Brew pub license

A brew pub is a retail establishment that manufactures no more than 1.86 million gallons of malt liquor and fermented malt beverages on its licensed premises or licensed alternating proprietor licensed premises, combined, each calendar year. A license can be issued to anyone operating a brew pub and also selling alcohol for consumption on the premises. A brew pub licensee can sell alcohol for on-premises consumption only if at least 15% of the gross on-premises food and drink income is from the sale of food.

Sales and service

  • Sale, service and consumption of beer, wine, and liquor by the drink for on-premises; manufacture of beer on the licensed premises; and:
    • Can furnish manufactured beer for consumption on the licensed premises.
    • Can sell the manufactured beer to independent wholesalers for distribution to retailers.
    • Can sell the manufactured beer by the package for off-premises consumption.
    • Off-premises consumption sales of manufactured beer are prohibited on Sundays.
    • Can sell the manufactured beer at wholesale to licensed retailers up to 300,000 gallons per calendar year.
  • Must have a full kitchen with adequate equipment to prepare meals. Meals must be available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., sandwiches and light snacks after 8 p.m.
    • Meals must be prepared on the licensed premises, unless prepared at a licensed kitchen under the licensee's exclusive management and control.
    • At least 15% of the gross on-premises food and drink income must be from the sale of food.

Hours of operation

Seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m.

Multiple interests

Multiple ownership is legal with the following:

  • Other brew pub licenses
  • Vintner's restaurant licenses
  • Hotel and restaurant and tavern liquor licenses
  • Hotel and restaurant with optional premises
  • Retail gaming tavern licenses
  • Racetrack licenses
  • Arts licenses
  • Beer and wine licenses
  • Club licenses
  • Public transportation system license
  • 3.2% beer licenses

Distance restriction

A 500-foot distance restriction from public and parochial schools, colleges, universities, and seminaries does not apply. (This is by rule and regulation of the Department of Excise and Licenses.)


The names of all managers of brew pub licenses must be provided to the local and state licensing authorities whether a principal to the licensee or someone else manages the licensed premises.

Any changes in managers of brew pub licenses must be reported to the city and the state within 30 days of the change.

A $100 background investigation fee will be assessed for any changes in the licensee's principals.