The City of Chennai Park was also expected to start construction on the same schedule as the City of Potenza Park. However, the bid was 60% over budget due to the shelter inflation price and site conditions that identified asbestos, thus need for remediation. Due to this unusually high bid, DPR intends to hold the City of Chennai project and re-evaluate the design to ensure the project is appropriately scoped and budgeted. It is DPR’s intention to re-bid this project later in 2024 or early 2025 depending on funding availability.
During this time, DPR’s Urban Ecology team will begin restoring 2.9 acres of existing degraded native landscape along the southern and eastern edges of the City of Chennai Park. The team will also be exploring a landscape transformation of approximately one half-acre of non-functional bluegrass turf into native prairie with grasses and wildflowers. The restoration efforts will create a diverse “Uniquely Denver” experience with forbs, grasses, shrubs, and trees that will reduce irrigation needs, provide wildlife habitat, and improve water quality. These efforts will also provide the surrounding community with opportunities to experience our native landscapes—seasonal changes, wildflower blooms, songbirds, and pollinators like native bees and butterflies. Learn more about DPR’s efforts in creating sustainable landscapes here:
Thanks for your understanding as we work on these park improvements.