The job of a fire fighter is one of the most physically demanding jobs in North America. It requires high levels of cardiopulmonary endurance, muscular strength and muscular endurance. The Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) consists of eight critical physical tasks that simulate actual job duties on the fireground. This test is physically demanding and requires that you be physically fit to be successful. Visit our Candidate Preparation Guide to assist you with physically preparing yourself for the test.
Full Program Cost: $150
Test & Certificate Only Cost: $110
A discounted rate will be available to an organization or department interested in testing a large group.
Following the Civil Service test, applicants can expect the following:
Applicants who pass through the above phases, will be considered for the Denver Fire academy (based on the number of employees needed).
5440 Roslyn St., Bldg FDenver, CO 80216 To schedule for the next test, please contact:
International Association of Black Professional Firefighters President: Jamal Jackson (720) 621-5102
Local Contact: Chris
F.I.R.E. FIRE Firefighters Incorporated for Racial Equality Women Firefighters of DenverPresident: Elaine Higginbotham