Off-leash areas require continual upkeep which is a shared responsibility with dog park users. Deteriorating conditions due to accumulating pet waste, holes from digging, litter, etc. may result in the closure of a dog park. Signage is posted outside each dog park indicating the status of its condition which is monitored by park staff:
- Green: Off-leash area is in good condition
- Yellow: Off-leash area needs attention and will close soon if not cleaned up by dog park users
- Red: Off-leash area is in poor condition and is closed until a volunteer cleanup is organized
Denver Parks and Recreation (DPR) established the Adopt-A-Dog Park program to enable civic groups, neighbors, individuals, and businesses to help keep their local dog park clean. To organize a volunteer group, visit, fill out the Adopt-a-Dog Park Agreement(PDF, 153KB) and return to