Site Development Plan (SDP) Survey Requirements

  1. SDP Sheet 1 (Title Sheet) Surveyor’s Certification, certifying to the Site Development Plan planset shall be:

    I, (name of Surveyor), a Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the Survey for the (name of development) was made under my supervision and the accompanying plan accurately and properly shows said Survey.

  2. Per Colorado State Board of Licensure for Architects, Professional Engineers, and Professional Land Surveyors Bylaws and Rules (Board Rules), Sheet 2 (Survey) Certification shall include the following:
    1. Is signed and/or sealed by a (Colorado) Professional Land Surveyor representing that the surveying services addressed therein have been performed by the Professional Land Surveyor or under the Professional Land Surveyor in responsible charge.
    2. Is based upon the Professional Land Surveyor’s knowledge, information, and belief.
    3. Is in accordance with applicable standards of practice.
    4. Is not a guaranty or warranty, either expressed or implied.
  3. SDP Sheets 1 and 2 Zone Lot Legal Descriptions shall be the same description: the Vesting Deed or Title description. Added metes and bounds component to the Zone Lot Legal Descriptions may not be necessary unless the SDP requires additional right of way conveyed to the City.

4. In the SDP planset, Sheets 1 and 2 Zone Lot Legal Descriptions, Sheet 2 Survey, and all other Sheets where the Development Boundary is shown, need to reflect the Zone Lot Development Boundary after the required Deed has been conveyed to the City for additional right of way, with a solid, heavy line. Set monuments accordingly. Label proposed conveyed property: “conveyed to the City, Reception Number__________________.”

5. Sheets 1 and 2 Zone Lot Legal Descriptions shall include an area statement, and the area in the Sheet 1 Statistical Table shall match the Zone Lot Legal Description area.

6. Sheet 2 Basis of Bearings Statement shall conform to Colorado Revised Statutes (CRS) and Board Rules. The Basis of Bearings statement shall include identifying and describing the monuments at the endpoints of said Basis of Bearings within the Statement.

7. Sheet 2 Survey Vertical Control Statement shall be to the nearest City and County of Denver (CCD) Benchmark (BM). Note/label BM name/number, description of monument, location and NAVD 1988 elevation.

8. Sheet 2 Survey shall be a stand-alone Improvement Survey Plat (ISP) with all required elements as defined in CRS and Board Rules, including Surveyor’s Certification and sealed within one year of approval; and shall be deposited per CRS and Board Rules.

9. Sheet 2 Survey: define/show adjoining rights of way, improvements located/shown to the opposite flow line. Provide distances from property line/block line/right of way line to sidewalk to flow line to opposite flow line.

10. Range Points and Range Lines shall be shown on Survey. Range Points defining the right of way lines/block lines need to be located/recovered by “Diligent Search” or reestablished prior to SDP approval, per Ordinance 41 Series 1886 and per CCD “Guidelines/Requirements for Range Points,” see link below.

11. We require your Sheet 2 Survey show/explain/substantiate the order of determination as follows:

     a. The right of way lines shall be controlled by the parallel offset of the historic Range Lines. Where there are aliquot lines controlling the Zone Lot/Development Boundary, those too shall be located/reestablished/shown.

    b. The Zone Lot Development Boundary is based on record and physical evidence, and the prorated breakdown of the Block.

    c. Include measured (M), calculated (C) and record, i.e., (R-1), (R-2), (R-3), to the legend and the courses to compare and reference Subdivision Plats, ALTAs, Control Diagrams, LSPs/ISPs or Deeds to show Zone Lot is in harmony with adjoining Surveys and Title.

12. For Range Point reestablishment, primary evidence shall be the connection to the nearest Range Points and/or the accessories. Reestablished/calculated Range Point positions need to be pre-approved by the CCD Area Surveyor.

13. Per Range Point Requirements (see link below), all new/reestablished Range Points will require a new Range Point Tie Sheet submittal. Also, update existing Range Point Tie Sheets where found/recovered Range Point tie distances do not conform, or ties are lost. Label historic Range Line connections with measured (M), calculated (C) or record (R) distances.

14. Where an approved Range Point position falls in a drive lane along an arterial roadway, conflicts with utilities or is in a precarious or dangerous position, the CCD Area Surveyor may approve an alternative to setting the Range Point/Range Box. The alternative is to set out four (4) reference points, more substantial than a cut “X” (Per CRS/Board Rules, acceptable monuments: rock cap, PK nail & tag or disk, etc., requiring PLS#), in all 4 quadrants around the calculated Range Point position. Required is a Range Point Tie Sheet showing the reference points, with an explanation why the Range Point was not set. The same information shall be shown on the SDP Sheet 2 Survey, along with the explanation why the Range Point was not set. Refer to “Guidelines/Requirements for Range Points” link below. Discuss with CCD Area Surveyor if this situation applies to one or more of the Range Point positions.

15. If additional right of way or an easement is required to be conveyed to the City as part of the SDP, this is a separate but concurrent process with the SDP. CCD Survey requires an even-foot conveyance, or what will result in an even-foot right of way width. Required submittals:

     a. LandEsmtReqmts form. Lower portion of form to be filled out by applicant.

     b. Legal Descriptions and Illustration Exhibit by a Colorado Professional Land Surveyor of the property or easement to be conveyed to the City. See "Guidelines for Legal Descriptions" link below.

     c. Title Policy, Commitment, or Binder of the property to be conveyed or the entire Development Property/Zone Lot, effective date within 90 days of approval.

CCD Division of Environmental Quality (EQ) requires the submittal of a recent Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA).  In certain cases, EQ may waive this requirement. Phone: (720) 865-5452 or with questions or to request a waiver.

During review of the Legal Description and Illustration Exhibit, CCD Survey Reviewer may request a Word.docx file of the Legal Description for Council Dedication purposes.

CCD Division of Real Estate will provide you with the suitable document to have signed and notarized (executed). CCD Real Estate will then record this document upon re-submittal, re-review and approval.

Property or Easement needs to be conveyed to the City prior to SDP approval. Contact the CCD Area Transportation or Wastewater Reviewer with any questions. Email Submittals and all follow-up Re-Submittals to

16. If an Access/Utility Permanent Non-Exclusive Easement (PNEE) is required to be conveyed to the City as part of the SDP, this is a separate but concurrent process with the SDP, reviewed by CCD Wastewater and Survey. Required Submittals:

     a. LandEsmtReqmts form. Lower portion of form to be filled out by applicant.

     b. Signed and Notarized (executed) "Permanent Non-Exclusive Easement" (PNEE) form, provided by CCD Wastewater.

     c. Legal Description and Illustration Exhibits by a Colorado Professional Land Surveyor of the Overall Property (Exhibit A) and the Easement Area (Exhibit B) to be conveyed to the City. See "Guidelines for Legal Descriptions" link below.

CCD Survey will record this document upon re-submittal, re-review and approval.

PNEE needs to be conveyed to the City prior to SDP approval. Contact the CCD Area Wastewater Reviewer for PNEE document template, or with any questions. Email Submittals and all follow-up Re-Submittals to

17. Inform the Survey Reviewer of any additional changes not related to Survey comments/redlines. Additional changes will cause our Review process to restart from the beginning.

18. New or additional addresses will be required. See the link below to apply online.