Data, Policies, & Reports

COVID-19 Information

This interactive report shows COVID-19 information inside Denver jail facilities. To move through the pages, click on the arrows at the bottom of the report.

Current Confined Population & Average Daily Population (Interactive)

This interactive report shows averages of current daily populations inside Denver jail facilities. To move through the pages, click on the arrows at the bottom of the report.

Average Daily Jail Population - 2021-2023 (Interactive)

This interactive report shows averages of current daily populations inside Denver jail facilities. To move through the pages, click on the arrows at the bottom of the report.

Average Daily Jail Population - 2017-2021 (Interactive)

This interactive report shows averages of current daily populations inside Denver jail facilities. To move through the pages, click on the arrows at the bottom of the report.

Assaults Overview (Interactive)

This interactive report shows inmate on inmate and inmate on staff assault information. To move through the pages, click on the arrows at the bottom of the report.

Staff Demographics (Interactive)

This interactive report details current and year-to-date data related to staff demographics inside Denver jail facilities. To move through the pages, click on the arrows at the bottom of the report.

Use of Force (Interactive)

This interactive report details current and year-to-date data related to use of force inside Denver jail facilities. To move through the pages, click on the arrows at the bottom of the report.

Annual Report (Downloadable)

Find policy and data reports regarding jails, inmates, staff, procedures, and more in the latest Sheriff Annual Report.

2022 Annual Report(PDF, 13MB)

2021 Annual Report(PDF, 8MB)

2020 Annual Report(PDF, 17MB)

2019 Annual Report(PDF, 11MB)

2018 Annual Report(PDF, 3MB)

Policies & Procedures

These documents specify current policies and procedures implemented by the Sheriff Department. They are revised and updated when appropriate.

Policies and Procedures

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

The Denver Sheriff Department takes every report of sexual misconduct seriously and will thoroughly, promptly, and objectively investigate all allegations. We treat every investigation in a confidential and professional manner. All victims will be provided with medical and mental health care.

PREA Annual Reports

The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was passed unanimously by Congress and signed into law by President Bush in 2003. It is a federal law that was created to put an end to sexual abuse against inmates in federal and state prisons, jails, lockups, community corrections facilities, and juvenile detention centers. The purpose of the act is to provide for the analysis of the incidence and effects of prison rape in federal, state and local institutions and to provide information, resources, recommendations, and funding to protect individuals from prison rape.

If you would like to request a PDF of previous PREA annual reports, please send your request to

Zero Tolerance

The Denver Sheriff Department (DSD) has a zero-tolerance policy relating to offender-on-offender and staff-on-offender sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual misconduct as set forth under the standards of the PREA and DSD Department Order 4100.

“Zero tolerance” means that sexual harassment, sexual abuse/assault, and sexual misconduct will not be tolerated in DSD facilities.

Sexual harassment/abuse/assault/misconduct includes:

  1. Offender-on-offender sexual assault, abuse, misconduct, and harassment.
  2. Staff-on-offender sexual assault, abuse, harassment, and sexual misconduct (sexual/inappropriate relationships with offenders).


The number one reason to comply with PREA standards is that it is the right thing to do. We have a tremendous responsibility to provide for the safety of those whom are entrusted into our care. All offenders who are in the custody of the DSD have the right to be free from sexual assault, abuse, and harassment. PREA is intended to address the detection, prevention, reduction and prosecution of sexual harassment, abuse, and sexual assault in all correctional facilities in the country.

Identify Victims of Sexual Abuse/Assault

A victim may:

  • Have trouble sleeping
  • Suffer a loss of appetite
  • Experience stomachaches and/or headaches
  • Display anger or rage
  • Seem unusually anxious
  • Express concern about their safety
  • Seem unusually detached or withdrawn
  • Have episodes of crying or shaking
  • Not care about their personal hygiene

Report Sexual Abuse/Assault

Anyone who suspects or has knowledge of any sexual harassment, sexual assault/abuse, or sexual misconduct in any juvenile, adult detention or correctional facility should report it to a staff member, volunteer, supervisor, administrator or external authority. Offenders may file grievances, tell clergy or programs staff, medical or psychiatric staff, or talk with a deputy and/or any other staff member with whom they feel comfortable and trust. Anyone who receives a report of sexual abuse in a confinement setting should report the incident immediately for investigation and disposition. All reports will be investigated.

Reports can be made anonymously by friends or family members at any time by contacting any of the following:

  • Any DSD staff member at the facility,
  • DSD Internal Affairs Bureau by phone 720-865-3888,
  • Office of the Independent Monitor
    • By phone 720-913-3306
    • By mail 201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept. 1201, Denver, CO 80202
    • Or by completing an online complaint form.