Veterans Career Opportunities

Do you qualify?

A veteran is defined as a person who served on active duty for more than 180 days or was discharged or released, other than dishonorable discharge, or was released or discharged because of a service connected disability. Those who were medically discharged or are a member of a Guard or Reserve unit called to 'Active Duty' during any length or period of war or campaign for which a campaign ribbon was awarded are also eligible. 

Priority of service will be given to those veterans that fall into the following categories:

  • Special Disabled Veteran: 30% or more compensable award from VA for service-connected disability, OR any VA Voc Rehab client, OR any veteran discharged because of a service-connected disability regardless of rating
  • Disabled Veteran: less than 30% compensable award from VA for service-connected disability 
  • Recently Separated Veterans
  • Campaign Veterans (including Vietnam Era Veterans)

Special emphasis is placed on minority veterans, female veterans and economically disadvantaged veterans in any of the above listed categories. 

How we can help

We stand ready to assist jobseeker veterans with a wide range of services from job search assistance, resume writing, interviewing techniques, and skill assessments. We also provide referrals to other organizations.

Transition assistance
The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) is available to active duty military serving at local military installations and who are separating or retiring from service. TAP provides information related to disability pension, discharge documents, educational assistance, unemployment insurance, re-employment rights, and other veteran related issues. 

Case management
Case management provides a more intensified job search assistance to include additional assessment and testing, more in-depth career counseling, an employability development plan, individualized job development, referrals to outside agencies as appropriate, and follow-up services. 

Training/skills upgrade/OJT
Provides information on specific training programs available to the veteran. 

Employer outreach
Employer outreach involves contacting employers to explain services available to them through Denver Workforce Services, job development for case-managed veterans, and obtaining job orders. 

Specialized Veterans’ Service Representatives
Veterans Employment and Training specialists are available at our Montbello Workforce Center to assist you with career guidance, job development, case management and referrals to other service providers depending on needs. 

More Resources

Military-to-civilian job translator

Visit or a Military-to-Civilian job translator tool. This platform automatically provides a simple translation or "crosswalk" interface which allows service men and women transitioning into civilian life the opportunity to use their current Military Occupation Code (MOC) to find civilian jobs. Simply put, a veteran selects their branch and MOC, and the site then automatically crosswalks that to civilian jobs requiring the same basic skill set.

For example:

  • (Army) 25B = Information Technology Specialist (Civilian)
  • (Navy) 0904 = Critical Care Nurse (Civilian)
  • (Marines) 1310 = Civil Engineer (Civilian)
  • (Air Force) 3D032 = Network Administrator (Civilian)
  • (Coast Guard) 91 = Physician (Civilian)

Other tools