Neighborhood Crime Prevention To assist the Police Department in keeping Denver neighborhoods safe, it's important to learn about personal safety tips, how to safeguard your valuables, and to report all crime when it occurs.
Intimate Partner (Domestic) Violence The Denver Police Department has a specialized investigative unit dedicated to intimate partner violence crimes and a Victim Assistance Unit to serve victims of intimate partner violence.
Gang Awareness and Prevention The police department works in partnership with the community to identify, track, and prevent juvenile and adult criminal gang activity and crimes.
Identify Theft and Fraud Explore ways to keep your personal information safe and find out what to do when someone uses your personal data to impersonate you for financial gain.
Recognizing Suspicious Activity The Denver Police Department encourages all residents to be aware of their surroundings and to report all suspicious activity.
HALO Street Cameras The Denver Police Department monitors city streets and high activity locations with the use of its HALO camera network.
DPD Safe Place DPD Safe Place is a public awareness campaign that also has a physical component to keep a victim safe while awaiting the arrival of police.
Auto Theft Prevention The Denver Police Department has information on how you can deter and reduce vehicle theft.