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Collaborating to ensure all of Denver's youth have a more equitable future.

Through DAAadvocate, the Denver Afterschool Alliance works in partnership with funders, policymakers, community leaders and afterschool providers to promote policies and practices that create more equitable outcomes for Denver's youth and families.

Afterschool Advocacy

The Denver Afterschool Alliance promotes equitable, inclusive policies that enhance the quality and accessibility of afterschool experiences. Our goal is to secure the funding, resources and visibility needed to ensure that all Denver youth have access to afterschool programming that keeps them physically and emotionally safe, inspires them to learn, and prepares them for the future.

Afterschool Leadership and Expertise

As afterschool leaders and experts with experience working as program providers, the Denver Afterschool Alliance team offers insight, experience and support to organizations looking to influence issues, understand trends and develop strategies for increasing afterschool access and improving program quality. In addition, we work alongside providers to help strengthen their organizational capacity and implement afterschool safety standards and other promising practices.


Staff Contact

Maxine Quintana
Out-of-School Time Initiatives Director
Phone: 720-913-0905
Email: maxine.quintana@denvergov.org