Next date: Wednesday, June 04, 2025 | 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM
Avoid being caught off guard when disaster strikes! Formulating a comprehensive plan and a kit can significantly alleviate the recovery process for both you and your loved ones in the aftermath of an emergency.
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Virtual (Link provided upon registering)
DISCLAIMER: The information provided in the DenverREADY trainings is intended to provide guidance and best practices for active shooter situations and bleeding control incidents. The City and County of Denver is not liable for death, bodily injury, or property damage should the individual experience a real-world incident after participating in and/or deployment of the tactics learned in a DenverREADY training. By participating in this training, you agree to take full risk and liability, using your own discretion in deploying the tactics taught to increase your chances of survival should you experience a real-world incident.