Motor Vehicle - Title & Registration


Dependent on staffing, DMV branches will temporarily have rotating closures. View a schedule of all closures.

NOTE: If you received a postcard informing you that your vehicle needs insurance to renew your registration, but you already have insurance, this was an error. Please renew your registration as usual online, at a self-service kiosks, or via mail. Visit the Colorado DMV for more information about this error.

Welcome to Denver Motor Vehicle. This is the official website for information regarding registering your vehicle, renewing your vehicle registration, or titling your vehicle in the City and County of Denver. 

Find DMV Services at a Kiosk Near You

Photo of Colorado MV Express Kiosk

The City and County of Denver is now a part of the Colorado MV Express network! Renew your registration, check the status of a title, and print a replacement registration card at any kiosk in the metro Denver region. Residents who need an emissions test can use the kiosk the day after the emissions test is completed. Results will show up in the kiosk automatically.

Find a Kiosk

Renew Online

Vehicle registration renewals must be completed online, at a kiosk, or by mail. Renew your vehicle registration online at

Renew Registration Online


Credit/Debit/E-Check Transaction Fee Changes

Beginning January 21, 2021, the following credit/debit card and e-check transaction fees will be reinstated:

  • Credit/Debit card fee: 2.25% plus $0.75
  • E-check fee: $1.00

Transaction fees apply to all credit card and e-check payments made online, in-person, and by phone. Transaction fees are non-refundable. No fees are applied to cash or mail-in check payments. 

Transaction fee changes are necessary due to City budget reductions caused by the economic impacts of COVID-19. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.



The official website for information regarding registering your vehicle, renewing your vehicle registration, or titling your vehicle in the City and County of Denver is If you’re not on a webpage, then you may be on an unofficial website that is not associated with the City and County of Denver.

Unofficial DMV websites try to represent the state and county level DMVs and contain similar information but not approved by the City and County of Denver. Some unofficial websites may also ask for your personal and financial information. Please use caution before providing personal information to any unofficial website.

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