Intimate Partner (Domestic) Violence

Domestic violence, or intimate partner violence, can be a single abusive event or a pattern of coercive behavior used as revenge or to control, punish, or intimidate an intimate partner.  It can occur to anyone, any age, gender, race, religion, culture, or sexual orientation.  Domestic violence can take many forms, including abuse that is verbal, physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, and/or financial.

No one should suffer abuse from a loved one, but if you are, the Denver Police Department and many others are here to help.

The Denver Police Department has a specialized investigative unit dedicated to domestic violence crimes and a Victim Assistance Unit that have partnered with the Rose Andom Center which is a centralized location where community-based organizations and city government agencies work collaboratively to serve victims of domestic violence.

What are the Signs of an Abusive Relationship?

Does your partner:

  • Tell you that you can never do anything right?
  • Show extreme jealousy of your friends and/or try to limit your time spent away?
  • Keep you or discourage you from seeing friends or family members
  • Insult, demean, or shame you with put-downs?
  • Take your money or refuse to give you money for necessary expenses?
  • Look at you or act in ways that scare you?
  • Control who you see, where you go, or what you do?
  • Prevent you from making your own decisions?
  • Tell you that you are a bad parent or threaten to harm or take away your children?
  • Prevent you from working or attending school?
  • Destroy your property or threaten to hurt or kill your pets?
  • Intimidate you with guns, knives, or other weapons? 
  • Pressure you to have sex when you don’t want to or do things sexually you’re not comfortable with? 
  • Pressure you to use drugs or alcohol?


Signs of Abusive Behavior

Domestic Violence can be experienced in one or more of the following behaviors: 

  • Physical Abuse
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Emotional/ Psychological Abuse
  • Economic Abuse
  • Threats
  • Stalking/ Cyber Stalking

Each victim’s experience will be unique and may take place during different time frames.  The following are signs of abusive behavior that may be experienced. 

Intimidation/ Threats

  • Threatening harm to someone or their friends/family.
  • Threatening to lie to law enforcement.
  • Threatening to commit suicide.
  • Using legal status and immigration as an intimidation factor.

Sexual Abuse

  • Forcing sexual acts through manipulation or threats.

Economic Abuse

  • Preventing someone from getting or keeping a job.
  • Limiting access to income.


  • Controlling what someone does or who they see.
  • Damaging relationships with family and friends.

Emotional/ Psychological Abuse

  • Attacking self-worth, name-calling, criticism, and humiliation.
  • Being possessive and jealous.
  • Making someone feel like they are going crazy.

Using Children or Pets

  • Using children as a means of guilt and/or controlling mechanism.
  • Threating to take children away or to call human services.
  • Sabotaging birth control or forcing pregnancies.
  • Abusing or mistreating pets when this behavior is used as a method of coercion, control, punishment, intimidation, or revenge directed against the victim


  • One’s cultural/religious community may be very small. This can stop victims from seeking help due to fear of isolation or shame.  
  • Preventing victims from practicing religion, or forcing the victim to act against religious beliefs.   
  • Abusers may use religious examples to excuse abusive behaviors.
  • Abusers may isolate the victim from being around other religious/ cultural members to prevent them from seeking help.

More Information

Myths surrounding Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Red Flags

Domestic Violence Prevention Program

Help is Available

Resources for those who Experience Domestic Conflict

Emergency Assistance (call or text) 9-1-1
Denver Health Emergency Department 303-436-6000
Legal Assistance
Colorado Legal Services 303-837-1321
Project Safeguard 303-219-7049
Rocky Mountain Children’s Law Center 303-692-1165
Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center 303-295-2001
Community-Based Services (hotlines, counseling, emergency resources, or support)
Center for Trauma & Resilience 303-860-0660 
Colorado Crisis Services—Mobile Crisis 844-493-8255 
Healing from the Heart 303-733-1176 
Latina SafeHouse 303-433-4470
Maria Droste Counseling Center 303-756-9052
Mental Health Center of Denver 303-504-7900
Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners 844-493-8255
Servicios De La Raza 303-458-5851
Asian Pacific Development Center 303-923-2920
Survivors Organizing for Liberation 888-557-4441
DOVE (Deaf Overcoming Violence through Empowerment) 303-831-7874
ROSE ANDOM CENTER 720-337-4400
The Initiative 303-839-5510
Voluntad 303-433-2712
Community Outreach for Children/Youth/Family  
Project Pave 303-322-2382
Denver Children's Advocacy Center 303-825-3850
Shelter/Housing/Counseling/Case Management  
Gateway Domestic Violence Services 303-343-1851
SafeHouse Denver 303-318-9989
SafeHouse Progressive Alliance 303-444-2424
United Way 211 303-561-2111
Criminal Justice Resources  
City Attorney-Victim Resource Program 720-913-8020
County Court Probation Victim Advocate 720-913-8372
Denver Crime Victim Compensation 720-913-9253
District Attorney-Victim Assistance 720-913-9008
VINE (Victim Notification and Information Everyday) 1-888-263-8463
DPD Victim Assistance Unit 720-913-6035
DPD Pretrial Victim Services Unit 720-913-6035
Division of Criminal Justice Victim Programs 303-239-4442

If you act in a way that is or can be harmful to your partner, there are resources

Turning Point 303-780-0170
National Institute for Change 303-231-0090
Aurora Center for Treatment  303-340-8990 
Creative Treatment Options  303-467-2624
Park Hill Counseling  720-387-7931 
IDEA 720-949-0095 
Spanish Clinic  303-934-3040 
Running Creek  303-805-1218 
AB Counseling 303-237-3599 
Mental Health Center of Denver  303-617-2424 
Choices in Living 303-937-7696