Washington Street Corridor

Washington Street Final Design and Construction: 47th Avenue to 52nd Avenue

The City and County of Denver, in coordination with the Globeville community, conducted a two-year study of the Washington Street corridor that concluded in 2018. The study recommended redesigning Washington Street to support the community’s vision for a mixed-use riverfront destination that capitalizes on its proximity to the South Platte River and National Western Center.

The preferred alternative for Washington Street from 38th Avenue north to 52nd Avenue includes vehicle travel lanes, possible landscape amenity zones, bike and pedestrian facilities, on-street parking and green infrastructure.  The Washington Street improvements Final Design and Construction effort will address design and construction from 47th Avenue to 52nd Avenue.

Washington Corridor Design Map

Public Involvement

Thank you for your input throughout the design process.

To be updated throughout the finalization of design and through the ROW acquisition process. Please reach out to join the CAG meetings on the right hand side of the page.


  • Design is underway for Washington Street from 47th Avenue north to 52nd Avenue, and is anticipated to be complete in 2024.
  • Construction will begin in 2025.
Washington Corridor Design Timeline

Study Archive

Vision: The area is transformed into a mixed-use riverfront destination area that capitalizes on its adjacency to the South Platte River, a revitalized Washington Street, reinvented greenspace, and direct connections across the river to the National Western Center.

Goal Statement: Make Washington Street an attractive corridor that creates a positive sense of place, attracts private reinvestment, and better accommodates all transportation modes.

Washington Street Study, 2018(PDF, 6MB)

Study Goals

Washington Street was identified in the Globeville Neighborhood Plan as “an attractive corridor that creates a positive sense of place, attracts private reinvestment, and better accommodates all transportation modes.” The Washington Street Study will refine and progress this vision of Washington Street into an implementable conceptual design.

Challenges along Washington Street include the existing right of way width of 60 feet and the inconsistency and poor condition of the curb, gutter and sidewalk to provide definition and separation between vehicular travel and pedestrian space. Intersection capacity, multi-modal connectivity and water quality infrastructure needs are additional challenges along the street.

Multimodal connections for the Washington Street corridor as well as the adjacent corridors will also be considered to integrate the street into a larger surrounding context.

Study Map & Limits

The study limits start at the South Platte River and extend north to the City and County of Denver municipal boundary limits near 52nd Avenue. The analysis, planning and conceptual design will address the changing land uses and the future vision for the corridor as a mixed use street, as previously identified in the Globeville neighborhood Plan.

Washington Study Map

Community Working Group Materials

October 2017 Community Working Group Meeting #5

August 2017 Community Working Group Meeting #4

June 2017 Community Working Group Meeting #3

March 2017 Community Working Group Meeting #2

February 2017 Community Working Group Meeting #1

October 27, 2016

Presentation to National Western Center Executive Oversight Committee, National Western Center Citizens Advisory Committee