What is the 30-minute general public comment session?
Upon convening the monthly meeting, the Board conducts a general public comment session during which persons may address the Board on any public health matter not on the agenda for that meeting.
Speakers shall register on a first-come, first-served basis, and will be recognized to speak in the order of registration.
How long will I get to speak?
Each speaker gets a maximum of 3 minutes to speak on any topic of their choice. The Chair presiding over the public comment session gavels the speaker when the 3 minutes has expired.
Where is the general public comment session?
The general public comment session takes place on Zoom.
How will Zoom work?
When you click on the above link, you will be asked to register with your name and email address. Once you enter the meeting you will be muted but can hear and see the meeting. When your name is called to speak, you will be promoted to speaker. The screen will flash as it changes your status. Please do not leave the meeting, you haven't been disconnected. Once your three minutes is over, you will be switched back to an attendee and will again be muted.
How do I sign up to speak at the general public comment session?
Starting one week before every meeting, sign up using the form below; sign-up closes at 4:30 p.m. the day of the general public comment session.
What information will I be asked to provide in order to sign up to speak?
First name, last name, mailing address, email address, phone number, whether ADA or language interpretation accommodations are needed, and speaker topic.
No yielding of time is permitted and NO sign-up by proxy; the person wishing to speak must be the one to sign up. Only one sign-up per person is permitted. Topics are required and must not pertain to an item on the agenda for that meeting.
Does BPHE provide ADA accommodations for their monthly meetings?
Yes, if you need a sign language interpreter or real-time captioning via CART Services, contact SignLanguageServices@denvergov.org with at least a three (3) business day notice. For other public accommodation requests/concerns related to a disability, please contact DisabilityAccess@denvergov.org. If you sign up for public comment, please respond to the question regarding ADA accommodations so that we may provide any services needed. All ADA accommodations require at least a three business day notice.
How is speaker order determined?
Speaker order is decided on a first-come, first-served basis (using the date/time the sign-up request is received) with preference given to those individuals who did not speak at the previous general public comment session.
Sign up for public comment