Department of Public Safety The Department of Public Safety (DOS) unifies all the city agencies tasked with ensuring Denver is the safest and most welcoming city in the nation.
Fire Department The Denver Fire Department provides fire and emergency services to the citizens who live in, work in, and visit the City and County of Denver.
Police Department In partnership with the community, the Denver Police Department strives to operate a police agency focused on preventing crime in a respectful manner, demonstrating that everyone matters.
Sheriff Department The Denver Sheriff Department is the largest sheriff department in the state of Colorado. We are committed to excellent community and customer service and to continuously building a smarter and exceptional agency.
Citizen Oversight Board The Citizen Oversight Board is responsible for assessing whether the Office of the Independent Monitor is effectively performing its duties, making recommendations regarding policy and training issues, and addressing issues of concern to the community and other interested stakeholders.
Office of the Independent Monitor The Office of the Independent Monitor (OIM) is the civilian oversight agency for the City and County of Denver Police and Sheriff Departments.
Warrants and Case Records Search for warrants, case records and court dates through the Denver County Court website.