Citywide Concrete, Sidewalk Repair and ADA Pedestrian Improvements


The City and County of Denver's annual concrete maintenance program is working to improve Denver's neighborhood sidewalk network in three ways:

Pedestrian Ramps: According to standards set by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), newly constructed or altered streets must contain curb ramps. As a result, Street Maintenance’s Annual Concrete Program will prioritize the installation of ADA pedestrian ramps in all locations where the Street Maintenance Division is planning to do street work and a ramp may need to be replaced. Performing ramp improvements before the street work is done saves money, preventing new street work from being damaged by ramp construction. ADA accessibility is mandated at all intersections.

Curb and Gutter Repair: Similarly, reported curb and gutter damage will be inspected and any necessary repairs will be prioritized accordingly. The City’s goal is to perform repairs prior to, or in conjunction with, the annual paving program and address spot repairs based upon severity and coordination with other requests to allow the work to be performed in an efficient manner.

Repair Existing Sidewalk: In 2022, Denver began incorporating sidewalk repair work into its annual concrete maintenance program.  This initiative replaced the Neighborhood Sidewalk Repair Program that DOTI launched in 2018 and paused in 2020 amid the economic hardships created by the COVID-19 public health crisis. The new approach is rooted in realizing the efficiencies that come with utilizing a contractor that’s already mobilized and onsite doing other concrete work.  Locations considered for sidewalk repairs will be established annually in conjunction with concrete repair work happening in advance of street paving, with priority given to equity areas and the criteria that furthers our community’s mobility goals (such as improving segments along the high injury network and that connect to transit, schools and other destinations).

Notification of Repair Work

In the event the sidewalk adjacent to your property is scheduled to be repaired, receive new pedestrian ramps, or have the curb and gutter repaired the construction contractor will deliver a door hanger at least two (2) days prior to construction. Door hangers include contact information for the City Project Manager and construction company. Homeowners are advised to keep their door hangers until construction is complete.

Weekly Construction Update

Week of February 3, 2025 (weather permitting):

  • Bonnie Brae: ADA ramp, alley pan, curb & gutter, and cross pan repairs along Bonnie Brae Blvd from S University Blvd to S Steele St (Keene Concrete) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Harvey Park: Combination sidewalk and ADA Ramp repair from W Dartmouth Ave to W Hamilton Pl between S Stuart St and S Lowell Blvd (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Washington Park: Sidewalk and ADA Ramp Repair from S Franklin St to S York St between E Alameda Ave and E Center Ave (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko

Concrete Construction Scheduling and Preparation

A door hanger is placed on homes and businesses if an ADA pedestrian ramp or other concrete work is about to be performed adjacent to your property. Before construction starts, a City project manager requests a Survey for the work area and then a Professional Land Surveyor will make note of any existing survey markers. NO PARKING signs will be placed in the work area 24-48 hours in advance to allow clear access for the necessary equipment. Weather permitting, ADA ramps usually take 3 to 7 days to complete once actual construction begins.

All contact information is on the door hanger and on this website. See the sample image of the door hanger provided.

For more detailed information about the construction process and timing, see the information under “What to Expect During Concrete Construction” on this page.

PLEASE HOLD ONTO YOUR DOOR HANGER UNTIL ALL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED and you are confident that any landscape or sprinkler problems resulting from concrete construction have been resolved. Please feel free to contact the Contractor, the City’s Project Manager or the City’s Concrete Hotline if an issue arises or if you have any questions.

If your street is scheduled for ramp or concrete installation, please read the information under "What to Expect During Concrete Construction."

What to expect during ADA ramp construction

If your street is scheduled for ramp or curb/gutter repair, the following information outlines the typical steps in the process.

Before Construction Begins

Professional land surveyors locate and tie-out any documented survey markers so they can be re-established after construction. All construction and repair work is planned only within the City’s Right-of Way. Nearby underground utilities are located. If no conflicts are anticipated, a green “NF” — signifying “None Found” — will be spray painted on the sidewalk corner. Temporary pink spray paint will be used to mark off the areas of asphalt and concrete to be excavated during concrete work. The City Project Manager may come by to look at the site. Landscaping on the corners and any potential resident landscape conflicts are noted. The contractor obtains permits for Street Occupancy, Street Closure and Barricade plans.

Concrete contractor construction firms that specialize in ADA ramps and concrete flatwork perform the ramp installation under the supervision of the City Project Manager. In advance of construction, no parking signs will be placed 24-48 hours in advance and saw cutters may put superficial cuttings in the asphalt to separate the areas of asphalt and concrete to be excavated. It is safe to park and drive on this part of the road after the cuts are made. This part of the process may occur days or weeks in advance of any construction and should not cause any disruption to daily resident activity.

  • Homeowners with possible landscape conflicts typically receive a door hanger five (5) days in advance of construction to give residents the opportunity to remove or protect special plantings or other items that might be impacted during construction.
  • Homes without landscaping conflicts will receive door hangers at least two (2) days prior to construction. Door hangers include contact information for the City Project Manager and the construction company.

For safety reasons, it is the City’s policy to pave the small triangular area between the two setback sidewalks at the corners. The property owner is responsible for the maintenance of this area.

  • If you prefer to retain existing landscaping in this corner area and are willing to be responsible for maintenance, please call the City Project Manager to request leaving this area unpaved.

No Parking signs will be placed on the road 24-48 hours in advance. At this point, weather permitting, construction is ready to begin.

Actual Construction of Ramp or Curb/Gutter Repair

If saw cutters have not already been to the site, they will arrive to prepare the site for concrete and asphalt removal. The asphalt removed extends about 24 inches out from the street gutter. The asphalt is excavated along with the existing curb, gutter and immediate sidewalk area to make room for the new ramp. For curb/gutter repair only, the concrete curb/gutter will be removed.

“No Parking” signs will indicate that it is not possible to park in the immediate area during construction. Cars are often able to drive down the street with guidance from the construction crew.

Once excavation is completed and materials have been hauled away, wooden or steel “forms” are installed to help shape the concrete as it is being poured. For ramps, the soil is graded to the appropriate slope for the ramp and for proper drainage of stormwater. The concrete can then be poured.

  • The process of saw cutting, excavating and hauling, creating the forms, grading the soil and pouring the concrete for the curb, gutter, affected sidewalk and ramp takes approximately 2 to 4 days. Construction tape and barriers are put up while the concrete cures.
  • Depending on the weather, curing can take approximately 1 to 3 days. During colder temperatures, construction blankets may be placed over the concrete to speed up the curing process.

After Concrete Construction is Complete

Once the concrete cures, the forms are removed. The excavated area is backfilled and asphalt is patched along the new curb. Once "no parking" signs are removed, the ramp or new curb/gutter is completed to the point where it is safe for residents to use the area, drive their cars freely and park on the street.

  • Landscape repairs to sprinklers, grass and gardens usually takes place within 7 days of pouring the concrete. With concrete construction in winter months, some landscape repairs may be held off until spring.
  • Surveyors have up to 6 months to restore survey markers disturbed during construction.

Important: Please keep the notice for up to one year until all concrete and/or landscape and sprinkler repairs are resolved.

What to expect during curb and gutter construction

Before a curb and gutter is scheduled to be repaired or replaced, residents will receive 48 hours advance notice of the upcoming work and no parking signs will be placed on the block. Crews will only work on one side of a city block at a time. Once one side of all the city blocks in a project area are repaired, construction crews will then proceed in the same fashion on the opposite side of the street. Curb and gutter construction on one side of a single block takes approximately five days.

If residents have street facing driveways, residents may lose access to their driveways for 3-5 days while new curb and gutter is being poured. In some cases, the construction crew may have to demolish and replace a residential driveway apron to fit the new curb and gutter. A driveway apron is the portion of the driveway closest to the street.

Should the resident require driveway access during construction, please notify the project manager immediately so the construction crew can try to find a temporary solution.

Construction Process

Forty-eight hours before construction is scheduled to begin, ‘no parking’ signs will be placed on the block. A cut (saw cut) will be made in the asphalt 5 ½ feet from the curb. orange traffic cones in street next to curb to denote no parking zone

The asphalt and concrete are removed between the curb and saw cut to a depth of six inches. For an entire block, forms are set to shape the new curb and gutter on one side of the street.

concrete for curb and cutter removed between street and sidewalk

Concrete is usually poured on the same day as removal. Concrete will be poured Monday through Thursday

fresh concrete poured to create curb and gutter, with tree lawn on one side and unfinished roadway on the other

In some cases, a residential driveway apron may have to be removed and reconstructed to work seamlessly with the new curb and gutter. Residents can expect to lose access to their driveways for 3-5 days.

image collage showing crews removing parts of driveways adjacent to curb and gutter

Not all driveway aprons will need to be removed, some can more easily integrate with the new curb and gutter.

image collage of new curb and gutter infrastructure next to existing driveways

Once all the concrete has been poured, the completed driveway, curb, and gutter will be a continuous structure (see example photo before forms are removed).

completed driveway, curb and gutter infrastructure next to unfinished street

Finally, once the forms are removed, the street asphalt next to the new curb and gutter will be patched to complete the project.

orange traffic cones next to completed curb and gutter repairs with new concrete and asphalt


Curb and Gutter Repair and Maintenance Guidelines

Concrete repairs including issues with curb & gutters or ADA Ramps or alleys are placed on a Spot Repair list. The areas on this list are inspected by a city engineer who then codes the issue with a priority of 1, 2, 3, or 4 with 1 being a severe issue (several feet of missing or crumbling/sinking curb or gutter/ADA safety hazard, etc.) and a 4 being a minor issue (less than 2 feet of missing or crumbling curb/gutter). Cracked curb/gutter or ADA ramps are not a safety or maintenance concern. Work is done through the city systematically to try to get as many Spot Repairs done as possible at one time, so that we use our VERY LIMITED budget efficiently and effectively. Repairs are usually made on priority 1 or priority 2 issues but can take several years to be completed because there are many broken curbs or ADA ramps or alleys in the city that need repairs and we cannot predict how fast the contractor will work.

Until this issue can be resolved, if standing water or during the winter, ice/snow buildup occurs, feel free to contact 311 and request an ad-hoc street sweeper/ice-blade to handle the situation.

Priority #1:
Temporary Repair and Spot Repair List
ADA ramp at corner with missing and damaged curb

damaged and crumbling concrete curb impacting flowline

If possible, a temporary asphalt patch will be placed at this location within the next few weeks to improve safety and functionality of the damaged area. This location will be added to the City Spot Repair List. Final repairs will not be immediate and could be several years out. The City performs spot repairs based on severity and coordination with other requests to allow the work to be performed in an efficient manner.

Photo #1 - Full Size(JPG, 104KB)
Photo #2 - Full Size(JPG, 138KB)

Priority #2:
Spot Repair List

missing section of curb and gutterdamaged curb with attached sidewalk, labeled with potential hazards

This location will be added to the City Spot Repair List. Repairs are not made by request and could be several years out. The City performs spot repairs based on severity and coordination with other requests to allow the work to be performed in an efficient manner.

Photo #1 - Full Size(JPG, 98KB)
Photo #2 - Full Size(JPG, 97KB)

Priority #3:
Spot Repair List
detached sidewalk with curb cracking at street level

Minor damage that meets the threshold for repair. The repair will likely occur in conjunction with the City’s annual paving work program at a later date. The time of the repair is undetermined and could be several years out.

Photo - Full Size(JPG, 484KB)

Priority #4:
No Repair / Waitlist
sidewalk curb and gutter in good repair

After inspection, it has been determined that the requested repair does not meet the minimum threshold for inclusion in the City Spot Repair program.

Photo - Full Size(JPG, 97KB)

Utility Redirect damaged curb around utility cover and manhole next to ADA ramp

The repair request involves utility infrastructure damage. This case will be forwarded to the appropriate utility owner for analysis and possible repair.

Photo - Full Size(JPG, 70KB)

What to Expect Before, During, After Sidewalk Repairs

Professional land surveyors locate and tie-out any documented survey markers so they can be re-established after construction. All construction and repair work is planned only within the City’s Right-of Way. Concrete contractor construction firms that specialize in concrete flatwork perform the sidewalk repairs under the supervision of the City Project Manager.

Property owners will receive door hangers at least two (2) days prior to sidewalk repairs. Door hangers include contact information for the City Project Manager and the construction company.

  • Homeowners with possible landscape conflicts typically receive a door hanger five (5) days in advance of construction to give residents the opportunity to remove or protect special plantings or other items that might be impacted during construction.
  • Homes without landscaping conflicts will receive door hangers at least two (2) days prior to construction. Door hangers include contact information for the City Project Manager and the construction company. 

“No Parking” signs will be placed on the street immediately prior to construction and remain for the duration of the project. While street parking will be restricted, the street will remain open as much as possible for cars and pedestrians. Depending on the nature of the sidewalk repair needed, concrete may be poured into forms to replace cracked or sloping sidewalk. The process of saw cutting, excavating and hauling, creating the forms, grading the soil and pouring the concrete for the affected sidewalk takes approximately 2 to 4 days. Construction tape and barriers are put up while the concrete cures. 

Depending on the weather, curing can take approximately 1 to 3 days. During colder temperatures, construction blankets may be placed over the concrete to speed up the curing process. Once the concrete cures, the forms are removed, and the soil is backfilled and sprinkled with grass seed.

Landscape repairs to sprinklers, grass and gardens usually takes place within 7 days of pouring the concrete. With concrete construction in winter months, some landscape repairs may be held off until spring. Important: Please keep the construction notice for up to one year until all concrete and/or landscape and sprinkler repairs are resolved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Concrete Ramp Construction and Location

Someone came by and sprayed paint marks on my sidewalk and street. Does this mean I am going to have a ramp constructed on my corner?

Yes, you can expect the City to either install new pedestrian ramps on your corner or fix a curb and gutter within two weeks to six months. The pink spray paint indicates where the asphalt and concrete will be excavated to create space for the ramp. For more detail, please refer to “What to Expect During Concrete Construction.”

How long will it take?

Total expected construction time should be 3 to 7 days, weather permitting. For more detail, please refer to “What to Expect During Concrete Construction."

I don’t want a ramp, why is the City building one?

Since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the City and County of Denver is obligated by federal law to install ADA ramps at locations where street improvements are made as specified by the Federal Department of Justice guidelines. Read more about the guidelines for ADA ramp installation.

Why is there a ramp on my street when the sidewalk isn’t wide enough for someone in a wheelchair to access?

ADA ramps are being installed at all corners and T-intersections where any sidewalk exists in an effort to make the City of Denver operations in compliance with the Federal ADA Act. The ADA guidelines do not currently require existing sidewalks to be widened to accommodate wheelchairs, but the City foresees the possibility that the sidewalks may be required to be widened in the future. The ADA ramps are being constructed to accommodate for the potential future widening. If there is not an improved walking surface, no ADA ramp is required.

Can you fix my sidewalk, curb, and gutter since you are already going to be here building a ramp?

The property owner is responsible for the sidewalk. Where combination curb, gutter and sidewalk exist, homeowners are responsible for the maintenance of everything behind the curb, per City Ordinance (Sec. 49-551.1). A City Project Manager can inspect the curb and gutter for hazards or flow line disruptions and determine if repairs are necessary.

I think the ramp is too flat, can you rebuild it?

The City cannot build steeper ramps as these would not comply with ADA ramp guidelines. The latest guidelines by the Federal Department of Justice Access Board recommend a slope which is flatter than previous guidelines. The Street Maintenance group can only respond to issues regarding recent or current construction of ADA ramps in accordance with the City of Denver Standard Details and Specifications document which is based on federal guidelines set forth in the ADA.

The City of Denver Street Maintenance group is not an engineering regulatory group, so we cannot change or amend the City Standard Details and Specifications.

I paid to legally mark my property line. Will those markers be replaced?

Generally, all work being done by this project is in the City’s Right-of-Way and most survey markers are off-set ties to the actual survey monuments and are mainly used by the City’s surveyor. If it appears that a survey marker you have is in the area marked for construction, please contact us by calling your City Project Manager or by leaving a message on the curb ramp hotline at (720) 460-9055. Surveyors have up to 6 months to restore survey markers disturbed during construction.

Ramps at "T" Intersections

ADA ramps are being installed at all corners, including T-intersections, where any sidewalk exists. This is not only to comply with current guidelines but also to accommodate potential future widening of sidewalks or changes to the street layout.

Typical Layout of a Ramp at a Three-Way "T" Intersection

illustration of three-way intersection in residential neighborhood with property lines, location and closeup of installed ramp

This layout is representative of a typical "Type 2M" ramp installation at a three-way intersection. Ramp size may vary to meet grades and specifications.

ADA ramp installed at corner

ADA ramp installed at mid block with wider compliant sidewalk area for turning

ADA Ramps in Historic Neighborhoods with Red Flagstone Sidewalks

The historic designation applies to private properties in a historic district and does not confer preservation status to the sidewalks or streets. The City will NOT save, store, and replace flagstone in the City right-of-way.

Community Planning & Development: Landmark Preservation Updates

What Can I Expect During Construction?

A door hanger will notify you of impending ramp construction or concrete repair 48 hours before construction is to begin. Concrete crews will remove as many flagstone pieces as necessary to achieve the proper ramp slope as specified by federal guidelines. Additional sections of flagstone sidewalks may need to be removed to avoid excessively steep slopes. The flagstone will be removed from the construction site.

Can I keep my flagstone and use it to rebuild my sidewalk?

All existing flagstone removed for the construction of ADA ramps and re-grading of adjacent sidewalk will not be salvaged by the City. Salvage and reuse of removed flagstone is not recommended and can only be arranged between the adjacent property owner and the City’s Contractor.

Adjacent property owners wishing to keep their flagstone sidewalk must assume all responsibility for arranging with the City’s contractor to do so. The Contractor contact information is posted on this website and should also be on the door hanger placed on the front door of the adjacent property owner.

The City will NOT allow salvaged materials to be stockpiled or stored in the City right-of-way.

  • Reconstruction of a City sidewalk requires a permit which must be obtained before work can begin; refer to the Denver Municipal Code for information on sidewalk construction and permits: Municipal Code Sec. 49
  • Please see resources provided as part of the City's Neighborhood Sidewalk Repair Program for information on DIY sidewalk repair and flagstone providers and contractors
  • Additional information regarding sidewalk reconstruction and permits can also be found through Right of Way Services.

Why doesn’t the City recommend reuse of flagstone sidewalk?

  • Flagstone sidewalk slabs can weigh hundreds of pounds and are a liability and risk to handle.
  • Most flagstone cannot be reset to meet current standards; see the current Criteria for Hazardous or Defective Sidewalks
  • It is the adjacent property owner’s responsibility to develop and maintain the sidewalk; the City has no funding for this type of work.
  • Most pieces of flagstone are unique and are not readily interchangeable without some stone cutting and fitting. Many pieces break upon removal and/or are weathered and no longer have a uniformly smooth surface.

ADA Ramps Adjacent to City-Owned Facilities (parks, recreation centers, libraries, etc.)

ADA pedestrian ramps adjacent to City-owned facilities such as parks, recreation centers, libraries, and public buildings must be a minimum of 6 feet wide or built to match the width of the adjacent sidewalk, whichever is greatest.

In City parks, where there are multi-use trails, ramp width can be increased to a maximum of 12 feet if the trail is greater than 10 feet wide.

All ramps adjacent to City-owned facilities will be installed with truncated domes (no-slip pads) made of cast iron to better withstand sweeping and snow removal equipment.

Construction and Landscaping

Will my landscaping be altered during construction? How does the City fix it?

If you have flowerbeds, plants or other special landscaping on the corner of your lot, they may be affected during construction. When special landscaping is present, residents typically receive notice of ramp installation 5 days prior to the start of construction so that sensitive or valuable plants within a couple feet of the existing walk can be removed by the resident and replanted after construction. The City’s landscape contractor specializes mainly in sprinkler repairs and sod and seeding grass lawns.

As a matter of public safety, the City’s policy is to pave over the small triangular area between the new ramps on corners where the sidewalk is set back away from the curb. If you have this area nicely landscaped and irrigated and wish to assume responsibility to maintain and keep this area safe, please notify the City’s Project Manager as soon as you receive the public notice door hanger.

Can I use my sprinklers while construction is being done?

Please avoid watering the excavation site if it is left open for concrete repair. Watering the area will delay construction. If you live in a residence directly next to the area where construction is taking place, sprinkler heads and lines on your property may have to be moved slightly to properly grade the sidewalk and build the wooden forms to shape the concrete.

Once the concrete has cured and the forms have been removed, the construction crews will move, repair, and reconnect your sprinklers. In warm weather, sprinklers will be repaired within 7 days. In the winter, the contractor may return in the spring to complete repairs.

Please keep your door hanger so that you have the contact information to resolve any outstanding landscape or sprinkler repairs after construction.

What happens to landscape Improvements and street trees on City property?

All of the curb and sidewalk is contained inside City property, which includes several feet of City property behind the walk. Our crews are instructed to keep landscape and tree removals to a minimum and to try to disturb only what is needed to install the ramp. If, however, you have installed landscape improvements on City property, the City is not responsible for replacing these improvements should they be disturbed or removed due to ramp construction.

Our inspectors can consult with homeowners in advance so that, where possible, landscaping can be safely removed by the homeowner for replanting after ramp construction is completed. In the case of mature trees, the City Forester may be called upon for additional consultation.

Further information

What About My Garden Wall or Fence?

ADA pedestrian ramp construction will only occur on City property. If a garden wall or fence is located on City property it may have to be disturbed or removed in order to accommodate construction of a pedestrian ramp or concrete repair. The City is not responsible for replacing fences or other hardscaping installed on City property.

Additional information

Construction and Street Parking

Can I park on my street while the construction is being done?

YES and NO. 24-48 hours before construction begins, the City’s contractor will put up “No Parking” signs on your block. You will not be able to park in the immediate area during the 3-7 days of construction in order to leave room for construction vehicles, materials and personnel.

However, only the immediate area around the construction site will have restricted parking. Other parts of the street may not be impacted.

Can I park in front of a new or repaired ramp?

No. A pedestrian ramp is part of the street crosswalk, and cars may not park in the crosswalk.

Where should I put trash bins out for collection during construction?

if trash, recycling, and compost are picked up in front of your residence, please move your bins across the street and out of the construction area to ensure weekly trash collection. Trash collection will resume on your side of the street once the 'NO PARKING' signs are removed.

Responsibilities for Ramp Maintenance

There is snow build–up and/or ice in the new ADA ramp adjacent to my property that is difficult to maintain, is this my responsibility?

Yes, the adjacent property owner is responsible for the development and maintenance of the sidewalk adjoining their property and the ADA ramps are simply a portion of the sidewalk modified to comply with Federal ADA standards. The resident is responsible for clearing the ramp of snow, leaves and debris.

Please see additional information at

Why is the ramp near my house full of dirt/sediment and trash?

It is common to have sediment in the gutter/flowline within the city streets. This often caused by changes in the velocity of the storm water as it flows down the gutter. During rain/snow melt events, the sediment is transported in the water flowing down the gutter/flowline. As the water enters the ADA ramp curb cut opening the velocity of the storm water runoff is slowed and allows the sediment to settle out within the ramp.

Maintenance/clean-up within the ramp is necessary and is the responsibility of the homeowner adjacent to the ramp.

dirt collecting in a corner ADA ramp and nearby gutter

dirt collecting on one side of an ADA ramp at a T intersection

Additional Questions

This program is for the City’s contracted maintenance and repair work only. For questions regarding new construction, remodeling, site development please contact Denver's Right of Way Services or Development Services.

If you have questions about ongoing construction, sprinkler/landscape damage, paint/markings, or other questions that aren't addressed on this page, please contact your City Project Manager or call the Concrete Hotline number listed in the sidebar.

If you would like to report a curb/gutter in need of repair or follow up on a repair request, please call 311.


City Project Managers

If you know the name of your City Project Manager this is the most efficient way of getting information quickly. Please allow a reasonable amount of time for the project manager to respond to your message before calling the Concrete Hotline.

Derek Miles

Amy Strouthopoulos

Lindsey Chieduko

Finch Pluto


If you know the name of the contractor working on your project, a list of contractors and their contact information is below:

Fasick Concrete, Inc.
(303) 419-2455

Keene Concrete, Inc.
(303) 227-1901

Martin Marietta
(720) 593-2625

Silva Construction, Inc.
(720) 550-8175

Chato's Concrete, LLC
(720) 252-7959

Weekly Schedule History

Week of February 3, 2025 (weather permitting):

  • Bonnie Brae: ADA ramp, alley pan, curb & gutter, and cross pan repairs along Bonnie Brae Blvd from S University Blvd to S Steele St (Keene Concrete) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Harvey Park: Combination sidewalk and ADA Ramp repair from W Dartmouth Ave to W Hamilton Pl between S Stuart St and S Lowell Blvd (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Washington Park: Sidewalk and ADA Ramp Repair from S Franklin St to S York St between E Alameda Ave and E Center Ave (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko

Week of January 27, 2025 (weather permitting):

  • Bonnie Brae: ADA ramp, alley pan, curb & gutter, and cross pan repairs along Bonnie Brae Blvd from S University Blvd to S Steele St (Keene Concrete) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Harvey Park: Combination sidewalk and ADA Ramp repair from W Dartmouth Ave to W Hamilton Pl between S Stuart St and S Lowell Blvd (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Washington Park: Sidewalk and ADA Ramp Repair from S Franklin St to S York St between E Alameda Ave and E Center Ave (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko

Week of January 20, 2025 (weather permitting):

  • Bonnie Brae: ADA ramp, alley pan, curb & gutter, and cross pan repairs along Bonnie Brae Blvd from S University Blvd to S Steele St (Keene Concrete) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Harvey Park: Combination sidewalk and ADA Ramp repair from W Dartmouth Ave to W Hamilton Pl between S Stuart St and S Lowell Blvd (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto

Week of January 13, 2025 (weather permitting):

  • Bonnie Brae: ADA ramp, alley pan, curb & gutter, and cross pan repairs along Bonnie Brae Blvd from S University Blvd to S Steele St (Keene Concrete) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Harvey Park: Combination sidewalk and ADA Ramp repair from W Dartmouth Ave to W Hamilton Pl between S Stuart St and S Lowell Blvd (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Washington Park: Sidewalk and ADA Ramp Repair from S Franklin St to S York St between E Alameda Ave and E Center Ave (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko

Week of January 6, 2025 (weather permitting):

  • Harvey Park: Combination sidewalk and ADA Ramp repair from W Dartmouth Ave to W Hamilton Pl between S Stuart St and S Lowell Blvd (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Washington Park: Sidewalk and ADA Ramp Repair from S Franklin St to S York St between E Alameda Ave and E Center Ave (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko

2024 Weekly Schedule History

Weeks of December 23 and 30, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • N/A due to Christmas holidays

Week of December 16, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Harvey Park: Combination sidewalk and ADA Ramp repair from W Dartmouth Ave to W Hamilton Pl between S Stuart St and S Lowell Blvd (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Washington Park: Sidewalk and ADA Ramp Repair from S Franklin St to S York St between E Alameda Ave and E Center Ave (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko
  • Westwood: Alley panel replacement surrounding streets S Wolff St / S Vrain St / W Exposition Ave / W Ada Pl (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko

Week of December 9, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Barnum: Sidewalk and ADA Ramp Repair on W Alameda Ave from S Stuart St to S Lowell Blvd (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko
  • Barnum: Sidewalk and ADA Ramp Repair from S Zenobia St to S Utica St between W Bayaud Ave and W Alameda Ave (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko
  • Hampden: Joint Concrete Panel replacement on Yosemite from Hampden to the intersection of S Yosemite St and S Syracuse Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Harvey Park: Combination sidewalk and ADA Ramp repair from W Dartmouth Ave to W Hamilton Pl between S Stuart St and S Lowell Blvd (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Washington Park: Sidewalk and ADA Ramp Repair from S Franklin St to S York St between E Alameda Ave and E Center Ave (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko
  • Westwood: Alley panel replacement surrounding streets S Wolff St / S Vrain St / W Exposition Ave / W Ada Pl (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko

Week of November 18, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Hampden South: Joint Concrete Panel Replacement on DTC Blvd (southbound) from Union Ave to Belleview (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko
  • Harvey Park: Combination sidewalk and ADA Ramp repair from W Dartmouth Ave to W Hamilton Pl between S Stuart St and S Lowell Blvd (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Hampden: Joint Concrete Panel replacement on Yosemite from Hampden to the intersection of S Yosemite St and S Syracuse Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of November 4, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Hampden South: Joint Concrete Panel Replacement on DTC Blvd (southbound) from Union Ave to Belleview (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko
  • Harvey Park: Combo Sidewalk and ADA Ramp repair from W Dartmouth Ave to W Hamilton Pl between S Stuart St to S Lowell Blvd (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto

Week of October 28, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Bellevue-Hale: ADA ramps and alley pan repairs from 11th Ave to Colfax Ave between Colorado Blvd and Dahlia St (Keene) Project Manager: Bryce Miller
  • Central Park: Panel replacement at 9950 E 40th Ave (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Hampden: Joint Concrete Panel replacement on Yosemite to Hampden to the intersection of S Yosemite St and S Syracuse Way (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko 
  • Hampden South: Joint Concrete Panel Replacement on DTC Blvd (southbound) from Union Ave to Belleview (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko
  • Harvey Park: Combo Sidewalk and ADA Ramp repair from W Dartmouth Ave to W Hamilton Pl between S Wolff St and S Vrain St (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto

Week of October 21, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Bellevue-Hale: ADA ramps and alley pan repairs from 11th Ave to Colfax Ave between Colorado Blvd and Dahlia St (Keene) Project Manager: Bryce Miller
  • Central Business District: Curb & Gutter and Sidewalk repair from N Fox St to Broadway between W 14th Ave and W 12th Ave (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Central Park: Panel replacement on MLK Jr. Blvd from Akron to Beeler Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Denver Health Hospital Authority: Driveway, gutters, and sidewalk repairs will begin on October 18 (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto

Week of October 14, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Bellevue-Hale: ADA ramps and alley pan repairs from 11th Ave to Colfax Ave between Colorado Blvd and Dahlia St (Keene) Project Manager: Bryce Miller
  • Central Business District: Curb & Gutter and Sidewalk repair from N Fox St to Broadway between W 14th Ave and W 12th Ave (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Central Park: Panel replacement on MLK Jr. Blvd from Akron to Beeler Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Denver Health Hospital Authority: Driveway, gutters, and sidewalk repairs will begin on October 18 (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Highlands: ADA ramps and curb/gutter repairs from W 32nd Ave to W 29th Ave between N Clay St to N Zuni St (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko
  • Mar Lee: ADA ramps, Combo repair from Tennyson to Lowell Street between Morrison Road and Kentucky Ave (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko
  • Westwood: ADA ramps and alley pan and combo SW repairs from S Stuart St to S Federal Blvd between W Alameda Ave and W Gill Pl (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of October 7, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Bellevue-Hale: ADA ramps and alley pan repairs from 11th Ave to Colfax Ave between Colorado Blvd and Dahlia St (Keene) Project Manager: Bryce Miller
  • Central Business District: Curb & Gutter and Sidewalk repair from N Fox St to Broadway between W 14th Ave and W 12th Ave (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Central Park: Panel replacement on MLK Jr. Blvd from Akron to Beeler Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Highlands: ADA ramps and curb/gutter repairs from W 32nd Ave to W 29th Ave between N Clay St to N Zuni St (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko
  • Mar Lee: ADA ramps, Combo repair from Tennyson to Lowell Street between Morrison Road and Kentucky Ave (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko
  • Westwood: ADA ramps and alley pan and combo SW repairs from S Stuart St to S Federal Blvd between W Alameda Ave and W Gill Pl (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of September 30, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Bellevue-Hale: ADA ramps and alley pan repairs from 11th Ave to Colfax Ave between Colorado Blvd and Dahlia St (Keene) Project Manager: Bryce Miller
  • City Park West: Sidewalk repair from E 20th Ave to E 25th Ave between N York St and N Franklin St (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Highlands: ADA ramps and curb/gutter repairs from W 32nd Ave to W 29th Ave between N Clay St to N Zuni St (Silva) Project Manager: Lindsey Chieduko
  • Westwood: ADA ramps and alley pan and combo SW repairs from S Stuart St to S Federal Blvd between W Alameda Ave and W Gill Pl (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of September 23, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Bellevue-Hale: ADA ramps and alley pan repairs from 11th Ave to Colfax Ave between Colorado Blvd and Dahlia St (Keene) Project Manager: Bryce Miller
  • City Park West: Sidewalk repair from E 20th Ave to E 25th Ave between N York St and N Franklin St (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Sloan's Lake: 26th Ave from Osceola St to Hooker St (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of September 16, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Bellevue-Hale: ADA ramps and alley pan repairs from 11th Ave to Colfax Ave between Colorado Blvd and Dahlia St (Keene) Project Manager: Bryce Miller
  • Berkeley: ADA ramps, curb and gutter, alley pan and sidewalk repair on Irving St from 38th to 46th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Skyland: Sidewalk repair from E 29th Ave to E 26th Ave between N York St and N Clayton St (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Sloan's Lake: 26th Ave from Osceola St to Hooker St (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of September 9, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Bellevue-Hale: ADA ramps and alley pan repairs from 11th Ave to Colfax Ave between Colorado Blvd and Dahlia St (Keene) Project Manager: Bryce Miller
  • Berkeley: ADA ramps, curb and gutter, alley pan and sidewalk repair on Irving St from 38th to 46th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Skyland: Sidewalk repair from E 29th Ave to E 26th Ave between N York St and N Clayton St (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto

Week of August 25, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Central Park: ADA ramps and alley pan repairs from N Clinton St to N Iola St between E 29th Ave and E 27th Ave (Keene) Project Manager: Bryce Miller
  • Skyland: Sidewalk repair from E 29th Ave to E 26th Ave between N York St and N Clayton St (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Villa Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, alley pan and sidewalk repair from W 12th Ave to W 6th Ave between N Newton St and N King St (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Whittier: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, alley pan and sidewalk repair from MLK Blvd to E 26th Ave between Curtis St and N Humboldt St (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto

Week of August 19, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Central Park: ADA ramps and alley pan repairs from N Clinton St to N Iola St between E 29th Ave and E 27th Ave (Keene) Project Manager: Bryce Miller
  • Five Points: ADA ramp and sidewalk widening at 28th and Clarkson
  • Skyland: Sidewalk repair from E 29th Ave to E 26th Ave between N York St and N Clayton St (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Whittier: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, alley pan and sidewalk repair from E 25th Ave to E 20th Ave between N Franklin St and N Gaylord St (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Whittier: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, alley pan and sidewalk repair from MLK Blvd to E 26th Ave between Curtis St and N Humboldt St (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto

Week of August 12, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Central Park: ADA ramps and alley pan repairs from N Clinton St to N Iola St between E 29th Ave and E 27th Ave (Keene) Project Manager: Bryce Miller

Week of August 5, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Central Park: ADA ramps and alley pan repairs from N Clinton St to N Iola St between E 29th Ave and E 27th Ave (Keene) Project Manager: Bryce Miller

Week of July 29, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Hampden: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, alley pan and sidewalk repair from Holly Pl to Locust St, and S Magnolia St to S Pontiac St between E Dartmouth Ave and Hampden (Keene) Project Manager: Bryce Miller

Week of July 22, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Hampden: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, alley pan and sidewalk repair from Holly Pl to Locust St, and S Magnolia St to S Pontiac St between E Dartmouth Ave and Hampden (Keene) Project Manager: Bryce Miller

Week of July 15, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Hampden: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, alley pan and sidewalk repair from Holly Pl to Locust St, and S Magnolia St to S Pontiac St between E Dartmouth Ave and Hampden (Keene) Project Manager: Bryce Miller

Week of June 30, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Hampden: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, alley pan and sidewalk repair from S Magnolia St to S Pontiac St between E Dartmouth Ave and E Girard Ave (Keene) Project Manager: Bryce Miller

Week of June 23, 2024:

  • N/A

Week of June 16, 2024:

  • N/A

Week of June 9, 2024:

  • N/A

Week of June 2, 2024:

  • N/A

Week of May 27, 2024:

  • N/A

Week of May 20, 2024:

  • N/A

Week of May 13, 2024:

  • N/A

Week of May 5, 2024:

  • N/A

Week of April 28, 2024:

  • N/A

Week of April 21, 2024:

  • N/A

Week of April 15, 2024:

  • N/A

Week of April 8, 2024:

  • N/A

Week of April 1, 2024:

  • N/A

Week of March 25, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Washington Virginia Vale: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, alley pan and sidewalk repair from E. Leetsdale Drive to E. Mississippi Avenue and S. Glencoe Street to S. Monaco Parkway (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of March 18, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Washington Virginia Vale: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, alley pan and sidewalk repair from E. Leetsdale Drive to E. Mississippi Avenue and S. Glencoe Street to S. Monaco Parkway (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of March 11, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Washington Virginia Vale: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, alley pan and sidewalk repair from E. Leetsdale Drive to E. Mississippi Avenue and S. Glencoe Street to S. Monaco Parkway (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of March 4, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Washington Virginia Vale: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, alley pan and sidewalk repair from E. Leetsdale Drive to E. Mississippi Avenue and S. Glencoe Street to S. Monaco Parkway (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of February 26, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair on E. Andrews Drive between N. Quari Street and N. Chambers Road (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Washington Virginia Vale: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, alley pan and sidewalk repair from E. Leetsdale Drive to E. Mississippi Avenue and S. Glencoe Street to S. Monaco Parkway (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of February 19, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair on E. Andrews Drive between N. Quari Street and N. Chambers Road (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of February 12, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair on E. Andrews Drive between N. Quari Street and N. Chambers Road (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of February 5, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair on E. Andrews Drive between N. Quari Street and N. Chambers Road (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Wash Park West: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair on E. Ohio Avenue between S. Downing and S. Pearl Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of January 29, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair on E. Andrews Drive between N. Quari Street and N. Chambers Road (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Wash Park West: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair on E. Ohio Avenue between S. Downing and S. Pearl Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of January 22, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair on E. Andrews Drive between N. Quari Street and N. Chambers Road (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Wash Park West: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair on E. Ohio Avenue between S. Downing and S. Pearl Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of January 15, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair on E. Andrews Drive between N. Quari Street and N. Chambers Road (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Wash Park West: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair on E. Ohio Avenue between S. Downing and S. Pearl Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of January 8, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair on E. Andrews Drive between N. Quari Street and N. Chambers Road (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Wash Park West: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair on E. Ohio Avenue between S. Downing and S. Pearl Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of January 1, 2024 (weather permitting):

  • N/A

2023 Weekly Schedule History

Week of December 25, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk repair on E. Andrews Drive between N. Quari Street and N. Chambers Road (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of December 18, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk repair on E. Andrews Drive between N. Quari Street and N. Chambers Road (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of December 11, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • City Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk repair between Colorado Boulevard and Dahlia Street and Montview Boulevard and E 26th Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Montbello: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk repair on E. Andrews Drive between N. Quari Street and N. Chambers Road (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Washington Park West: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk repair between E. Exposition and E. Louisiana Avenues and S. Emerson and S. Corona Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of December 4, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • City Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk repair between Colorado Boulevard and Dahlia Street and Montview Boulevard and E 26th Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Montbello: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk repair on E. Andrews Drive between N. Quari Street and N. Chambers Road (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Washington Park West: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk repair between E. Exposition and E. Louisiana Avenues and S. Emerson and S. Corona Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of November 27, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Congress Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter repair at the intersection of E. 12th Avenue and Josephine Street (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Montbello: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk repair on E. Andrews Drive between N. Quari Street and N. Chambers Road (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montclair: ADA ramp, and curb and gutter repair between E. 8th Avenue and E. 14th Avenue and Quebec Street and Monaco Street Parkway (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • University Hills: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk repair between S. Colorado Boulevard and S. Ivanhoe Way and E. Yale and E. Hampden Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Washington Park West: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk repair between E. Exposition and E. Louisiana Avenues and S. Emerson and S. Corona Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of November 20, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Congress Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter repair at the intersection of E. 12th Avenue and Josephine Street (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Montbello: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk repair on E. Andrews Drive between N. Quari Street and N. Chambers Road (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montclair: ADA ramp, and curb and gutter repair between E. 8th Avenue and E. 14th Avenue and Quebec Street and Monaco Street Parkway (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • University Hills: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk repair between S. Colorado Boulevard and S. Ivanhoe Way and E. Yale and E. Hampden Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Washington Park West: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk repair between E. Exposition and E. Louisiana Avenues and S. Emerson and S. Corona Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of November 13, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Congress Park: Concrete spot repairs at E. 14th Avenue and Harrison Street and E. 12th Avenue and Josephine Street (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Denver Tech Center: Install concrete panels at the intersection of E. Tufts Avenue and S. DTC Boulevard and on adjacent turn lanes (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montclair: ADA ramp, and curb and gutter repair on E. 14th Avenue between Quebec Street and Monaco Street Parkway (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of November 6, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Congress Park: Concrete spot repairs at E. 14th Avenue and Harrison Street and E. 12th Avenue and Josephine Street (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Denver Tech Center: Install concrete panels at the intersection of E. Tufts Avenue and S. DTC Boulevard and on adjacent turn lanes (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montclair: ADA ramp, and curb and gutter repair on E. 14th Avenue between Quebec Street and Monaco Street Parkway (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of October 30, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Denver Tech Center: Install concrete panels at the intersection of E. Tufts Avenue and S. DTC Boulevard and on adjacent turn lanes (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • East Colfax: ADA ramp, and curb and gutter repair between Utica and Yosemite Streets and E. Colfax Avenue and Montview Boulevard (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of October 23, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Denver Tech Center: Install concrete panels at the intersection of E. Tufts Avenue and S. DTC Boulevard and on adjacent turn lanes (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montclair: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk repair between E. 8th and E. Colfax Avenues and Monaco Street Parkway and Quebec Street (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of October 16, 2023 (weather permitting): 

  • Cherry Creek: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between S. Steele Street and Colorado Boulevard and E. 2nd and E. Alameda Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Cherry Creek: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. 5th and E. 6th Avenues and University Boulevard to Clayton Street (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Cherry Creek: Panel and curb installation at 2500, 2603, and 2700 E. Cherry Creek Drive South (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Denver Tech Center: Install concrete panels at the intersection of E. Tufts Avenue and S. DTC Boulevard and on adjacent turn lanes (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montclair: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk repair between E. 10th and E. 14th Avenues and Monaco Street Parkway and Quebec Street (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Regis: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between W. 52nd and W. 48th Avenues and Tennyson Street and Lowell Boulevard (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of October 9, 2023 (weather permitting): 

  • Cherry Creek: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between S. Steele Street and Colorado Boulevard and E. 2nd and E. Alameda Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Cherry Creek: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. 5th and E. 6th Avenues and University Boulevard to Clayton Street (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Cherry Creek: Panel and curb installation at 2500, 2603, and 2700 E. Cherry Creek Drive South (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • Regis: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between W. 52nd and W. 48th Avenues and Tennyson Street and Lowell Boulevard (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of October 2, 2023 (weather permitting): 

  • Cherry Creek: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between S. Steele Street and Colorado Boulevard and E. 2nd and E. Cedar Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Green Valley Ranch: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between N. Tower and N. Picadilly Roads and E. 38th and E. 56th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • LoHi: Install concrete panels on Navajo, Osage, and Central Streets at W. 20th and W. 32nd Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of September 25, 2023 (weather permitting): 

  • Cherry Creek: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between S. Steele Street and Colorado Boulevard and E. 2nd and E. Cedar Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Green Valley Ranch: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between N. Tower and N. Picadilly Roads and E. 38th and E. 56th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto

Week of September 18, 2023 (weather permitting): 

  • Denver Tech Center: Install concrete panels at the intersection of E. Tufts Avenue and S. DTC Boulevard and on adjacent turn lanes (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Green Valley Ranch: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between N. Tower and N. Picadilly Roads and E. 38th and E. 56th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • University Park/Cory-Merrill: Replace concrete panels at various alleys between E. Evans Avenue and E. Colorado Avenues and S. University Boulevard and I-25 (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of September 11, 2023 (weather permitting): 

  • Green Valley Ranch: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between N. Tower and N. Picadilly Roads and E. 38th and E. 56th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • University Park: Curb and gutter repair on E. Evans Avenue between S. University Blvd and S. St. Paul Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of September 5, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Green Valley Ranch: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between N. Tower and N. Picadilly Roads and E. 38th and E. 56th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • University Park: Curb and gutter repair on E. Evans Avenue between S. Clayton and S. Steele Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of August 28, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Green Valley Ranch: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between N. Tower and N. Picadilly Roads and E. 38th and E. 56th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • University Park: Curb and gutter repair on Evans Avenue between University Blvd and St. Paul St (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of August 21, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Hampden: cross-pan at S. Xeric Ct and E. Doane Place (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • University Hills: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. Hampden and E. Eastman Avenues and S. Dahlia Street to I-25 (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • University Hills: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between S. Albion and S. Dahlia Streets and E. Eastman and E. Girard Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • University Park: Repair of two alleyways between Josephine and Columbine from Asbury to Evans; alley repair between University and York from Harvard to Vassar; curb and gutter repair on Evans Ave between University Blvd and St. Paul St; cross-pan and alley repair at S. Clayton St. and E. Colorado Avenue (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Wellshire: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair on Steele Street from Dartmouth to Yale (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of August 14, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Hampden: cross-pan at S. Xeric Ct and E. Doane Place (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto
  • North Park Hill: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. 26th Avenue and Montview Boulevard and N. Monaco Street Parkway and N. Quebec Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • University Hills: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. Hampden and E. Eastman Avenues and S. Dahlia Street to I-25 (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • University Hills: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between S. Albion and S. Dahlia Streets and E. Eastman and E. Girard Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto

Week of August 7, 2023 (weather permitting): 

  • North Park Hill: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. 26th Avenue and Montview Boulevard and N. Monaco Street Parkway and N. Quebec Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • University Hills: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. Hampden and E. Eastman Avenues and S. Dahlia Street to I-25 (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles, and between S. Albion and S. Dahlia Streets and E. Eastman and E. Girard Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Finch Pluto

Week of July 31, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • North Park Hill: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. 26th Avenue and Montview Boulevard and N. Monaco Street Parkway and N. Quebec Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • University Hills: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. Hampden and E. Eastman Avenues and S. Dahlia Street to I-25 (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of July 24, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • North Park Hill: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. 26th Avenue and Montview Boulevard and N. Monaco Street Parkway and N. Quebec Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • University Hills: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. Hampden and E. Eastman Avenues and S. Dahlia Street to I-25 (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Villa Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between Sheridan and Federal Boulevards and W. Colfax and W. 10th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of July 17, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • North Park Hill: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. 26th Avenue and Montview Boulevard and N. Monaco Street Parkway and N. Quebec Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • University Hills: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. Hampden and E. Eastman Avenues and S. Dahlia Street to I-25 (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Villa Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between Sheridan and Federal Boulevards and W. Colfax and W. 10th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of July 9, 2023 (weather permitting): 

  • North Park Hill: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. 26th Avenue and Montview Boulevard and N. Monaco Street Parkway and N. Quebec Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Villa Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between Sheridan and Federal Boulevards and W. Colfax and W. 10th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of July 3, 2023 (weather permitting): 

  • North Park Hill: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. 26th Avenue and Montview Boulevard and N. Monaco Street Parkway and N. Quebec Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Villa Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between Sheridan and Federal Boulevards and W. Colfax and W. 10th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of June 26, 2023 (weather permitting): 

  • North Park Hill: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. 26th Avenue and Montview Boulevard and N. Monaco Street Parkway and N. Quebec Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Villa Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between Sheridan and Federal Boulevards and W. Colfax and W. 10th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of June 19, 2023 (weather permitting): 

  • North Park Hill: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. 26th Avenue and Montview Boulevard and N. Monaco Street Parkway and N. Quebec Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Villa Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between Sheridan and Federal Boulevards and W. Colfax and W. 10th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of June 12, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Athmar Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between W. Exposition and W. Mississippi Avenues and S. Zuni and S. Pecos Streets; and on the south side of W. Alameda Avenue from S. Zuni Street to S. Raritan Street (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • North Park Hill: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. 26th and Montview Avenues and N. Monaco Street Parkway and N. Quebec Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Villa Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between Sheridan and Federal Boulevards and W. Colfax and W. 10th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of June 5, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Athmar Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between W. Exposition and W. Mississippi Avenues and S. Zuni and S. Pecos Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Park Hill: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. 26th and Montview Avenues and N. Monaco Street Parkway and N. Quebec Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of May 30, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Athmar Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between W. Exposition and W. Mississippi Avenues and S. Zuni and S. Pecos Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Park Hill: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. 26th and Montview Avenues and N. Monaco Street Parkway and N. Quebec Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of May 8, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Sloan's Lake: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk between W. 26th and W. 32nd Avenues and Tennyson Street and Sheridan Boulevard (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Villa Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk between W. Colfax and W. 10th Avenues and Sheridan and Lowell Boulevards (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of May 1, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Chaffee Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk between W. 50th and W. 52nd Avenues and Vallejo Street and Federal Boulevard (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Sloan's Lake: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk between W. 26th and W. 32nd Avenues and Tennyson Street and Sheridan Boulevard (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of April 24, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Chaffee Park: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk between W. 48th and W. 52nd Avenues and Tejon Street and Federal Boulevard (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Sunnyside: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk between W. 38th and W. 44th Avenues and Kalamath and Pecos Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of April 17, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Sunnyside: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk between:

    • W. 44th Avenue and W. 48th South Drive and Lipan and Zuni Streets; and
    • W. 38th and W. 44th Avenues and Kalamath and Pecos Streets

    (Silva) Project Manager Derek Miles

  • Washington Virginia Vale: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk between E. Louisiana and E. Florida Avenues and S. Monaco Avenue Parkway and S. Quebec Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of April 10, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Sunnyside: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk between:

    • W. 44th Avenue and W. 48th South Drive and Lipan and Zuni Streets;
    • W. 38th and W. 44th Avenues and Kalamath and Pecos Streets; and
    • W. 33rd and W. 38th Avenues and Pecos Street and I-25

    (Silva) Project Manager Derek Miles

  • Washington Virginia Vale: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk between E. Louisiana and E. Florida Avenues and S. Monaco Avenue Parkway and S. Quebec Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of April 3, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Sunnyside: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk between:

    • W. 44th Avenue and W. 48th South Drive and Lipan and Zuni Streets;
    • W. 38th and W. 44th Avenues and Kalamath and Pecos Streets; and
    • W. 33rd and W. 38th Avenues and Pecos Street and I-25

    (Silva) Project Manager Derek Miles

  • University Hills: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair on S. Fairfax Street between E. Dartmouth and E. Cornell Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

  • Washington Virginia Vale: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk between E. Louisiana and E. Florida Avenues and S. Monaco Avenue Parkway and S. Quebec Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of March 28, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Central Business District/Ballpark: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk between E. 19th and E. 22nd Avenues and Market and Wazee Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • South Park Hill: ADA ramp and curb and gutter on south side of E. 17th Avenue between Colorado Boulevard and Monaco Avenue Parkway (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • University Hills: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair on S. Fairfax Street between E. Dartmouth and E. Cornell Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Ruby Hill: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk between Federal Boulevard and S. Zuni Street and W. Mississippi and W. Florida Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Sunnyside: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk between:
    • W. 44th Avenue and W. 48th South Drive and Lipan and Zuni Streets;
    • W. 38th and W. 44th Avenues and Kalamath and Pecos Streets; and
    • W. 33rd and W. 38th Avenues and Pecos Street and I-25

(Silva) Project Manager Derek Miles

Week of March 20, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Central Business District/Ballpark: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk between E. 19th and E. 22nd Avenues and Market and Wazee Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • City Park/City Park West/Whittier/Skyland/Cole/Clayton: ADA ramp and curb and gutter on both sides of York Street between E. 22nd and E. 37th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • South Park Hill: ADA ramp and curb and gutter on south side of E. 17th Avenue between Colorado Boulevard and Monaco Avenue Parkway (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • University Hills: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair on S. Fairfax Street between E. Dartmouth and E. Cornell Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of March 13, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Central Business District/Ballpark: ADA ramp, curb and gutter and sidewalk between E. 19th and E. 22nd Avenues and Market and Wazee Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • City Park/City Park West/Whittier/Skyland/Cole/Clayton: ADA ramp and curb and gutter on both sides of York Street between E. 22nd and E. 37th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • North Capitol Hill: ADA ramp, sidewalk and gutter repair, and alley pan replacement between Washington Street to Emerson Street and E. 17th and E. 18th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • South Park Hill: ADA ramp and curb and gutter on south side of E. 17th Avenue between Colorado Boulevard and Monaco Avenue Parkway (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of March 6, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • North Capitol Hill: ADA ramp, sidewalk and gutter repair, and alley pan replacement between Washington Street to Emerson Street and E. 17th and E. 18th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • University Hills: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between E. Yale Avenue and Highline Place and S. Dahlia Street and S. Grape Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Whittier: ADA ramp, curb and gutter, and sidewalk repair between E. 33rd and E. 37th Avenues and Franklin and Humboldt Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of February 27, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Elyria-Swansea: ADA ramps, gutter overlay, and sidewalk repair on York and Josephine Streets between E. 42nd and E. 48th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • North Capitol Hill: ADA ramp, sidewalk and gutter repair, and alley pan replacement between Washington Street to Emerson Street and E. 17th and E. 18th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • University Hills: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between E. Yale Avenue and Highline Place and S. Dahlia Street and S. Grape Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of February 21, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Elyria-Swansea: ADA ramps, gutter overlay, and sidewalk repair on York and Josephine Streets between E. 42nd and E. 48th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montbello: Islands will be installed on Dillon Street east and west of the intersection with Bolling Drive, and on Bolling Drive north of the intersection with Dillon Street (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • University Hills: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between E. Yale Avenue and Highline Place and S. Dahlia Street and S. Grape Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of February 13, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Bear Valley: ADA ramps between W. Yale and W. Dartmouth Avenues, and S. Webster and S. Lamar Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Elyria-Swansea: ADA ramps, gutter overlay, and sidewalk repair on York and Josephine Streets between E. 42nd and E. 48th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montbello: Islands will be installed on Dillon Street east and west of the intersection with Bolling Drive, and on Bolling Drive north of the intersection with Dillon Street (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of February 6, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Harvey Park: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between W. Jewell and W. Iliff Avenues and S. Tennyson and S. Hazel Court (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Marston: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between W. Prentice Avenue and W. Dorado Drive and S. Ingalls Street and Grant Ranch Boulevard (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Montbello: Islands will be installed on Dillon Street east and west of the intersection with Bolling Drive, and on Bolling Drive north of the intersection with Dillon Street (Keene)  Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of January 30, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Harvey Park: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between W. Jewell and W. Iliff Avenues and S. Tennyson and S. Hazel Court (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Marston: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between W. Prentice Avenue and W. Dorado Drive and S. Ingalls Street and Grant Ranch Boulevard (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of January 24, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Harvey Park: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between W. Jewell and W. Iliff Avenues and S. Tennyson and S. Hazel Court (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Marston: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between W. Prentice Avenue and W. Dorado Drive and S. Ingalls Street and Grant Ranch Boulevard (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of January 17, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Harvey Park: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between W. Jewell and W. Iliff Avenues and S. Tennyson and S. Hazel Court (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Marston: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between W. Prentice Avenue and W. Dorado Drive and S. Ingalls Street and Grant Ranch Boulevard (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of January 10, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Harvey Park: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between W. Jewell and W. Iliff Avenues and S. Tennyson and S. Hazel Court (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Marston: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between W. Prentice Avenue and W. Dorado Drive and S. Ingalls Street and Grant Ranch Boulevard (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of January 2, 2023 (weather permitting):

  • Harvey Park: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between W. Jewell and W. Iliff Avenues and S. Tennyson and S. Hazel Court (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

2022 Weekly Schedule History

Week of December 27, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Harvey Park: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between W. Jewell and W. Iliff Avenues and S. Tennyson and S. Hazel Court (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of December 19, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Harvey Park: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between W. Jewell and W. Iliff Avenues and S. Tennyson and S. Hazel Court (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Marston: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between W. Prentice Avenue and W. Dorado Drive and S. Ingalls Street and Grant Ranch Boulevard (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of December 12, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Harvey Park: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between W. Jewell and W. Iliff Avenues and S. Tennyson and S. Hazel Court (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Marston: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between W. Prentice Avenue and W. Dorado Drive and S. Ingalls Street and Grant Ranch Boulevard (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • University Hills: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between E. Yale Avenue and Highline Place and S. Dahlia Street and S. Grape Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of December 5, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Goldsmith: ADA ramps at the intersections of E. Evans Avenue and S. Holly Street and E. Evans Avenue and S. Dahlia Street (Silva) Project Manager: Norman Shaw
  • Sloan’s Lake: ADA ramps, curb, and gutter between Federal and Lowell Boulevards and W. 16th and W. 23rd Avenues; sidewalk repair between Federal and Lowell and 21st and 23rd Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles/Amy Strouthopoulos
  • University Hills: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between E. Yale Avenue and Highline Place and S. Dahlia Street and S. Grape Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of November 21, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Sloan’s Lake: ADA ramps, curb, and gutter between Federal and Lowell Boulevards and W. 16th and W. 23rd Avenues; sidewalk repair between Federal and Lowell and 21st and 23rd Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles/Amy Strouthopoulos
  • University Hills: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between E. Yale Avenue and Highline Place and S. Dahlia Street and S. Grape Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of November 14, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Sloan’s Lake: ADA ramps, curb, and gutter between Federal and Lowell Boulevards and W. 16th and W. 23rd Avenues; sidewalk repair between Federal and Lowell and 21st and 23rd Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles/Amy Strouthopoulos
  • University Hills: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between E. Yale Avenue and Highline Place and S. Dahlia Street and S. Grape Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of November 7, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Sloan’s Lake: ADA ramps, curb, and gutter between Federal and Lowell Boulevards and W. 16th and W. 23rd Avenues; sidewalk repair between Federal and Lowell and 21st and 23rd Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles/Amy Strouthopoulos
  • University Hills: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between E. Yale Avenue and Highline Place and S. Dahlia Street and S. Grape Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of October 31, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Baker/Speer: Panel replacements on Lincoln Street between E. 2nd and E. 4th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Marston: Concrete Spot Repairs on W. Prentice Circle and W. Prentice Court (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Sloan’s Lake: ADA ramps, curb, and gutter between Federal and Lowell Boulevards and W. 16th and W. 23rd Avenues; sidewalk repair between Federal and Lowell and 21st and 23rd Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles/Amy Strouthopoulos
  • University Hills: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between E. Yale Avenue and Highline Place and S. Dahlia Street and S. Grape Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street.  Sidewalk repair occurring within the boundaries of E 26th to E 35th Avenue and Downing to York Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of October 24, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Baker/Speer: Panel replacements on Lincoln Street between E. 2nd and E. 4th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Sloan’s Lake: ADA ramps, curb, and gutter between Federal and Lowell Boulevards and W. 16th and W. 23rd Avenues; sidewalk repair between Federal and Lowell and 21st and 23rd Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles/Amy Strouthopoulos
  • University Hills: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between E. Yale Avenue and Highline Place and S. Dahlia Street and S. Grape Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street.  Sidewalk repair occurring within the boundaries of E 26th to E 35th Avenue and Downing to York Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of October 17, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Athmar Park: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between W. Alameda and W. Exposition Avenues and S. Pecos and S. Zuni Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Baker/Speer: Panel replacements on Lincoln Street between E. 2nd and E. 4th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Marston: Concrete Spot Repairs between W. Crestline Avenue and W. Dorado Drive and S. Otis Court and S. Ingalls Street (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • University Hills: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between E. Yale Avenue and Highline Place and S. Dahlia Street and S. Grape Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street.  Sidewalk repair occurring within the boundaries of E 26th to E 35th Avenue and Downing to York Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of October 9, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Athmar Park: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between W. Alameda and W. Exposition Avenues and S. Pecos and S. Zuni Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • University Hills: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between E. Yale Avenue and Highline Place and S. Dahlia Street and S. Grape Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street.  Sidewalk repair occurring within the boundaries of E 26th to E 35th Avenue and Downing to York Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of October 2, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Athmar Park: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between W. Alameda and W. Exposition Avenues and S. Pecos and S. Zuni Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Cherry Creek North: Concrete spot repairs in alleys from E. 5th Avenue to E. 6th Avenue between Garfield and Monroe Streets and Monroe and Madison Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • University Hills: ADA ramps and sidewalk repair between E. Yale Avenue and Highline Place and S. Dahlia Street and S. Grape Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street.  Sidewalk repair occurring within the boundaries of E 26th to E 35th Avenue and Downing to York Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of September 26, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Lowry: ADA ramp, curb and gutter repair on E. Ellsworth Avenue between Roslyn and Quince Streets; installation of new crosspan across E. Ellsworth Avenue at Quince Street (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street.  Sidewalk repair occurring within the boundaries of E 26th to E 35th Avenue and Downing to York Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of September 19, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street.  Sidewalk repair occurring within the boundaries of E 26th to E 35th Avenue and Downing to York Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of September 12, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street.  Sidewalk repair occurring within the boundaries of E 26th to E 35th Avenue and Downing to York Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of September 5, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University Park/University Hills North: ADA ramps, curb and gutter on the north and south sides of E. Evans Avenue between S. Monroe and S. Birch Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montbello: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between E. 46th and E. 55th Avenues and N. Peoria and N. Chambers Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Norman Shaw
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street. Sidewalk repair occurring within the boundaries of E 26th to E 35th Avenue and Downing to York Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of August 29, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University Park/University Hills North: ADA ramps, curb and gutter on the north and south sides of E. Evans Avenue between S. Monroe and S. Birch Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montbello: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between E. 46th and E. 55th Avenues and N. Peoria and N. Chambers Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Norman Shaw
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street. Sidewalk repair occurring within the boundaries of E 26th to E 35th Avenue and Downing to York Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of August 22, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University Park/University Hills North: ADA ramps, curb and gutter on the north and south sides of E. Evans Avenue between S. Monroe and S. Birch Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montbello: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between E. 46th and E. 55th Avenues and N. Peoria and N. Chambers Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Norman Shaw
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street.  Sidewalk repair occurring within the boundaries of E 26th to E 35th Avenue and Downing to York Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Congress Park/Cheesman Park: ADA ramps , curb and gutter and spot repair between E. Colfax and E. 12th Avenues and Race Street and University Boulevard (Keene); and at E. 9th Avenue and York Street (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos.

Week of August 15, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University Park/University Hills North: ADA ramps, curb and gutter on the north and south sides of E. Evans Avenue between S. Monroe and S. Birch Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montbello: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between E. 46th and E. 55th Avenues and N. Peoria and N. Chambers Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Norman Shaw
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street.  Sidewalk repair occurring within the boundaries of E 26th to E 35th Avenue and Downing to York Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Congress Park/Cheesman Park: ADA ramps , curb and gutter and spot repair between E. Colfax and E. 12th Avenues and Race Street and University Boulevard (Keene); and at E. 9th Avenue and York Street (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos.

Week of August 8, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University Park/University Hills North: ADA ramps, curb and gutter on the north and south sides of E. Evans Avenue between S. Monroe and S. Birch Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montbello: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between E. 46th and E. 55th Avenues and N. Peoria and N. Chambers Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Norman Shaw
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street.  Sidewalk repair occurring within the boundaries of E 26th to E 35th Avenue and Downing to York Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Congress Park/Cheesman Park: ADA ramps , curb and gutter and spot repair between E. Colfax and E. 12th Avenues and Race Street and University Boulevard (Keene); and at E. 9th Avenue and York Street (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos.

Week of August 1, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University Park/University Hills North: ADA ramps, curb and gutter on the north and south sides of E. Evans Avenue between S. Monroe and S. Birch Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montbello: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between E. 46th and E. 55th Avenues and N. Peoria and N. Chambers Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Norman Shaw
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street.  Sidewalk repair occurring within the boundaries of E 26th to E 35th Avenue and Downing to York Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Congress Park/Cheesman Park: ADA ramps , curb and gutter and spot repair between E. Colfax and E. 12th Avenues and Race Street and University Boulevard (Keene); and at E. 9th Avenue and York Street (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos.

Week of July 25, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University Park/University Hills North: ADA ramps, curb and gutter on the north and south sides of E. Evans Avenue between S. Monroe and S. Birch Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montbello: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between E. 46th and E. 55th Avenues and N. Peoria and N. Chambers Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Norman Shaw
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Congress Park/Cheesman Park: ADA ramps , curb and gutter and spot repair between E. Colfax and E. 12th Avenues and Race Street and University Boulevard (Keene); and at E. 9th Avenue and York Street (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos.

Week of July 18, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University Park/University Hills North: ADA ramps, curb and gutter on the north and south sides of E. Evans Avenue between S. Monroe and S. Birch Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montbello: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between E. 46th and E. 55th Avenues and N. Peoria and N. Chambers Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Norman Shaw
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Congress Park/Cheesman Park: ADA ramps , curb and gutter and spot repair between E. Colfax and E. 12th Avenues and Race Street and University Boulevard (Keene); and at E. 9th Avenue and York Street (Keene) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos.

Week of July 11, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between E. 46th and E. 55th Avenues and N. Peoria and N. Chambers Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Norman Shaw
  • University Park/University Hills North: ADA ramps, curb and gutter on the north and south sides of E. Evans Avenue between S. Monroe and S. Birch Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Sloans Lake/West Colfax: ADA Ramps on 17th Avenue between Sheridan and Federal Boulevards (Silva) Project Manager: Norman Shaw

Week of July 5, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between E. 46th and E. 55th Avenues and N. Peoria and N. Chambers Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Norman Shaw
  • University Park/University Hills North: ADA ramps, curb and gutter on the north and south sides of E. Evans Avenue between S. Monroe and S. Birch Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of June 27, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between E. 46th and E. 55th Avenues and N. Peoria and N. Chambers Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Norman Shaw
  • University Park/University Hills North: ADA ramps, curb and gutter on the north and south sides of E. Evans Avenue between S. Monroe and S. Birch Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of June 20, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between E. 46th and E. 55th Avenues and N. Peoria and N. Chambers Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Norman Shaw
  • University Park/University Hills North: ADA ramps, curb and gutter on the north and south sides of E. Evans Avenue between S. Monroe and S. Birch Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Whittier: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between Downing and York Streets and E. 26th Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard; curb repair at E. 36th Avenue and High Street and E. 34th Avenue and Marion Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of June 13, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between E. 46th and E. 55th Avenues and N. Peoria and N. Chambers Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Norman Shaw
  • University Park/University Hills North: ADA ramps, curb and gutter on the north and south sides of E. Evans Avenue between S. Monroe and S. Cherry Streets (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of June 6, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: ADA ramps, curb and gutter between E. 46th and E. 55th Avenues and N. Peoria and N. Chambers Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Norman Shaw
  • University Park/University Hills North: ADA ramps, curb and gutter on the north and south sides of E. Evans Avenue between S. Monroe and S. Cherry Streets (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of May 30, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Central Business District: ADA ramps, curb and gutter at 15th and Arapahoe Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • University Park/University Hills North: ADA ramps, curb and gutter on the north and south sides of E. Evans Avenue between S. Monroe and S. Cherry Streets (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of May 23, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Central Business District: ADA ramps, curb and gutter at 15th and Arapahoe Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • University Park/University Hills North: ADA ramps, curb and gutter on the north and south sides of E. Evans Avenue between S. Monroe and S. Cherry Streets (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of May 16, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • No work scheduled

Week of May 9, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • No work scheduled

Week of May 2, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • No work scheduled

Week of April 25, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • No work scheduled

Week of April 18, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • No work scheduled

Week of April 11, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • No work scheduled

Week of April 4, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Athmar Park: ADA curb ramps, sidewalk, curb and gutter between S. Federal Boulevard and S. Pecos Street, and W. Alameda and W. Exposition Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • University Park: ADA curb ramps between S. University Boulevard and S. St. Paul Street, and Buchtel Boulevard to E. Vassar Avenue

Week of March 28, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • No work scheduled

Week of March 21, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University: ADA curb ramps from S. Marion Street to S. York Street between E. Iliff Avenue and E. Yale Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of March 14, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University: ADA curb ramps from S. Marion Street to S. York Street between E. Iliff Avenue and E. Yale Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • West Highland: ADA curb ramps from Lowell Boulevard to Federal Boulevard between W. 32nd and W 38th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of March 7, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University: ADA curb ramps from S. Marion Street to S. York Street between E. Iliff Avenue and E. Yale Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • West Highland: ADA curb ramps from Lowell Boulevard to Federal Boulevard between W. 32nd and W 38th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of February 28, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University: ADA curb ramps from S. Marion Street to S. York Street between E. Iliff Avenue and E. Yale Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • West Highland: ADA curb ramps from Lowell Boulevard to Federal Boulevard between W. 32nd and W 38th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of February 21, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University: ADA curb ramps from S. Marion Street to S. York Street between E. Iliff Avenue and E. Yale Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • West Highland: ADA curb ramps from Lowell Boulevard to Federal Boulevard between W. 32nd and W 38th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of February 14, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University: ADA curb ramps from S. Marion Street to S. York Street between E. Iliff Avenue and E. Yale Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Washington Park West/Washington Park: ADA curb ramps from S. Grant Street to S. Franklin Street between E. Dakota and E. Exposition Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • West Highland: ADA curb ramps from Lowell Boulevard to Federal Boulevard between W. 32nd and W 38th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of February 7, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University: ADA curb ramps from S. Marion Street to S. York Street between E. Iliff Avenue and E. Yale Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Washington Park West/Washington Park: ADA curb ramps from S. Grant Street to S. Franklin Street between E. Dakota and E. Exposition Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • West Highland: ADA curb ramps from Lowell Boulevard to Federal Boulevard between W. 32nd and W 38th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of January 31, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University: ADA curb ramps from S. Marion Street to S. York Street between E. Iliff Avenue and E. Yale Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Washington Park West/Washington Park: ADA curb ramps from S. Grant Street to S. Franklin Street between E. Dakota and E. Exposition Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • West Highland: ADA curb ramps from Lowell Boulevard to Federal Boulevard between W. 32nd and W 38th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of January 24, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University: ADA curb ramps from S. Marion Street to S. York Street between E. Iliff Avenue and E. Yale Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Washington Park West/Washington Park: ADA curb ramps from S. Grant Street to S. Franklin Street between E. Dakota and E. Exposition Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • West Highland: ADA curb ramps from Lowell Boulevard to Federal Boulevard between W. 32nd and W 38th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of January 18, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • University: ADA curb ramps from S. Marion Street to S. York Street between E. Iliff Avenue and E. Yale Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Washington Park West/Washington Park: ADA curb ramps from S. Grant Street to S. Franklin Street between E. Dakota and E. Exposition Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • West Highland: ADA curb ramps from Lowell Boulevard to Federal Boulevard between W. 32nd and W 38th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of January 10, 2022 (weather permitting):

  • Washington Park West/Washington Park: ADA curb ramps from S. Grant Street to S. Franklin Street between E. Dakota and E. Exposition Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • West Highland: ADA curb ramps from Lowell Boulevard to Federal Boulevard between W. 32nd and W 38th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

2021 Weekly Schedule History

Week of December 20, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Barnum/Barnum West: ADA curb ramps from W. 1st Avenue to W. Alameda Avenue between Sheridan Boulevard and Hazel Court (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of December 13, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Barnum/Barnum West: ADA curb ramps from W. 1st Avenue to W. Alameda Avenue between Sheridan Boulevard and Hazel Court (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Belcaro: Concrete spot repair between Colorado and University Boulevards, from Exposition to Arizona Avenues (Chatos). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Highland: ADA curb ramps from 32nd to 38th Avenue between Eliot and Alcott Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • East Hilltop/Lowry: Curb and gutter, alley repair and ADA curb ramps between Monaco Parkway and Quebec Street, from 6th to 1st Avenues (Chatos). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • South Park Hill & East Colfax: Concrete spot repair between E. Colfax Avenue and Montview Boulevard and Locust and Tamarac Streets. (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of December 6, 2021
(weather permitting):

  • Barnum/Barnum West: ADA curb ramps from W. 1st Avenue to W. Alameda Avenue between Sheridan Boulevard and Hazel Court (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Belcaro: Concrete spot repair between Colorado and University Boulevards, from Exposition to Arizona Avenues (Chatos). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Highland: ADA curb ramps from 32nd to 38th Avenue between Eliot and Alcott Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • East Hilltop/Lowry: Curb and gutter, alley repair and ADA curb ramps between Monaco Parkway and Quebec Street, from 6th to 1st Avenues (Chatos). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • South Park Hill & East Colfax: Concrete spot repair between E. Colfax Avenue and Montview Boulevard and Locust and Tamarac Streets. (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of November 22, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Barnum/Barnum West: ADA curb ramps from W. 1st Avenue to W. Alameda Avenue between Sheridan Boulevard and Hazel Court (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Harvey Park: ADA curb ramps, and gutter and driveway repair and replacement between E. Yale and E. Vassar Avenues and W. Sheridan and W. Federal (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Highland: ADA curb ramps from 32nd to 38th Avenue between Eliot and Alcott Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Overland: ADA curb ramps on W. Warren and W. Iliff Avenues between S. Delaware Street and S. Broadway (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • South Park Hill & East Colfax: Concrete spot repair between E. Colfax Avenue and Montview Boulevard and Locust and Tamarac Streets. (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of November 15, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Harvey Park: ADA curb ramps, and gutter and driveway repair and replacement between E. Yale and E. Vassar Avenues and W. Sheridan and W. Federal (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Highland: ADA curb ramps from 32nd to 38th Avenue between Eliot and Alcott Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montclair: Concrete spot repair between E. 7th and E. 11th Avenues and Locust and Quincy Streets (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Overland: ADA curb ramps on W. Warren and W. Iliff Avenues between S. Delaware Street and S. Broadway (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • South Park Hill & East Colfax: Concrete spot repair between E. Colfax Avenue and Montview Boulevard and Locust and Tamarac Streets. (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of November 8, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Harvey Park: ADA curb ramps, and gutter and driveway repair and replacement between E. Yale and E. Vassar Avenues and W. Sheridan and W. Federal (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Highland: ADA curb ramps from 32nd to 38th Avenue between Eliot and Alcott Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montclair: Concrete spot repair between E. 7th and E. 11th Avenues and Locust and Quincy Streets (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Overland: ADA curb ramps on W. Warren and W. Iliff Avenues between S. Delaware Street and S. Broadway (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of November 1, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Barnum/Barnum West: ADA curb ramps from W. 1st Avenue to W. Alameda Avenue between Sheridan Boulevard and Hazel Court (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Berkeley: Concrete spot repair at W. 38th Avenue & Utica Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Harvey Park: ADA curb ramps, and gutter and driveway repair and replacement between E. Yale and E. Vassar Avenues and W. Sheridan and W. Federal (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Highland: ADA curb ramps from 32nd to 38th Avenue between Eliot and Alcott Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montclair: Concrete spot repair between E. 7th and E. 11th Avenues and Locust and Quincy Streets (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Overland: ADA curb ramps on W. Warren and W. Iliff Avenues between S. Delaware Street and S. Broadway (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Skyland: ADA curb ramps, curb and gutter repair, and alley apron between Franklin and St. Paul Streets and E. 26th and E. 36th Avenues (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of October 25, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Harvey Park: ADA curb ramps, and gutter and driveway repair and replacement between E. Yale and E. Vassar Avenues and W. Sheridan and W. Federal (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Highland: 32nd to 38th Avenue between Eliot and Alcott Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Marston: ADA curb ramps between S. Estes Street and S. Wadsworth Boulevard and S. Dover Street and W. Cross Drive (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Marston: ADA curb ramps between S. Balsam Way and S. Wadsworth Boulevard and W. Union and W. Grand Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montclair: Concrete spot repair between E. 7th and E. 11th Avenues and Locust and Quincy Streets (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Skyland: ADA curb ramps, curb and gutter repair, and alley apron between Franklin and St. Paul Streets and E. 26th and E. 36th Avenues (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of October 18, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Central Park: Repair crosswalk panels at Town Center (E. 29th Place at Roslyn and Syracuse Streets) (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Fort Logan: ADA curb ramps between W. Quincy and W. Hampden Avenues and S. Newland Street and S. Sheridan Boulevard (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Harvey Park: ADA curb ramps, and gutter and driveway repair and replacement between E. Yale and E. Vassar Avenues and W. Sheridan and W. Federal (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Highland: 32nd to 38th Avenue between Eliot and Alcott Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Marston: ADA curb ramps between S. Estes Street and S. Wadsworth Boulevard and S. Dover Street and W. Cross Drive (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Marston: ADA curb ramps between S. Balsam Way and S. Wadsworth Boulevard and W. Union and W. Grand Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montclair: Concrete spot repair between E. 7th and E. 11th Avenues and Locust and Quincy Streets (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Skyland: ADA curb ramps, curb and gutter repair, and alley apron between Franklin and St. Paul Streets and E. 26th and E. 36th Avenues (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of October 11, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Clayton: ADA curb ramps from York Street to St. Paul Street between E. 33rd and E. 37th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Fort Logan: ADA curb ramps between W. Quincy and W. Hampden Avenues and S. Newland Street and S. Sheridan Blvd (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Highland/Union Station: Curb and gutter repair and replacement between Blake Street and Erie Street and Speer Boulevard and 22nd Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Marston: ADA curb ramps between S. Estes Street and S. Wadsworth Boulevard and S. Dover Street and W. Cross Drive (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Marston: ADA curb ramps between S. Balsam Way and S. Wadsworth Boulevard and W. Union and W. Grand Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montclair: Concrete spot repair between E. 7th and E. 11th Avenues and Locust and Quincy Streets (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Skyland: ADA curb ramps, curb and gutter repair, and alley apron between Franklin and St. Paul Streets and E. 26th and E. 36th Avenues (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of October 4, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • City Park West: E. 16th Avenue to E. 26th Avenue from Clarkson Street to York Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Clayton: York Street to St. Paul Street between E. 33rd and E. 37th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Fort Logan: Between W. Quincy and W. Hampden Avenues and S. Newland Street and S. Sheridan Blvd (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Highland/Union Station: Curb and gutter repair and replacement between Blake Street and Erie Street and Speer Boulevard and 22nd Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Marston: Between S. Estes Street and S. Wadsworth Boulevard and S. Dover Street and W. Cross Drive (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Marston: Between S. Balsam Way and S. Wadsworth Boulevard and W. Union and W. Grand Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of September 27, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Barnum: Stuart Street to Lowell Boulevard between W. 1st Avenue to W. Byers Place (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • City Park West: E. 16th Avenue to E. 26th Avenue from Clarkson Street to York Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Clayton: York Street to St. Paul Street between E. 33rd and E. 37th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Fort Logan: Between W. Quincy and W. Hampden Avenues and S. Newland Street and S. Sheridan Blvd (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Highland/Union Station: Curb and gutter repair and replacement between Blake Street and Erie Street and Speer Boulevard and 22nd Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Marston: Between S. Estes Street and S. Wadsworth Boulevard and S. Dover Street and W. Cross Drive (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Marston: Between S. Balsam Way and S. Wadsworth Boulevard and W. Union and W. Grand Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of September 14, 2021

  • No work scheduled

Week of September 7, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Cherry Creek: E. 2nd Avenue to E. 4th Avenue between Steele Street and Colorado Boulevard (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead
  • Cherry Creek: E. 4th Avenue from Columbine Street to Steele Street (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead
  • Clayton: York Street to St. Paul Street between 33rd and 37th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of August 30, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Cherry Creek: E. 2nd Avenue to E. 4th Avenue between Steele Street and Colorado Boulevard (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead
  • Cherry Creek: E. 4th Avenue from Columbine Street to Steele Street (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead
  • Clayton: York Street to St. Paul Street between 33rd and 37th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of August 23, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Central Park: Martin Luther King Boulevard from Colorado Boulevard to Clinton Street (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Cherry Creek: E. 2nd Avenue to E. 4th Avenue between Steele Street and Colorado Boulevard (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead
  • Cherry Creek: E. 4th Avenue from Columbine Street to Steele Street (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead
  • Clayton: York Street to St. Paul Street between 33rd and 37th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of August 16, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Central Park: Martin Luther King Boulevard from Colorado Boulevard to Clinton Street (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Cherry Creek: E. 2nd Avenue to E. 4th Avenue between Steele Street and Colorado Boulevard (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead
  • Cherry Creek: E. 4th Avenue from Columbine Street to Steele Street (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead
  • Clayton: York Street to St. Paul Street between 33rd and 37th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montclair: E. 8th and E. 9th Avenues from Ivanhoe Street to Locust Street (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead

Week of August 2, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Central Park: Martin Luther King Boulevard from Colorado Boulevard to Clinton Street (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Clayton: York Street to St. Paul Street between 33rd and 37th Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of July 26, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Central Park: Northfield Boulevard from Xenia Street to Beeler Street (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Central Park: Martin Luther King Boulevard between Akron and Clinton Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Green Valley Ranch: Malaya Street from Green Valley Ranch Boulevard to E. 43rd Place (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Green Valley Ranch: E. 42nd Avenue from Himalaya Road to Lisbon Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montclair: E. 8th Avenue to E. 10th Avenue from Holly Street to Monaco Avenue Parkway (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead
  • Speer: E. 1st Avenue to E. 3rd Avenue from Sherman Street to Clarkson Street (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead

Week of July 19, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Green Valley Ranch: Malaya Street from Green Valley Ranch Boulevard to E. 43rd Place (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Green Valley Ranch: E. 42nd Avenue from Himalaya Road to Lisbon Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montbello: E. Randolph Place to 51st Avenue between Topeka Court and Idalia Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montclair: E. 8th Avenue to E. 10th Avenue from Holly Street to Monaco Avenue Parkway (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead
  • Speer: E. 1st Avenue to E. 3rd Avenue from Sherman Street to Clarkson Street (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead

Week of July 12, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Green Valley Ranch: Malaya Street from Green Valley Ranch Boulevard to E. 43rd Place (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Green Valley Ranch: E. 42nd Avenue from Himalaya Road to Lisbon Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montbello: E. Randolph Place to 51st Avenue between Topeka Court and Idalia Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of June 28, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: E. Randolph Place to 51st Avenue between Topeka Court and Idalia Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of June 21, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: E. Randolph Place to 51st Avenue between Topeka Court and Idalia Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of June 14, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Green Valley Ranch: E. Randolph Place to 51st Avenue between Topeka Court and Idalia Street (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montclair: Holly Street to Monaco Parkway between E. 8th and E. 13th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Tyler Mead

Week of May 31, 2021

  • No work scheduled

Week of May 24, 2021

  • No work scheduled

Week of May 17, 2021

  • No work scheduled

Week of May 10, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Ballpark: Blake Street from 20th Street to 22nd Street, and 20th Street from Blake Street to Wazee Street (Chato’s) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of April 5, 2021

  • No work scheduled

Week of March 29, 2021

  • Platt Park: E. Mexico Avenue to E. Evans Avenue between S. Sherman and S. Franklin Streets (Fasick) Project Manager: Tyler Mead

Week of March 22, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Platt Park: E. Mexico Avenue to E. Evans Avenue between S. Sherman and S. Franklin Streets (Fasick) Project Manager: Tyler Mead

Week of March 15, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • No work scheduled

Week of March 8, 2021

  • No work scheduled

Week of March 1, 2021

  • No work scheduled

Week of February 22, 2021

  • No work scheduled

Week of February 15, 2021

  • No work scheduled

Week of February 8, 2021

  • Platte Park: E. Mexico Avenue to E. Evans Avenue between S. Sherman and S. Franklin Streets (Fasick) Project Manager: Tyler Mead

Week of February 1, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Platte Park: E. Mexico Avenue to E. Evans Avenue between S. Sherman and S. Franklin Streets (Fasick) Project Manager: Tyler Mead

Week of January 25, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Platte Park: E. Mexico Avenue to E. Evans Avenue between S. Sherman and S. Franklin Streets (Fasick) Project Manager: Tyler Mead

Week of January 18, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • No work scheduled

Week of January 11, 2021 (weather permitting):

  • Berkeley: W. 50th Avenue and Oscola Street (Fasick) Project Manager: Tyler Mead

2020 Weekly Schedule History

Week of December 21, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • No ADA work

Week of December 14, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Baker: W. 2nd to W. 3rd Avenue between Fox and Galapagos Streets (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Berkeley: W. 52nd Avenue and Osceola Street (Fasick) Project Manager: Tyler Mead

Week of December 7, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Montbello: E. Maxwell Place to E. 51st Avenue between Uvalda Street and Crown Boulevard (Silva) Project Manager: Tyler Mead

Week of November 30, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Congress Park: E. 12th Avenue between Steele and Jackson Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montbello: E. Maxwell Place to E. 51st Avenue between Uvalda Street and Crown Boulevard (Silva) Project Manager: Tyler Mead

Week of November 23, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Congress Park: E. 12th Avenue between Steele and Jackson Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Montbello: E. Maxwell Place to E. 51st Avenue between Uvalda Street and Crown Boulevard (Silva) Project Manager: Tyler Mead

Week of November 16, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Five Points: Park Avenue from E. Colfax Avenue to E. 20th Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Hilltop: Holly Street to Forest Street between E Cedar and E. 6th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager Tyler Mead
  • Montclair: Holly Street to Forest Street between E. Severn Place and E. 11th Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Tyler Mead
  • Virginia Vale: S. Holly Street between E. Mississippi and E. Tennessee Avenues; E. Tennessee Avenue between S. Holly and S. Jersey Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Tyler Mead
  • Virginia Village: E. Evans Avenue from S. Dahlia Street to S. Holly Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of November 9, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Five Points: Park Avenue from E. Colfax Avenue to E. 20th Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Hilltop: Holly Street to Forest Street between E Cedar and E. 6th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager Tyler Mead
  • Montclair: Holly Street to Forest Street between E. Severn Place and E. 11th Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Tyler Mead
  • Virginia Vale: S. Holly Street between E. Mississippi and E. Tennessee Avenues; E. Tennessee Avenue between S. Holly and S. Jersey Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Tyler Mead
  • Virginia Village: E. Evans Avenue from S. Dahlia Street to S. Holly Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of November 2, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Congress Park: E. 12th Avenue between Steele and Jackson Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Cory-Merrill: E. Louisiana Avenue between S. University Boulevard and S. Steele Street (Silva) Project Manager: Tyler Mead
  • Five Points: Park Avenue from E. Colfax Avenue to E. 20th Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Hilltop: Holly Street to Forest Street between E Cedar and E. 6th Avenues (Silva) Project Manager Tyler Mead
  • Montclair: Holly Street to Forest Street between E. Severn Place and E. 11th Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Tyler Mead
  • South Park Hill: Newport Street between E. 17th and E. 18th Avenues, E. Montview Boulevard between Krameria and Oneida Streets, E. 19th between Niagara and Newport Streets (Chatos) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Virginia Vale: S. Holly Street between E. Mississippi and E. Tennessee Avenues; E. Tennessee Avenue between S. Holly and S. Jersey Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Tyler Mead

Week of October 26, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Bear Valley: W. Dartmouth Avenue between S. Lamar and S. Harlan Streets; W. Columbia Place between S. Harlan Street and S. Golden Way; W. Yale Avenue between S. Fenton Street and S. Ames Way; and W. Bates Avenue between S. Ivan way and S. Golden Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Cory-Merrill: E. Louisiana Avenue between S. University Boulevard and S. Steele Street (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead
  • Five Points: Park Avenue from E. Colfax Avenue to E. 20th Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Tony Romero
  • Hilltop: Alley located between E. 1st and 2nd Avenues from Ash Street to Bellaire Street (Chatos) Project Manager: Tony Romero
  • South Park Hill: Newport Street between E. 17th and E. 18th Avenues, E. Montview Boulevard between Krameria and Oneida Streets, E. 19th between Niagara and Newport Streets (Chatos) Project Manager: Tony Romero
  • Washington/Virginia Vale: Driveway on south side of E. Alameda Avenue east of S. Colorado Boulevard (Chatos) Project Manager: Tony Romero

Week of October 19, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Bear Valley: W. Dartmouth Avenue between S. Lamar and S. Harlan Streets; W. Columbia Place between S. Harlan Street and S. Golden Way; W. Yale Avenue between S. Fenton Street and S. Ames Way; and W. Bates Avenue between S. Ivan way and S. Golden Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Cory-Merrill: E. Louisiana Avenue between S. University Boulevard and S. Steele Street (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead
  • Five Points: Park Avenue from E. Colfax Avenue to E. 20th Avenue (Silva) Project Inspector: Tony Romero
  • Hilltop: Alley located between E. 1st and 2nd Avenues from Ash Street to Bellaire Street (Chatos) Project Inspector: Tony Romero
  • Washington/Virginia Vale: Driveway on south side of E. Alameda Avenue east of S. Colorado Boulevard (Chatos) Project Inspector: Tony Romero

Week of October 12, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Bear Valley: W. Dartmouth Avenue between S. Lamar and S. Harlan Streets; W. Columbia Place between S. Harlan Street and S. Golden Way; W. Yale Avenue between S. Fenton Street and S. Ames Way; and W. Bates Avenue between S. Ivan way and S. Golden Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Cory-Merrill: E. Louisiana Avenue between S. University Boulevard and S. Steele Street (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead
  • Villa Park: W. 8th Avenue from Federal Boulevard to Bryant Street (Silva) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of October 5, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Barnum: West 1st Avenue from Federal Boulevard to Knox Court (Silva) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Bear Valley: W. Dartmouth Avenue between S. Lamar and S. Harlan Streets; W. Columbia Place between S. Harlan Street and S. Golden Way; W. Yale Avenue between S. Fenton Street and S. Ames Way; and W. Bates Avenue between S. Ivan way and S. Golden Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Cory-Merrill: E. Louisiana Avenue between S. University Boulevard and S. Steele Street (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead
  • Hampden South: S. Yosemite Street from I-225 to E. Belleview Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Villa Park: W. 8th Avenue from Federal Boulevard to Bryant Street (Silva) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of September 28, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Bear Valley: W. Dartmouth Avenue between S. Lamar and S. Harlan Streets; W. Columbia Place between S. Harlan Street and S. Golden Way; W. Yale Avenue between S. Fenton Street and S. Ames Way; and W. Bates Avenue between S. Ivan way and S. Golden Way (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Cory-Merrill: E. Louisiana Avenue between S. University Boulevard and S. Steele Street (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead
  • Hampden South: S. Yosemite Street from I-225 to E. Belleview Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of September 21, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Cook Park: S. Monaco Parkway between E. Florida and E. Jewell Avenues (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Cory-Merrill: E. Louisiana Avenue between S. University Boulevard and S. Steele Street (Silva) Project Manager: James Mead
  • Fort Logan: From S. Zenobia Street to S. Lowell Boulevard between W. Radcliff and W. Monmouth Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Hampden South: S. Yosemite Street from I-225 to E. Belleview Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of September 14, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Fort Logan: From S. Zenobia Street to S. Lowell Boulevard between W. Radcliff and W. Monmouth Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Hampden South: E. Union Avenue and S. Ulster Street (concrete panel replacement) (Chatos) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of September 7, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Cook Park: From E. Florida to E. Asbury Avenues between S. Holly Street and S. Monaco Boulevard (Silva). Project Manager: Tyler Mead and S. Monaco Boulevard from E. Florida Avenue to E. Colorado Drive (Chatos) Project Manager, Derek Miles
  • Cory-Merrill: From E. Florida Avenue to E. Montana Avenue between S. Steele and S. Jackson Streets, and from E. Florida Avenue to S. Mexico Avenue between S. Steele and S. Josephine Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Tyler Mead
  • Fort Logan: From S. Zenobia Street to S. Lowell Boulevard between W. Radcliff and W. Monmouth Avenues (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Hampden South: Yosemite Street from Union Avenue to I-225 (Silva). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • West Washington Park: S. Emerson Street from I-25 to Speer Boulevard, and S. Washington Street from E. Mississippi Avenue to E. Exposition Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of August 31, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Barnum: 1st Avenue from Knox Court to Federal Boulevard (Silva). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Cook Park: From E. Florida to E. Asbury Avenues between S. Holly Street and S. Monaco Boulevard (Silva). Project Manager: Tyler Mead and S. Monaco Boulevard from E. Florida Avenue to E. Colorado Drive (Chatos) Project Manager, Derek Miles
  • Cory-Merrill: From E. Florida Avenue to E. Montana Avenue between S. Steele and S. Jackson Streets, and from E. Florida Avenue to S. Mexico Avenue between S. Steele and S. Josephine Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Tyler Mead
  • Hampden South: Yosemite Street from Union Avenue to I-225 (Silva). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Sun Valley: 8th Avenue from Federal Boulevard to Zuni Street (Silva). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Westwood: S. Stuart Street between W. Alameda Avenue and Morrison Road, and from W. Exposition Avenue to W. Ohio Avenue between S. Jay Court and S. Federal Boulevard (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of August 24, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Cook Park: From E. Florida to E. Asbury Avenues between S. Holly Street and S. Monaco Boulevard (Silva). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz and S. Monaco Boulevard from E. Florida Avenue to E. Colorado Drive (Chatos) Project Manager, Derek Miles
  • Cory-Merrill: From E. Florida Avenue to E. Montana Avenue between S. Steele and S. Jackson Streets, and from E. Florida Avenue to S. Mexico Avenue between S. Steele and S. Josephine Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz
  • Westwood: S. Stuart Street between W. Alameda Avenue and Morrison Road, and from W. Exposition Avenue to W. Ohio Avenue between S. Jay Court and S. Federal Boulevard (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • West Washington Park: S. Emerson Street from I-25 to Speer Boulevard, and S. Washington Street from E. Mississippi Avenue to E. Exposition Avenue (Silva) Project Manager, Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of August 17, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Cook Park: From E. Florida to E. Asbury Avenues between S. Holly Street and S. Monaco Boulevard (Silva). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz
  • Cory-Merrill: From E. Florida Avenue to E. Montana Avenue between S. Steele and S. Jackson Streets (Silva) Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz
  • Goldsmith: S. Monaco Street between E. Iliff and E. Yale Avenues (Silva) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Hampden South: S. Yosemite Street between I-225 and E. Union Avenue (Silva) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • University Hills: E. Yale Avenue between S. Dahlia Street and S. Colorado Boulevard (Silva) Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos
  • Westwood: S. Stuart Street between W. Alameda Avenue and Morrison Road (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of August 10, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Cook Park: From E. Florida to E. Asbury Avenues between S. Holly Street and S. Monaco Boulevard (Silva). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz
  • Green Valley Ranch: Concrete panel replacement work at eastbound turn lane of Green Valley Ranch Boulevard onto northbound Pena Boulevard (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Hampden South: Between DTC Boulevard, E. Union Avenue and S. Ulster Street (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • La Alma/Lincoln Park: From 8th to 12th Avenues between Delaware and Mariposa Streets (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Southmoor Park: E. Princeton and E. Mansfield Avenues between S. Quebec Street and S. Tamarac Drive (Silva) Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz

Week of August 3, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Cherry Point: Between S. Dahlia Street, E. Mansfield Avenue and Happy Canyon Road (Silva). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz
  • Cook Park: From E. Florida to E. Asbury Avenues between S. Holly Street and S. Monaco Boulevard (Silva). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz
  • Hampden South: Between DTC Boulevard, E. Union Avenue and S. Ulster Street (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • La Alma/Lincoln Park: From 8th to 12th Avenues between Delaware and Mariposa Streets (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Southmoor Park: E. Princeton and E. Mansfield Avenues between S. Quebec Street and S. Tamarac Drive (Silva) Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz

Week of July 27, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Cherry Point: Between S. Dahlia Street, E. Mansfield Avenue and Happy Canyon Road (Silva). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz
  • Hampden South: Between DTC Boulevard, E. Union Avenue and S. Ulster Street (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • La Alma/Lincoln Park: From 8th to 12th Avenues between Delaware and Mariposa Streets (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Southmoor Park: E. Princeton and E. Mansfield Avenues between S. Quebec Street and S. Tamarac Drive (Silva) Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz

Week of July 20, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Cherry Point: Between S. Dahlia Street, E. Mansfield Avenue and Happy Canyon Road (Silva). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz
  • Globeville: 50th and 51st Avenues between Broadway and Grant Streets (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Southmoor Park: E. Princeton and E. Mansfield Avenues between S. Quebec Street and S. Tamarac Drive (Silva) Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz

Week of July 13, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Globeville: From Leaf Court to Pearl Street between 44th and 46th and 50th and 51st Avenues between Broadway and Logan Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Hampden South: E. Radcliffe Avenue between S. Yosemite Street and S. Xeric Way (Silva) Project Manager Lawrence Alcaraz
  • Southmoor Park: S. Rosemary Way from S. Tamarac Drive to S. Quebec Street (Silva) Project Manager Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of July 6, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Globeville: From Leaf Court to Pearl Street between 44th and 46th and 50th and 51st Avenues between Broadway and Logan Streets (Keene) Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Hampden South: E. Radcliffe Avenue between S. Yosemite Street and S. Xeric Way (Silva) Project Manager Lawrence Alcaraz
  • Hampden South: curb and gutter and ADA ramp work between S. Wabash and S. Xenia Streets and E. Union and E. Belleview Avenues (Silva). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz
  • Hilltop/Washington Virginia Vale: Alameda Avenue from Dahlia to Holly Streets (Silva) Project Manager (Amy Strouthopoulos)
  • Platt Park: E. Mexico Avenue between Clarkson and Corona Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: James Tyler Mead
  • Southmoor Park: S. Rosemary Way from S. Tamarac Drive to S. Quebec Street (Silva) Project Manager Amy Strouthopoulos

Week of June 29, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Globeville: From Leaf Court to Pearl Street between 44th and 46th Avenues (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Hilltop/Washington Virginia Vale: Alameda Avenue from Dahlia to Holly Streets (Silva) Project Manager (Amy Strouthopoulos)
  • Platt Park: E. Mexico Avenue between Clarkson and Corona Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: James Tyler Mead
  • Sunnyside: 44th Avenue from Tejon Street to Federal Boulevard (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles
  • Virginia Village: Jewell to Iliff Avenues from Holly and Magnolia Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: James Tyler Mead

Week of June 22, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Sunnyside: 44th Avenue from Tejon Street to Federal Boulevard (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of June 15, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Cory-Merrill: Florida Avenue between University Boulevard and Steele Street (Chatos). Project Manager: Norm Shaw.
  • Sunnyside: 44th Avenue from Tejon Street to Federal Boulevard (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles

Week of June 8, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Cory-Merrill: Florida Avenue between University Boulevard and Steele Street (Chatos). Project Manager: Norm Shaw.

Week of June 1, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Chaffee Park: Zuni Street between I-70 and 52nd Avenue (Silva). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos.
  • Sunnyside: 46th Avenue from Federal Boulevard to Lipan Street (Silva). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos.

Week of May 26, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Athmar Park: Tejon Street between Mississippi and Arkansas Avenues (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz
  • Capitol Hill: 11th and 12th Avenues between Broadway and Ogden Street (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles.
  • Chaffee Park: Zuni Street between I-70 and 52nd Avenue (Chatos). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos.
  • Sunnyside: 46th Avenue from Federal Boulevard to Lipan Street (Chatos). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos.
  • Washington Park West: Downing Street between Evans and Yale Avenues (Chatos). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos.
  • Westwood: Mississippi Avenue from Tennyson Street to Lowell Boulevard (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.

Week of May 18, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Athmar Park: Tejon Street between Mississippi and Arkansas Avenues (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Washington Park: Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee Avenues between Franklin Street and University Avenue (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles.
  • Washington Park West: Downing Street between Kentucky and Yale Avenues (Chatos). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos.
  • Westwood: Mississippi Avenue from Tennyson Street to Lowell Boulevard (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.

Week of May 11, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Washington Park: Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee Avenues between Franklin Street and University Avenue (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles.
  • Washington Park West: Downing Street from Mississippi to Kentucky Avenues (Chatos). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos.
  • Westwood: Mississippi Avenue from Tennyson Street to Lowell Boulevard (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.

Week of May 4, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Alamo Placita: Speer Boulevard from Downing Street to Broadway (Chatos). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos.
  • Washington Park: Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee Avenues between Franklin Street and University Avenue (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles.
  • Westwood: Mississippi Avenue from Tennyson Street to Federal Boulevard (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.

Week of April 27, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Auraria: Intersection of 5th and Walnut Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Athmar Park: Tejon Street between Alameda and Mississippi Avenues (Fasisk). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Ballpark: Blake and Market Streets between 20th and 22nd Streets (Chatos). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos.
  • Hampden: Quebec Street between Yale and Dartmouth Avenues and Yale Avenue between Newport and Roslyn Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.
  • Washington Park: Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee Avenues between Franklin Street and University Avenue (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles.

Week of April 20, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Auraria: Intersection of 5th and Walnut Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Athmar Park: Tejon Street between Alameda and Mississippi Avenues (Fasisk). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Baker: Rio Grande Boulevard between Ellsworth Avenue and Osage Street (Keene). Project Manager: Norm Shaw.
  • Hampden: Quebec Street between Yale and Dartmouth Avenues and Yale Avenue between Newport and Roslyn Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.

Week of April 6, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Auraria: Intersection of 5th and Walnut Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Athmar Park: Tejon Street between Alameda and Mississippi Avenues (Fasisk). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Barnum West: Perry Street between 5th and Alameda Avenues, and 1st Avenue between King Street and Lowell Boulevard (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Hampden: Quebec Street between Yale and Dartmouth Avenues and Yale Avenue between Newport and Roslyn Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.

Week of March 30, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Auraria: Intersection of 5th and Walnut Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Barnum West: Perry Street between 5th and Alameda Avenues, and 1st Avenue between King Street and Lowell Boulevard (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Goldsmith: Yale Avenue between Monaco Boulevard and Quebec Street (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.
  • Hampden: Quebec Street between Yale and Dartmouth Avenues (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.
  • Hilltop: 1st Avenue between Dahlia and Holly Streets (Martin Marietta). Project Manager: Norm Shaw.
  • Hilltop: 3rd Avenue between Dahlia and Holly Streets (Martin Marietta). Project Manager: Norm Shaw.
  • Montbello: Deephaven Court between 52nd Avenue and Fraser Street (Silva). Project Manager Derek Miles.
  • Virginia Village: E. Jewell Avenue between Dahlia and Holly Streets (Martin Marietta). Project Manager: Norm Shaw.

Week of March 23, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Auraria: Intersection of 5th and Walnut Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Barnum West: Perry Street between 5th and Alameda Avenues, and 1st Avenue between King Street and Lowell Boulevard (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Goldsmith: Yale Avenue between Monaco Boulevard and Quebec Street (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.
  • Hampden: Quebec Street between Yale and Dartmouth Avenues (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.
  • Hilltop: 1st Avenue between Dahlia and Holly Streets (Martin Marietta). Project Manager: Norm Shaw.
  • Hilltop: 3rd Avenue between Dahlia and Holly Streets (Martin Marietta). Project Manager: Norm Shaw.
  • Montbello: Deephaven Court between 52nd Avenue and Fraser Street (Silva). Project Manager Derek Miles.
  • Virginia Village: E. Jewell Avenue between Dahlia and Holly Streets (Martin Marietta). Project Manager: Norm Shaw.

Week of March 16, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Athmar Park: Tejon Street between Alameda and Exposition Avenues (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz
  • Barnum West: Perry Street between 5th and Alameda Avenues (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Cole: Williams Street between Bruce Randolph and 35th Avenues (Martin Marietta). Project Manager: Norm Shaw.
  • Hampden South: S. Tamarac Pkwy and E. Quincy Avenue at the RTD stop (Fasick). Project Manager Tyler Mead.
  • Hilltop: 1st Avenue between Dahlia and Holly Streets (Martin Marietta). Project Manager: Norm Shaw.
  • Hilltop: 3rd Avenue between Dahlia and Holly Streets (Martin Marietta). Project Manager: Norm Shaw.
  • Montbello: Deephaven Court between 52nd Avenue and Fraser Street (Silva). Project Manager Derek Miles.
  • Virginia Village: E. Jewell Avenue between Dahlia and Holly Streets (Martin Marietta). Project Manager: Norm Shaw.

Week of March 9, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Auraria: Intersection of 5th and Walnut Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Barnum: Perry Street from 5th to Alameda Avenues (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Sloan's Lake: S.E. corner of Lowell Boulevard and Montcrieff Place; 31st Avenue from Lowell Boulevard to Julian Street; Quitman Street between 29th Avenue and Hayward Place; Hooker and Grove Streets between 24th and 25th Avenues (Chato's Concrete). Project Manager: Amy Strouthopoulos.
  • Washington Park: southern half of alley between S. Gaylord and S. Vine Street starting at E. Florida Avenue (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.
  • Whittier: Williams Street between 33rd Avenue and M.L.K Boulevard (Chato's Concrete). Project Manager: Norman Shaw.

Week of March 2, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Green Valley Ranch: From 45th to 46th Avenues on Flanders Way and Genoa Street (Silva). Project Manager: Derek Miles.
  • Jefferson Park: Water Street, and 7th Street at the Denver Aquarium (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Jefferson Park: Empower Field at Mile High, Mile High Stadium Circle between Bryant and Decatur Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Washington Park: southern half of alley between S. Gaylord and S. Vine Street starting at E. Florida Avenue (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.

Week of February 24, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Green Valley Ranch: From 45th to 46th Avenues on Flanders Way and Genoa Street (Silva). Project Manager: Derek Miles.
  • Jefferson Park: W. 23rd Avenue, Water Street, and 7th Street at the Denver Aquarium (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Jefferson Park: Empower Field at Mile High, Mile High Stadium Circle between Bryant and Decatur Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Hampden South: Tufts Avenue between Ulster Street and DTC Boulevard (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.

Week of February 18, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Highland Park: W. 29th Avenue between Zuni and Umatilla Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • West Highland: W. 29th Avenue between Tennyson and Perry Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Green Valley Ranch: From 45th to 46th Avenues on Flanders Way and Genoa Street (Silva). Project Manager: Derek Miles.
  • Jefferson Park: W. 23rd Avenue, Water Street, and 7th Street at the Denver Aquarium (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Jefferson Park: Empower Field at Mile High, Mile High Stadium Circle between Bryant and Decatur Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Hampden South: From Quincy to Union Avenues, between Quebec and Yosemite Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.
  • Hampden South: Tamarac Parkway between I-225 and Quincy Avenue (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.
  • Hampden South: Tufts Avenue between Ulster Street and DTC Boulevard (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.

Week of February 10, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Hampden South: From Quincy to Union Avenues, between Quebec and Yosemite Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.
  • Highland Park: W. 29th Avenue between Zuni and Umatilla Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • West Highland: W. 29th Avenue between Tennyson and Perry Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Jefferson Park: W. 23rd Avenue, Water Street, and 7th Street at the Denver Aquarium (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Green Valley Ranch: From 45th to 46th Avenues on Flanders Way and Genoa Street (Silva). Project Manager: Derek Miles.
  • Jefferson Park: Empower Field at Mile High, Mile High Stadium Circle between Bryant and Decatur Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.

Week of February 3, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Hampden South: From Quincy to Union Avenues, between Quebec and Yosemite Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.
  • Highland Park: W. 29th Avenue between Zuni and Umatilla Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • West Highland: W. 29th Avenue between Tennyson and Perry Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Jefferson Park: W. 23rd Avenue, Water Street, and 7th Street at the Denver Aquarium (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Green Valley Ranch: From 45th to 46th Avenues on Flanders Way and Genoa Street (Silva). Project Manager: Derek Miles.

Week of January 27, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Hampden South: From Quincy to Union Avenues, between Quebec and Yosemite Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.
  • Highland Park: W. 29th Avenue between Zuni and Umatilla Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • West Highland: W. 29th Avenue between Tennyson and Perry Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Jefferson Park: W. 23rd Avenue, Water Street, and 7th Street at the Denver Aquarium (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Green Valley Ranch: From 45th to 46th Avenues on Flanders Way and Genoa Street (Silva). Project Manager: Derek Miles.

Week of January 21, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Berkeley: Intersection of 41st Avenue and Raleigh Street (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Hampden South: From Quincy to Union Avenues, between Quebec and Yosemite Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.
  • Winston Downs: Virginia Avenue between Monaco Parkway and Quebec Street (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles.
  • Highland Park: W. 29th Avenue between Zuni and Umatilla Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • West Highland: W. 29th Avenue between Tennyson and Perry Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Jefferson Park: W. 23rd Avenue, Water Street, and 7th Street at the Denver Aquarium
  • Green Valley Ranch: From 45th to 46th Avenues on Flanders Way and Genoa Street (Silva). Project Manager: Derek Miles.

Week of January 13, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Sloan's Lake: 26th Avenue, south side, from Sheridan Boulevard to Tennyson Street (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Berkeley: Intersection of 41st Avenue and Raleigh Street (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Hampden South: From Quincy to Union Avenues, between Quebec and Yosemite Streets (Fasick). Project Manager: Tyler Mead.
  • Winston Downs: Virginia Avenue between Monaco Parkway and Quebec Street (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles.

Week of January 6, 2020 (weather permitting):

  • Sloan's Lake: 26th Avenue, south side, from Sheridan Boulevard to Wolff Street (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alzaraz.
  • Berkeley: Northeast corner of 44th Avenue and King Street, and intersection of 41st Avenue and Raleigh Street (Fasick). Project Manager: Lawrence Alcaraz.
  • Skyland: 28th, 29th, and 30th Avenues between Holly Street and Monaco Parkway (Keene). Project Manager: Derek Miles.