Street Occupancy

See below for information on the short-term use of the City’s Right-of-Way (ROW) by applicants through the issuance of various permits.

Use this form to calculate permit costs, and please include with all requests when submitting through E-Permits.

Updated as of December 14, 2023

DOTI Street Occupancy Request Form(XLS, 797KB)
DOTI Street Occupancy Request Form(PDF, 571KB)

PLEASE NOTE: When applying upload this Street Occupancy Request Worksheet form.


Contractors who are issued a Street Cut Permit record shall be required to adhere to the following set of rules:

All street patch repairs (including those located in public alleys) restored with asphalt pavement (both temporary and final patches) or concrete pavement are required to be marked with Street Cut Pavement Repair Marker by the Permittee.

Note: A Street Occupancy Permit is always required in addition to the Street Cut or Construction Permit.

Street Cut Pavement Repair Markers Requirements(PDF, 240KB)

e-permits-how-to-row-2020.pdf(PDF, 2MB)


PLEASE NOTE: All submittals must upload DOTI Street Occupancy Request Worksheet and traffic plans.

All right-of way street cut, street occupancy and ROW construction permits must be submitted online through E-Permits.

Permits available to apply and pay online:

  • Street Occupancy and construction in the right of way
  • Addressing
  • Street Furniture (Outdoor Places Program)
  • Vending Cart

Special Event Closures

For street/alley closures related to special events (not construction), see the Special Events Planning Guide Section C: Events on Denver Streets.

Traffic Control Plans

Parking Meter Bagging

Applications to bag meters can be managed through the Online Meter Bagging Permit System.

Meters may be bagged with "No Parking" bags over the meter heads to keep the street clear of parked cars for construction, special events and filming. Please note, a street occupancy permit must also be obtained for any event that takes place in the street/sidewalks/public right of way.

Note:  Meter bagging requests take up to 72 hours to process, so should be submitted at least 1 week before your event.

Download our meter bagging requirements(PDF, 742KB)

Apply Online

Memos, Moratoriums and Announcements

ATTENTION: Contractors who are issued a Street Cut Permit record shall be required to adhere to the following set of rules:

All street patch repairs (including those located in public alleys) restored with asphalt pavement (both temporary and final patches) or concrete pavement are required to be marked with Street Cut Pavement Repair Marker by the Permittee.

Note: A Street Occupancy Permit is always required in addition to the Street Cut or Construction Permit.

You must attend a bi-weekly meeting and coordinate your closure with other contractors.

Downtown Coordination Meeting Notes — weekly list of work currently taking place in Downtown Denver.

Construction coordination meetings are held every other month.

Cherry Creek North Coordination Meeting Notes — list of work currently taking place