour will continue north to E. 23rd Ave. and then direct traffic back to northbound Colorado Blvd. Detour signs and message boards will be in place.

City Park, City Park Golf Course, Denver Zoo and Denver Museum of Nature and Science will all be accessible from Colorado Blvd. and 23rd Ave. during both closures. Delays should be anticipated. Crews will install sound barriers on Friday night before work begins. We will work 24 hours a day during these weekends to ensure that we finish as quickly as possible.  

Both of these closures are weather dependent. We will keep you updated.

Other Impacts: The current closure along E. 17th Avenue — from Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd. — will be in place until March 2022. The closure of E. 17th Avenue Parkway westbound—from Albion to Colorado Blvd.— has been extended until approximately January 17th.

Use Caution: Heavy truck traffic moving along E. 17th Avenue continues. Be careful out there!

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: RTD’s route #20 has been affected as a result of this project. Please check the RTD route websites for details: Route 20

Garfield Bike Lane: Work on this bike lane crossing of 17th Avenue at Garfield—just west of our project—continues. Garfield Street at that location is closed. Please contact Jacob Hurley at jacob@circuitmedia.com / (515) 451-7494 with any questions or concerns regarding that project.

January 4, 2022

Southbound Colorado Blvd. Closure Coming This Weekend: January 7th - January 10

The next planned closure of southbound Colorado Blvd. is coming this weekend. This complete closure will be in place starting Friday, January 7th at 9 PM—continuing until approximately 5 AM on Monday morning, January 10. As before, the closure will extend from the south side of E. 23rd Ave. to the north side of E. 16th Ave. Local and Denver Museum of Nature and Science / Zoo traffic will be allowed to proceed south on Colorado Blvd to Montview Blvd.  

Northbound Colorado Blvd. Closure Set for January 14th - January 17th

This complete closure of northbound Colorado Blvd. will be in place from the north side of Colfax Ave. to the south side of E. 18th Ave. The closure will begin at 9 PM on January 14th—continuing until approximately 5 AM on Monday morning, January 17. The Montview and E. 23rd Ave. intersections will not be affected. Local traffic will be allowed to proceed north on Colorado Blvd. up to eastbound 17th Ave. Pkwy in an effort to maintain neighborhood access. Detours will be placed at Colfax Ave / Colorado Blvd with an option to proceed east to Monaco Pkwy or west to York Street. From there, the detour will continue north to E. 23rd Ave. and then direct traffic back to northbound Colorado Blvd. Detour signs and message boards will be in place.

City Park, City Park Golf Course, Denver Zoo and Denver Museum of Nature and Science will all be accessible from Colorado Blvd. and 23rd Ave. during both closures. Delays should be anticipated. Crews will install sound barriers on Friday night before work begins. We will work 24 hours a day during these weekends to ensure that we finish as quickly as possible.  

Both of these closures are weather dependent. We will keep you updated.

May 2021 - Archive Updates

May 21, 2021

Status: Crews are mobilizing on the site and you will start to see lots of heavy equipment moving in. The full closure of 17th Avenue—from the alley west of Jackson Street to Colorado Boulevard—is now into effect. Message boards with street closure information, and signage showing the suggested detour routes are in place.
Impacts: This first closure will be in place between 4-6 months. Please use the suggested detour routes. Next week, there will be uniformed traffic officers at 16th Colorado and 17th Esplanade to make sure non-local traffic flows around the neighborhoods, rather than through. If you live and/or work in these areas, please talk to the officers — they have been directed to allow local residents / employees / deliveries access. Over the weekend, the detours at 17th York and 17th Josephine will also be shifting to better handle traffic flows.

Water Main Work: There are some upcoming water service shutoffs — if you are affected by these shutoffs, you will be informed a minimum of 24 hours in advance by the contractor.
Nearby Projects: There is work being done on nearby projects by Q3 and PSC so you will see their trucks and resulting closures in the neighborhood. Those projects are not affiliated with this project.

Construction Fencing: Please do not move the fencing surrounding the work for any reason—it is in place for the safety of all. Violations will be reported to the proper authorities. 

Safety First: Please be cautious when walking / driving / biking near the project, and please do not enter the site for any reason, or follow construction vehicles onto the site.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: Due to the construction, there will be some changes to RTD’s route 20. Please visit the RTD website for details. Route 20
Reach Out: If you have any questions or concerns it’s easy to reach us. Just send us an email, call or text the hotline, or call me directly. All of our contact information is listed in the box below. 
Thanks for your patience as we get this project rolling.

May 19, 2021

We hear your concerns regarding traffic issues as a result of the detours and closures. We are adding to our traffic control devices and reworking some detours on a daily basis. We are experiencing a lot of comments at this time, but we continue to monitor and address the traffic control as necessary, and will keep you in the loop with updates.

Please note: Q3 has a closure on Harrison that is not associated with this project. And please do not relocate existing traffic control devices as it is illegal.

May 13, 2021

 Pending final permitting approval and weather, crews will be mobilizing on the site next Monday, May 17th. The full closure of 17th Avenue—from the alley west of Jackson Street to Colorado Boulevard—will then go into effect. Message boards with street closure information, and signage showing the suggested detour routes will be in place.

Impacts: Various street closures will be in place on 17th Avenue, Colorado Boulevard, and 17th Avenue Parkway during this project. The first closure that goes into effect Monday will be in place between 4-6 months. Please refer to the animated map above which shows current and upcoming closures.

Rider Alert / RTD Route 20 Changes: Due to the construction, there will be some changes to RTD’s route 20. Please visit the RTD website for details. Route 20

Construction Fencing: Please do not move the fencing surrounding the work for any reason—it is in place for the safety of all. Violations will be reported to the proper authorities.

Be Careful: There will be heavy machinery and truck traffic on and near the site starting Monday. Please be cautious when walking / driving / biking near the project, and please do not enter the site for any reason.

Question/Concerns? If you have any questions or concerns it’s easy to reach us. Just send us an email, call or text the hotline, or call me directly. All of our contact information is listed in the box below.

April 2021 - Archive Updates

April 30, 2021

Status: Message boards with street closure information, and signage showing the suggested detour routes for the upcoming construction will be placed on Monday. You will also see the crew starting to mobilize on site the week of May 17th.

Impacts: Various street closures will be in place on 17th Avenue, Colorado Boulevard, and 17th Avenue Parkway during this project. The first closure will be on 17th Avenue, from the alley west of Jackson Street to Colorado Blvd. This full closure will be in place between 4-6 months. Please refer to the map above.

Reach Out: If you have any questions or concerns just send us an email, call or text the hotline, or call me directly.