Park Hill Storm Phase V Project
The Park Hill Storm Phase V project on Dahlia Street between 48th Avenue and up to Smith Road (before the railroad tracks) was under construction from October 2017 to the end of 2018. This project was a continuation of the Phase IV project completed in 2014, with the goal of reducing localized flooding problems and damage to roadways and private property.
Construction crews installed an 84" storm drainage pipe and a 24" sanitary sewer pipe in Dahlia Street. The two pipes pass underneath two private railroad crossings, a BNSF railroad and Interstate 70. The pipes vary in location, but generally were installed between the western side of the street and the center of the street.
The team began outreach to the community in September 2017 to mitigate the impact to businesses. Construction began in October 2017 and continued through December 2018 as part of the citywide General Storm Drainage Capital Improvement Program.
East Yale Avenue Storm Drain
The project addressed frequent flooding in the University Hills neighborhood in southeast Denver, at the geographic low point in S. Glencoe Street south of E. Yale Avenue. This location was identified as a Significant Flooding Location in the City’s Storm Drainage Master Plan. The project will improve the storm infrastructure to adequately drain the neighborhood’s low lying area. The additional outfall system will help contain flooding and improve public safety during major storms.
Construction was completed in 2018.
Glenbrook Stormwater Detention Basin
A permanent flood protection stormwater detention facility for the Marston neighborhood in South Denver was completed in the city-owned natural area south of Garrison and Union Park. Denver Public Works and Denver Parks & Recreation coordinated park redesign and community review on this project that concluded in Summer 2018.
The final design for the Glenbrook Detention Basin and associated storm water pipes on Garrison Street was completed in March of 2017. Construction began in October 2017 and concluded in June 2018.
Project Features
- A stormwater detention and water quality basin, to temporarily hold water for a few hours during heavy storms to help prevent residential flooding
- Underground storm sewer facilities with water quality vaults
- Disconnection of stormwater from Bowles Irrigation Ditch
- New landscape and irrigation facilities
- New concrete trail system to connect the existing trails to the neighborhood and Garrison and Union Park, with add-on to the loop trail to the west
South Forest Street Outfall
This neighborhood drainage project increased the capacity of the existing storm sewer system in the Virginia Village neighborhood of southeast Denver to reduce flooding and protect the area upstream of Potenza Park. Planning for this general storm project started in 2012, with design completed and approved in 2016. Construction was completed at the end of May 2018.
Denver Public Works improved the South Forest Street Outfall in the Virginia Village neighborhood of southeast Denver to reduce flooding and protect the area upstream of Potenza Park. The neighborhood drainage project, part of the General Storm Capital Improvement Program, increased the capacity of the existing storm sewer system to improve drainage and protect property during a 100-year flood event.
Project Features
- New storm drain infrastructure at the intersection of E. Nebraska Way and S. Forest Street to direct stormwater runoff into the outfall at Cherry Creek
- Rebuilding the existing outfall to add capacity and connect to the new storm system
- Improvements at the south entrance to Potenza Park to reduce runoff and flooding on Mississippi Ave.
- Additional new storm drain in Missouri Ave from S. Forest St. to Elm St.