February 2021 - June 2021
The project team gathered additional input from one-on-one agency and department stakeholder meetings. CDOT, as the current property owner, continues to inform our process and outcomes. The project has also benefitted from new eyes as it has evolved with staffing changes. Given the many factors and inputs, the current phase of work options for investment from the public and private sector, to keep creative funding options on the table, and allow for flexibility for mobility choices and development patterns, several of the scenarios will move forward to for continued analysis.
September 2020 – January 2021
The project team has taken into account the previous Colfax/Federal work efforts that outlined different mobility options, identified constraints of the site, taken into account the technical requirements needed for transportation and mobility, and developed draft transformation scenarios that include 7 component layers: stormwater, open space, pedestrian connections, community road connections, transit routes, development parcels, and vehicular traffic. These scenarios are some of many that the project team has/is exploring and will also continue to evolve as this project moves forward.