COVID-19 Cases by Race/Ethnicity

This is historic COVID-19 data. This data is no longer updated and was last updated in November 2023. If you're interested in viewing current COVID-19 data for the City and County of Denver, visit our Current COVID-19 Data dashboard.

Information on these dashboards is updated on Mondays by 6:30 p.m. 

Over time, COVID-19 infection rates have varied in Denver, we have seen a notable increase over time in the proportion of cases who identify as Hispanic or Latino. Examining COVID-19’s impact on communities of color is critical and analyzing data in this way can help us to advocate for allocation of resources and outreach towards populations and communities with elevated needs.   

COVID-19 Race/Ethnicity Incidence

Case Percent by Race/Ethnicity

Cumulative Race/Ethnicity

Historic COVID-19 Dashboards