Clerk & Recorder - Paul López

Clerk & Recorder

Clerk and Recorder Paul López' office serves a number of important functions for the City and County of Denver including administering elections, preserving various records and making them available to the public, recording land transactions, and overseeing foreclosures.

Headshot of Paul Lopez in front of the US flag

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About Paul

As the elected Clerk and Recorder for his hometown, Paul D. López is a passionate advocate for empowering all Denverites to participate in the civic participation process. Prior to serving as the third ever elected Clerk & Recorder for the City & County of Denver, Paul served as the youngest elected City Council member for three terms representing his home district three in Denver’s west side neighborhoods.

His passionate leadership has spurred civic engagement, ushering in the long-overdue community revitalization of West Denver.  He’s spearheaded efforts to transform the Westside’s long-ignored streets, sidewalks, bridges and parks; and nearly eliminated graffiti vandalism with urban mural art.  Paul led efforts to building healthier communities, replacing an overabundance of liquor stores with grocery stores, access to new health clinics, parks, libraries and a new recreation center.

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