Denver's updated odor ordinance includes these changes:
- Who can complain - Business owners and employees, in addition to residents, are able to file formal complaints.
- Complaint time period - The time period within which five complaints must be received to trigger enforcement has been lengthened from 12 hours to 30 days.
- Specific industries - Businesses within certain industry types (for example: pet food manufacturing, marijuana grow operations and manufacturers of infused products (MIPs)) will be required to develop and submit an odor control plan based on Denver odor complaint data and community concerns, as well as precedent set by odor policy best practices of municipalities from around the country.
- Odor control plan requirement - Facilities that exceed the complaint of dilution threshold standards, or fall within specific industry types, are required to develop an odor control plan instead of receiving a citation. An odor control plan would identify odor sources and control measures that will be taken to reduce odors from those sources. The measures will be based on best practices for that industry.
After the adoption of the updated ordinance, DDPHE and the North Denver Cornerstone Collaborative created an Odor Advisory Group, to draft the rules and regulations, develop odor control plan templates, and identify best practices.
On November 10, 2016, the DDPHE Board approved the Rules & Regulations Governing Nuisance Odors in English(PDF, 5MB) and in Spanish(PDF, 2MB). This document is considered official and may be used as reference until the signed official document is posted.