Denver Great Kids Head Start provides a wide range of supports to ensure that the needs of children with disabilities, or at risk, are fully supported to achieve their full potential. Our program works in partnership with Denver Public Schools, Sewall Child Development Center, and Rocky Mountain Human Services to ensure children and pregnant mothers enrolled in Early Head Start and Head Start receive services to which they are entitled to. In addition, we provide ongoing coaching and consultation to teachers and staff to ensure the successful inclusion of all children.
Denver Great Kids Head Start also supports parents/guardians to become successful advocates for their children. This occurs through ongoing consultation and dialog between staff and families, training and leadership opportunities, and referrals to community resources.
A range of services for early childhood mental health consultation is provided onsite by licensed mental health professionals. These services include classroom consultation and coaching for teachers, individual support for children and families, and a variety of parenting classes to promote social and emotional development in children. Denver Great Kids Head Start has taken the extra step to secure private funding, in addition to Head Start funding, to provide these services.