Community Support Mini Grants

Younger African American man helping an older person out of their car

The Community Support Mini Grant Program provides residents and micro businesses with an opportunity to lead the change they want to see in their communities. By supporting community-driven projects, this program aims to create a stronger and more connected neighborhood, addressing community needs.


Denver Economic Development & Opportunity’s division of Neighborhood Equity & Stabilization (NEST), in partnership with the Denver Foundation, is offering mini grants ranging from $500-$10,000 to support the meaningful and necessary work of nonprofit organizations, community groups, and micro businesses in some of Denver's most vulnerable neighborhoods. 

Funding is available for small, community-driven projects designed to strengthen community, create a stronger and more connected neighborhood, and address community needs. 

The Community Support Mini Grants program seeks to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and performance of micro businesses, nonprofits and community groups currently active in the NEST priority neighborhoods of: Athmar Park, Barnum, Barnum West, Clayton, College View, East Colfax, Elyria Swansea, Globeville, Kennedy, Lincoln Park, Mar Lee, Montbello, Ruby Hill, Sun Valley, Valverde, Villa Park, Westwood, and Windsor.  

The Community Support Mini Grants program prioritizes projects and/or activities that will create a stronger and more connected neighborhood, address community needs, and/or strengthen navigation to service delivery, including:

Community Building & Organizing (formerly known as Bolstering Social Development)
Integration and inclusion of all people in a community to build trust, develop support networks, and foster a culturally rich neighborhood. It also applies to projects designed to bring community members together to promote social justice and advocate for equity. Examples of relevant projects include, but are not limited to: 

  • Neighborhood block parties, fairs or community cultural celebrations
  • Community engagement and outreach
  • Community organizing and advocacy
  • 5k’s, run and walks


Increasing Economic Mobility (formerly known as Supporting Resident Life)
Increasing equity for communities over multiple generations by improving access to education, health, housing, and workforce development that will foster greater economic mobility and access to wealth and income. Examples of relevant projects include, but are not limited to:

  • Direct services programs
  • Resource navigation and technical assistance
  • Trainings and workshops

Expanding Group Capacity
This priority area encourages capacity-building that helps strengthen a group’s service and responsiveness to their community. This could include, but is not limited to:

  • Board and leadership development
  • Strategic and operational planning
  • Marketing and communications
  • Development of worker-owned cooperatives
  • Equity training and consultation



  • Formal or informal group(s) residing and/or doing work within the program's priority communities
  • Organizations or groups applying outside of these neighborhoods must partner with existing groups in the community
  • Informal groups must have at least three unrelated leaders who live in the City and County of Denver and who will be responsible for this project/campaign
  • Eligible projects must take place within the program's priority neighborhoods
  • Micro businesses applying for the grant must operate within the program's priority neighborhoods and have an annual revenue of no more than $500,000

Please look up your neighborhood if you’re unsure about your project’s eligibility:  Denver Maps - Neighborhoods (



The deadline to apply was Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Applications are now closed.

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  1. What is this grant program?
    1. The Community Support Mini Grants is a program from Denver Economic Development & Opportunity (DEDO) and its contracted program administrator partner, The Denver Foundation. The program provides small financial resources to small, local nonprofits, informal resident community-based groups, and micro businesses desiring to utilize the money for projects that improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods/communities.
  2. Who can apply for the mini grants?
    1. The mini grants are open to small, local 501 (c3) nonprofits, informal resident community-based groups, and micro businesses with an annual revenue of <$500,000 located within the priority neighborhoods as identified by DEDO’s division of Neighborhood Equity & Stabilization. These priority neighborhoods are Athmar Park, Barnum, Barnum West, Clayton, College View, East Colfax, Elyria Swansea, Globeville, Kennedy, Lincoln Park, Mar Lee, Montbello, Ruby Hill, Sun Valley, Valverde, Villa Park, Westwood, and Windsor.
  3. Does the program prioritize any individuals, groups, or communities?
    1. The program prioritizes community-led efforts, or work that allows for high-level or community leadership.
  4. Are there any restrictions to utilize the awarded funds?
    1. Funds must meet at least one of the grant funding priorities: community building & organizing (formerly known as bolstering social development), increasing economic mobility (formerly known as supporting resident life), and enhancing a group’s capacity.
    2. Stand-alone equipment purchases such as cameras, electronics (including computers), air conditioners, copiers, office equipment, televisions, locks, etc. are not eligible.
    3. All funds must be expended by November 29, 2024
  5. How will the funds be disbursed?
    1. The Denver Foundation will send checks to the organizations selected to receive a grant.
  6. What are the documents that applicants need to submit with their application?
    1. Each application must include a budget form for their proposed project.
  7. What are the grant amounts being awarded?
    1. Mini grant awards range from $500 to $10,000.
  8. What determines the grant amount awarded?
    1. The grant amount awarded is determined by a panel selection committee that is composed of community members, previous awardee recipients, The Denver Foundation staff, and the City and County of Denver staff using a scoring-review process to determine awardees based on the following criteria:
      1. Clear description of project and goals
      2. Potential to strengthen capacity or enhance services, and supports groups serving NEST neighborhoods
      3. Potential to strengthen the applying group/organization
      4. Potential to strengthen the community
      5. Clearly addresses a community need
      6. Project creativity, innovation, and realistic goals
      7. Evidence of community involvement in project implementation
      8. Clear and justifiable budget revenues and expenses
      9. Sufficient evidence of leveraging community resources (cash or in-kind)
      10. This grant is the most appropriate source of funding
      11. Project can realistically be completed by November 29, 2024


  1. ¿De qué se trata este programa de subvenciones?
    1. Las Mini Subvenciones de Apoyo Comunitario es un programa del Departamento de Oportunidades y Desarrollo Económico de Denver (Denver Economic Development & Opportunity (DEDO) en inglés) y de su socio la Fundación de Denver (The Denver Foundation en inglés), quien ha sido contratada como administradora del programa. El programa proporciona recursos financieros pequeños a organizaciones locales pequeñas sin fines de lucro, grupos comunitarios de residentes informales y microempresas que deseen utilizar el dinero para proyectos que mejoren la calidad de vida en sus vecindarios o comunidades
  2. ¿Quién puede solicitar las mini subvenciones?
    1. Las mini subvenciones se ofrecen a pequeñas organizaciones locales 501 (c3) sin fines de lucro, grupos comunitarios de residentes informales y microempresas con un ingreso anual de menos de $500,000 ubicados dentro de los vecindarios prioritarios identificados por la división de Equidad y Estabilización Vecinal (NEST por su sigla en inglés) de DEDO. Estos vecindarios son: Athmar Park, Barnum, Barnum West, Clayton, College View, East Colfax, Elyria Swansea, Globeville, Kennedy, Lincoln Park, Mar Lee, Montbello, Ruby Hill, Sun Valley, Valverde, Villa Park, Westwood, y Windsor.
  3. ¿Ofrece prioridad el programa a algunos individuos, grupos o comunidades?
    1. El programa prioriza los esfuerzos dirigidos por la comunidad o el trabajo que permite un liderazgo comunitario de alto nivel.
  4. ¿Existe alguna restricción para utilizar los fondos otorgados?
    1. Los fondos deben cumplir con al menos una de las prioridades de financiación de la subvención: construcción y organización comunitaria (anteriormente conocida como refuerzo del desarrollo social), aumento de la movilidad económica (anteriormente conocida como apoyo a la vida de los residentes) y mejora de la capacidad de un grupo.
  5. ¿Cómo se desembolsarán los fondos?
    1.  La Fundación Denver enviará cheques a las organizaciones seleccionadas para recibir unasubvención.
  6. ¿Cuáles son los documentos que los solicitantes deben presentar con su solicitud?
    1. Cada solicitud debe incluir un formulario de presupuesto para su proyecto propuesto. Puedeencontrar un ejemplo de este formulario de presupuesto al final de estas preguntas frecuentes.
  7. ¿Cuáles son los montos de la subvención que se están otorgando?
    1.  Los otorgamientos de las mini subvenciones oscilan entre $500 y $10,000.
  8. ¿Qué determina el monto de la subvención otorgada?
    1. El monto de la subvención otorgado lo determina un panel que conforma el comité de seleccióncompuesto por miembros de la comunidad, beneficiarios anteriores de la subvención, personal de laFundación de Denver y el personal de la Ciudad y el Condado de Denver mediante un proceso derevisión de puntajes para determinar a los ganadores según los siguientes criterios:
      1. Una descripción clara del proyecto y sus metas
      2. El potencial para fortalecer la capacidad o mejorar los servicios y grupos de apoyo que sirven alos vecindarios NEST
      3. El potencial para fortalecer el grupo u organización solicitante
      4. El potencial de fortalecer a la comunidad
      5. Se aborda claramente una necesidad de la comunidad
      6. La creatividad e innovación del proyecto y lo realista de sus metas
      7. Se evidencia la participación comunitaria en la implementación del proyecto
      8. Los ingresos y gastos del presupuesto son claros y justificables
      9. Se muestra evidencia suficiente de poder apalancar recursos comunitarios (en efectivo o enespecie)
      10. Esta subvención es la fuente de financiación más adecuada para el proyecto que se propone
      11. De manera realista, el proyecto puede completarse antes del 29 de noviembre de 2024