Controller's Office

Fair Elections Fund Update: The Controller's Office is processing Fair Elections Fund payments within two business days, with many payments processed the same day they are received in our system. Candidates may email with any questions about payments. 

The Controller's Office is responsible for the accounting, payroll, and financial reporting for the City and County of Denver.  In addition, the Controller's Office establishes, maintains and enforces the City’s accounting policies, practices, and procedures. 

Mission Statement

To ensure the City and County of Denver's financial integrity by promoting effective, efficient and accountable government, utilizing best practices and ensuring the highest quality of customer service. 

Controller's Office Functions

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

The  Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (AFR) is a publication that provides in-depth information about the operations and financial position of the City and County of Denver.  The AFR is prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (USGAAP) and is audited by a firm of licensed certified public accountants. 

Popular Annual Financial Report or Community Report

The Community Report, also known as the Popular Annual Financial Report or PAFR, provides you an opportunity to learn about the City's finances.  By reading this report, you are taking an important step toward understanding and participating in Denver's financial future.  This report includes condensed and simplified information from the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (AFR).

It is important to note that the data in this report is unaudited, includes information exclusively on primary government funds and is presented on a non-GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) basis.  This means that it excludes discrete component unit and fiduciary fund information, contains condensed financial information and does not provide all of the necessary financial statements and note disclosures required by GAAP.

Single Audit

The  Single Audit Report is federally mandated by the Single Audit Act of 1984, the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996, and the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Circular A-133, which requires an audit to be conducted for any non-Federal entity that expends $750,000 or more in a year in Federal awards.  This audit is conducted by an independent auditor and the main objectives are to ensure a fair presentation of the basic financial statements and the schedule of expenditures of Federal awards, and to also audit the City's internal controls and compliance with legal requirements, with special emphasis on internal controls and legal requirements involving the administration of federal awards expended during the fiscal year. 

Fiscal Accountability Rules

Fiscal Accountability Rules set parameters for fiscal activities of the City and County of Denver. The purpose of these rules is to assist officers and employees in conducting financial activities and in making fiscal decisions. The rules are not intended to replace critical thinking or to limit the authority or independence of the expending authority.


Controller's Office Divisions

Accounting & Financial Reporting

Accounting and Financial Reporting keeps the city’s ledgers and books, maintains the county property tax roll, produces the annually audited financial statements of the city known as the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (AFR), produces monthly standard financial reports, develops ad hoc and other special reports which can be run by users of the financial system and is responsible for online financial information.

This section ensures the integrity of the city’s financial information in compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), is responsible for the city’s internal control framework which includes fiscal accountability rules and procedures, and coordinates with Technology Services in support of the city's financial system.

Financial Services

Financial Services provides accounting services to city departments and agencies, manages citywide accounts payable, and maintains the city’s financial records. Financial Services provides customer-focused services to other city agencies using a shared services model in order to maximize efficiency, reduce costs, and build subject matter expertise.

Payroll Division

The Payroll Division manages payroll for all city departments and agencies and provides tools for timekeeping, leave management, and activities allocation to allow for better allocation of resources and strategic planning.

If you are an employee and have separated, retired, or resigned from the City and County of Denver and have questions or need assistance, email

Learn more about the Payroll Division at