Our DenverREADY preparedness training program is offered to Denver residents and businesses who have an interest in improving their knowledge of disaster preparedness. The goal is to strengthen our community resilience through quick educational classes, both virtual and in-person, with most training sessions lasting approximately one hour. Our monthly classes are completely free and are taught either virtually or at recreation centers across the City and County of Denver. Our DenverREADY team also comes to you, hosting training sessions at neighborhood groups, businesses, faith-based organizations, schools, clubs, and other interested parties via individual request.
Request A DenverREADY Class
In addition, our DenverREADY team also attends and hosts a variety of community events and festivals throughout the year to talk with residents about disaster preparedness while encouraging people to sign up for future classes. Check out our events and classes calendar below!
Classes and Events Calendar
DenverLISTO is the Spanish rendition of our DenverREADY community preparedness program. DenverLISTO focuses on serving Denver's Spanish-speaking residents, businesses, and organizations who have an interest in improving their knowledge of disaster preparedness. Spanish-language classes are completely free and are taught either virtually or at recreation centers acrsos the City and County of Denver. Currently, DenverLISTO classes are only being offered upon request. If you'd like to request a Spanish-language DenverLISTO class, please send an email to our OEM Communications & Outreach Specialist by clicking the tab below.
Request a DenverLISTO Class
Winter weather creates a higher risk of car accidents, hypothermia, frostbite, carbon monoxide poisoning, and heart attacks from overexertion. Learn how to prepare you and your loved ones for the cold months ahead.
Visit our Training Calendar to sign up.
Active shooter incidents are on the rise across the country and the Denver Office of Emergency Management wants to ensure you and your loved ones have the best known tactics to increase your chances of survival should you experience a real-world incident. Join us for an Active Shooter Class.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided in the DenverREADY trainings is intended to provide guidance and best practices for active shooter situations and bleeding control incidents. The City and County of Denver is not liable for death, bodily injury, or property damage should the individual experience a real-world incident after participating in and/or deployment of the tactics learned in a DenverREADY training. By participating in this training, you agree to take full risk and liability, using your own discretion in deploying the tactics taught to increase your chances of survival should you experience a real-world incident.
When someone is severely bleeding, minutes count! Join us for a Stop the Bleed class to learn about bleeding control and how to keep blood in the body to increase someone's chances of survival.
This class is held monthly and will teach individuals and families the importance of having a household plan for emergencies. An instructor will lead the class through a downloadable workbook that will guide the participants through creating a simple emergency plan for themselves, their household members and pets.
A key component to being prepared for emergencies is having the right supplies. Participants of the hour-long Build a Kit class will learn what those supplies are, and how to create a supply cache that will sustain you through the emergency regardless of your income level.
Emergency alerts can help you prepare and stay updated during an emergency. Our class can help break down which ones you and your loved ones may benefit the most from and learn how to sign up!
As an older adult, you may have specific needs after a disaster. Our class can help you assess your needs and take simple steps to elevate your emergency preparedness.
Preparing your pets for an emergency makes sense. Join us for our Pet Preparedness class where you will learn how to create a plan and build an emergency kit for your pet.
Sign up to be Notified When New Classes are Scheduled
DenverREADY is currently conducting a quick and easy survey to help identify the types of emergency preparedness classes our community is interested in to help tailor our program. If you are interested in taking our survey, click the link below:
DenverREADY Survey