Fire Restrictions, Notices and Closures

Fire Ban Information: Depending on weather, Jefferson County may issue fire bans which impact Denver Mountain Parks.
>> Find Jefferson County fire ban information
>>Find Denver Mountain Parks fire ban information

Burn Area Advisory | Elephant Butte Conservation Area

REMAIN ON TRAIL: The Elephant Butte Tract is restricted to use by trail only due to potentially hazardous off-trail conditions caused by the 2020 Elephant Butte fire.

Echo Lake Lodge

As Echo Lake Lodge approaches 100 years old, Denver Parks & Recreation (DPR) will be undertaking a planning process to evaluate its structural and preservation needs, along with the right combination of potential uses for the building and the park as a whole. DPR will use its long-term strategic plan, Game Plan for a Healthy City, along with the 2008 Denver Mountain Parks Master Plan and the Outdoor Adventure and Alternative Sports Master Plan to guide decisions on how the lodge can best serve the recreational interests of Denver residents and visitors for the next 100 years. The planning and outreach process for Echo Lake Lodge dovetails with a series of planning efforts and capital improvement projects that DPR has implemented to better program and activate Denver Mountain Parks in order to make them more accessible. The first phase in the planning process for Echo Lake Park includes a thorough facility and needs assessment of the lodge.

Find more details, including frequently asked questions about Echo Lake Lodge. 

Pahaska Tepee

Enhancing the Legacy of Lookout Mountain Park and the Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave

Lookout Mountain Park, home to the popular Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave, is visited by more than 500,000 people per year and holds immense historical significance with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. As part of an ongoing effort to enrich the visitor experience to Lookout Mountain Park, Denver Parks and Recreation remains committed to preserving the park's natural beauty, protecting its historic buildings, and honoring its historical significance.

At the end of 2024, Pahaska Tepee, the gift shop and café located next to the Buffalo Bill Museum, will temporarily close. This temporary closure will facilitate operational changes, reduce lodes impacting the building’s mechanical systems, and will provide access for historic preservation efforts. The historic building was constructed in 1921 and is owned by the City and County of Denver. Interim uses and operations within the Pahasaka Tepee building and surrounding site may be implemented depending on the condition and limitations of the space.

The adjacent Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave will continue to remain open to visitors and to operate as usual. The museum is considered a top cultural destination in Denver and receives up to 80K visitors per year. To learn more about Buffalo Bill’s Wild West and to plan a visit to the museum, please visit the Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave website at The museum will continue to operate seven days a week from 9 am to 5 pm in the summer, and 10 am to 5 pm Tuesday through Sunday in the winter.

Generations of Denverites have made lasting memories on Lookout Mountain, and Denver Parks and Recreation will ensure that future services meet the evolving needs and expectations of visitors. Denver Parks and Recreation remains committed to the public, ensuring that Lookout Mountain Park and the Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave continue to be cherished destinations.