Police Directory

Office of the Chief of Police

Chief Ron Thomas in uniform Deputy Chief Joe Montoya in uniform    
Chief of Police Ron Thomas Deputy Chief Joe Montoya


Executive Command Staff Bios

Deputy Chief Joe Montoya

Deputy Chief Joe Montoya was born and raised in Denver, Colorado and graduated from Denver Abraham Lincoln High School in 1981. He began his law enforcement career with the Northglenn Police Department, from 1984 to 1991. In April of 1991, he joined the Denver Police Department. Deputy Chief Montoya has held several leadership roles within the Denver Police Department. The command-level assignments he has held within the Denver Police Department include Division Chief of Investigations, Commander of the Internal Affairs Bureau, District Three, District Four, Crimes Against Persons Bureau, and a Lieutenant in the Internal Affairs Bureau.

Division Chief Aaron Sanchez

Born and raised in Denver, Division Chief Aaron Sanchez is a former Public Safety Cadet and a graduate of Lincoln High School, Metropolitan State College of Denver, and the University of Colorado at Denver. Division Chief Sanchez attended the police academy in 1987 and has had numerous roles and positions within the Denver Police Department, to include patrol, neighborhood and community policing, narcotic investigations, and the combined communications center.  Division Chief Sanchez most recently was the Commander of District 6, which involved overseeing the commercial core of Denver. 

As a resident of the City and County of Denver for his entire life, Division Chief Sanchez is committed to the strategic plan of the Denver Police Department and to the overall welfare of our great community.

Division Chief Rick Kyle

Division Chief Rick Kyle joined the Denver Police Department in 1996. During his career, Division Chief Kyle has served in numerous assignments, including Commander of District Three, Community Relations Division, and the Training Division, Assistant Director of Training, Lieutenant in District Two and the Conduct Review Office, Sergeant in District Six, and field training officer in District Four. A strong believer in community engagement, Division Chief Kyle is committed to meaningful partnerships between the police and the community we serve. During his free time, Division Chief Kyle enjoys spending time with his wife and children and watching his daughter and son at their sporting events.

Division Chief Magen Dodge

Division Chief Magen Dodge joined the Denver Police Department in 1998 after serving as a Public Safety Cadet. Throughout her career with the Denver Police Department, Division Chief Dodge has served in numerous command-level assignments beginning in 2009. Her assignments include Administrative Management Commander, Operations Support Commander, District 3 Commander, City Security and Protection Commander, and Commander of the Internal Affairs Bureau.

Division Chief Dodge holds a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting from the University of Colorado, as well as a Master of Science degree in Operational Leadership from Colorado State University.

Division Chief Dodge is committed to the development of women in executive leadership roles, and is a strong proponent of mentorship and coaching.

Division Chief Dodge and her husband, a Denver police sergeant, are the proud parents of three children. When away from the office, their time is spent attending youth sports, traveling, and spoiling their French Bulldog fur babies!

Planning, Research and Support

The Planning, Research and Support Unit handles special projects impacting the Denver Police Department. The unit provides support for the Chief in the form of researching future trends, policies and procedural changes, and the planning and implementation of these projects. The unit also responds to outside agency requests and can be reached at dpdplanning@denvergov.org.


Division Chief Aaron Sanchez in uniform

District patrol stations protect life and property through crime prevention and community engagement. The six patrol districts throughout the City are staffed by uniformed police officers, as well as specialized officers and detectives.

District Stations

Division Chief Aaron Sanchez


Division Chief Rick Kyle in uniform


Oversees all major crime investigations, specialized investigative units, task forces, and special operations for the department. This office also oversees city safety and security, Victim Services, and the Denver Crime Laboratory.

Division Chief Rick Kyle


Major Crimes

Major Crimes Bureau: (720) 913-6037
The Major Crimes Bureau provides specialized investigations for homicides, robbery, sex crimes, missing persons, intimate partner (domestic) violence, and fraud.

Cold Case Unit
The Denver Police Cold Case Unit proactively combines advances in DNA technology and traditional investigative techniques to solve cold case homicides and sexual assault cases.  The Cold Case Unit's motto WE WILL NEVER FORGET is a daily reminder to pursue justice for victims and their families long thought forgotten.

Crime Stoppers: 720-913-STOP (7867) or www.metrodenvercrimestoppers.com

Fraud/Financial Crime: (720) 913-6752
Fraud is responsible for the investigation and case filing of complaints related to checks, credit cards, forgeries and frauds.

Homicide/Robbery: (720) 913-6050
The Homicide/Robbery Section investigates instances where a death occurs except when traffic related, anything of value taken from a person by force, extortion, threats/intimidation, as well as weapons violations by juveniles.

Intimate Partner (Domestic) Violence: (720) 913-6071 (hotline) or (720) 337-4400
The Intimate Partner (Domestic) Violence Unit investigates intimate partner (domestic) violence incidents such as assault, kidnapping, threats, telephone harassment, restraining order violations, menacing, and stalking.

Sex Crimes: (720) 913-6040
Sex Crimes responds to sexual assaults, as well as sexually-motivated child abductions by strangers.  

Sex Offender Registration
The Sex Offender Registration Unit oversees registration of sex offenders and coordinates notification to the community of sexually violent predators released within designated neighborhood boundary limits.

Strategic Investigations

Counter Threats Section:

The Counter Threats Section oversees complex investigations related to criminal intelligence, bias-motivated crimes, school violence, and related task forces.

Bias-Motivated Crimes Unit: (720) 913-6458 (for follow-up only; to report a crime call 911 or the non-emergency number at 720-913-2000)
The Bias-Motivated Crime Unit investigates reported incidents of a criminal act against a person or property that is motivated by an offender’s bias against: race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, physical or mental disability and sexual orientation. 

Email: biascrimesinfo@denvergov.org (for follow-up or to ask a question related to bias-motivated crimes)

Bias-motivated crime data is maintained on Denver's Open Data Catalog.

Vice/Narcotics Section: (720) 913-6060

The Vice/Narcotics Section is responsible for regulation and enforcement of laws governing:

  • Prostitution
  • Sex Trafficking
  • Gambling
  • Liquor Licenses
  • Controlled Substances 

Forensics and Evidence

Phone: (720) 337-2010
The Forensics and Evidence Bureau is responsible for the examination of crime scene evidence and provides expert testimony in court cases.

Special Operations

Air Support: (720) 913-6022
The Denver Police Air Support Unit has been responsible for the capture of numerous criminals including fleeing felons and the safe termination of high speed vehicle pursuits. The Air Support Unit has assisted in searches for missing persons and lost children, provided assistance to surrounding jurisdictions, assisted in drug suppression activities, and continually engages in general crime prevention efforts.

Bomb Threats: (720) 913-2000 or 911 in an emergency
The Denver Police Bomb Squad responds to:

  • Explosive investigations
  • Explosive device diffusion and mitigation
  • Presentations on explosive safety and awareness

Gang Unit: (720) 913-1333
Gang Hotline: (720) 913-1339
The Gang Unit is responsible for enforcing local, state and federal laws pertaining to gang related and gang-motivated crimes. 

METRO/SWAT: (303) 871-8888
The METRO/SWAT Section is comprised of specially trained officers in special weapons and tactics, and is responsible for responding to all immediate entry warrants or other potentially hazardous situations. The section is responsible for critical incident response and protection in the following areas:

  • VIP protection
  • Riots
  • Barricaded subjects 
  • Mass demonstrations
  • Hostage situations
  • Snipers
  • Fire bombings

Traffic Operations

Photo Radar Enforcement: (720) 337-1114
The Photo Enforcement Unit provides photo radar and photo red light enforcement throughout the City and County of Denver.

Special Events/Street Closure Permits: (720) 337-1066
The Denver Police Department Special Events Unit plans, coordinates, and oversees traffic-related activities and permits associated with very specific types of special events in the City and County of Denver.  These include:

  • Parades
  • Sporting events
  • Special event that requires the closure of streets (such as running events or bicycle events)
  • VIP visits (such as the President of the United States)

Applications must be made in person:

3381 Park Avenue West
Denver, CO 80216
Phone: 720-337-1030

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00AM to 4:00PM

For all other special event permit applications, please visit the Denver Office of Special Events.

Traffic Investigations: (720) 337-1000
The Traffic Investigations Unit is responsible for on-the-scene and follow-up investigation of the following:

  • Fatal accidents or serious bodily injury accidents
  • Hit and run accidents
  • Pursuits and eluding of Denver Police Department officers
  • Habitual traffic Offenders
  • Accidents involving Denver Police Department vehicles
  • Accidents involving Denver Fire Department or Denver Health ambulances when operating with emergency lights and sirens
  • Accidents involving City and County of Denver vehicles when significant property damage, injuries or fatalities are involved
  • Criminal impersonation
  • Hazardous materials

Traffic Operations: (720) 337-1030
The Traffic Operations Section is responsible for on-scene investigations of motor vehicle crashes, the safe and efficient movement of vehicle traffic on city streets and highways, and the enforcement of traffic related city ordinances and state statutes.

Victim Services

Phone: (720) 913-6035
The Crisis Services Division provides immediate intervention, support, information, referrals and other assistance to victims of crime, witnesses and/or their families including incidents of non-criminal, stark misfortune.


   Photo of Division Chief Magen Dodge

Oversees a number of administrative and support functions, and provides oversight for the department’s budget, capital assets, and community relations.

Division Chief Magen Dodge

Airport (DIA) Police

Phone: (303) 342-2300
The Denver International Airport (DIA) Police Bureau is responsible for the following on airport property:

  • Uniformed patrol
  • Safety and security of roadways and facilities
  • Traffic investigations and enforcement
  • Criminal investigations

Operations Support

Phone: (720) 913-6024
The Operations Support Section provides oversight for the Inventory Control Unit, Fleet Management Section, and the Uniform/Stationery Supply Unit.

Police Academy and Training

Phone: (720) 913-1350
The Academy provides instruction to Denver police officers and staff, as well as other law enforcement personnel across the Rocky Mountain region. To learn more, visit the Police Academy and Training page.


Phone: (720) 913-6718 
Call us to claim your property, you will need a valid ID/drivers license or passport.

Property releases are done Monday through Friday (except holidays), 8:00 am - 3:00 pm.

Please call to confirm hours of operation.