Denver's Citywide Goals for 2025

After making significant progress on the city’s shared goals in 2024, Mayor Johnston’s 2025 goals push to continue making progress on key initiatives like reducing homelessness, driving down housing costs and increasing public safety, while increasing focus on additional priorities like climate resiliency and making Denver the best place in America to raise a family.  

2025 GOALS


Develop a comprehensive plan to drive strategic investments across Denver’s neighborhoods

Revitalize downtown and fully reopen 16th Street


Create 3,000 affordable units

Develop innovative solutions to close the affordability gap


Decrease shootings by 15%

Launch a coordinated strategy to address non-violent crime


Bring 2,000 people experiencing homelessness indoors

Connect 2,000 people to permanent housing


Cut carbon pollution by adding 2,000 heat pumps, EV chargers, and solar arrays

Prepare for a climate-resilient future by planting 4,500 trees and reducing municipal water usage by 20 million gallons


Connect 5,000 kids to high-quality out-of-school programming

Place 2,500 young adults in jobs


Mayor Mike Johnston stands to the left of a large screen with a blue background and the words building a vibrant Denver.

"Amidst the feeling of chaos and unpredictability in our federal government right now, our message to Denverites is clear: we're focused on delivering the best services for our residents, and we're not slowing down," said Mayor Mike Johnston." Our 2025 goals build on our successes to date in an effort to make Denver the best place in America to work, live, play, and raise a family. In Denver, we say our toughest problems are solvable and we are the ones to solve them, and with these goals as our North Star, we're prepared to spend the year building a Denver that is truly vibrant, affordable, and safe for everyone."


WATCH: Mayor Johnston Announces Denver Goals for 2025