Denver's cold weather shelters will remain open as long as weather conditions are met.
Most City and County of Denver offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17 for the Presidents' Day holiday.
We can opt-out of the state's FAMLI program and offer our own plan for our employees which provides better benefits to most city employees and does not require employees to pay into any fund. This alternative plan would entitle employees to eight weeks, or 320 hours, of leave paid for by the city from a bank of hours called a Care bank.
We believe that our employees are our most valuable asset. Our recognition programs celebrate our employees and honor their achievements.
The Workplace Guidelines for Breastfeeding outlines how we accommodate nursing employees at work. We support our nursing employees. This guide helps our departments/agencies with the laws surrounding nursing accommodations and provides additional resources and support.
The guidelines are intended to support our transgender and gender non-conforming employees. The Guidelines for Supporting Gender Transitioning Employees is not intended to create policies or rules that must be followed; rather, it is intended to serve as guidance on leading practices and generally what an employee, manager and co-worker may expect when an employee experiences a gender transition.
We call our employee volunteer program Denver Good Deeds. Denver Good Deeds lets our employees give back to their community and serve Denver residents in a meaningful way.
Our employees can get reimbursed up to $2,000 each year for accredited coursework.
The Career Service Rules (CS Rules) govern employment with the City and County of Denver; including pay, classification, transfers, dispute resolution, promotions, training, and other personnel policies.