DNA Requests

The Denver Office of the Medical Examiner does store DNA in our office. If you need DNA testing done, here is a generalized checklist for guidance.

Request Process

Step 1.Contact Our Office

Call 720-337-7600 or email medcomments@denvergov.org to confirm we do have DNA on the person in question.

Step 2.Request Court Order

Once you have confirmed we have DNA, you will need a court order that compels the Denver Office of the Medical Examiner to release the DNA to a lab of your choice. For help with obtaining this court order, please consult with an attorney or contact the Denver Probate Court Self-Help Desk.

1437 Bannock Street #230
Denver, CO 80202

Step 3.Submit Court Order

Once you have the court order, you will need to send it to our office in one of the following ways. Please address your document to the Manager of Operations.

a. First class mail delivered to 500 Quivas Street, Denver, CO 80204
b. Deliver it in person to 500 Quivas Street, Denver, CO 80204
c. Emailed to OMEfax@denvergov.org
d. Faxed to 720-337-7609

Step 4.Lab Information

The lab you choose will need to send the Denver Office of the Medical Examiner a copy of the signed court order with a signed contract for them to process the DNA. They will also need to send us a collection kit, chain of custody kit, FedEx tracking sticker, and evidence seals.

Disclaimer: Denver Office of the Medical Examiner will not pay for supplies, mailing, DNA testing, or any fees associated with obtaining a court order or lab services. Furthermore, Denver Office of the Medical Examiner cannot guarantee a particular outcome. Going through the court process does not guarantee you will obtain a court order for DNA. It is highly recommended you consult with an attorney or the Denver Probate Self-Help Desk.