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Create Safe Speeds

Speed management is a critical component of Vision Zero because it is one of the most influential factors in crash severity and frequency. In Denver, speeds are most problematic on multilane arterials. We will create safe speeds by developing a program with a systematic approach, focusing speed reduction along the High Injury Network (HIN) through automated enforcement and messaging, and creating slow zones within the city. We will pair these actions with the Build Safe Streets for Everyone and Promote a Culture of Safety actions, when possible, so that speed limits are self-enforcing.

KEYSTONE ACTION NEEDED: Create a speed management program to systematically evaluate and promote safe speeds.

DPW, in partnership with DPD and CDOT, will develop a clear and consistent approach to speed data collection, street design, and automated and manual speed enforcement. By evaluating speed limits citywide, the City and its partners will begin to manage speeds in a more context-sensitive, proactive, and safer way—instead of simply reacting to driver behavior. Creating a speed management program will allow the City and partners to complete all other actions in this category.

2018 Major Activities

During 2018 DPD continued to use photo enforcement to remind over 200,000 motorists who were traveling over 10 mph over the speed limit or running red lights around schools and other key areas.

Driving under the influence is still a top contributing factor for roadway fatalities. In 2018 DPD arrested over 1,800 people for driving under the influence of alcohol or driving under the influence of drugs.

Children are at increased risk for pedestrian injuries for several reasons*:

  • Their smaller size makes them difficult for drivers to see, especially if they are standing between parked cars on the side of the road.
  • Because young children are often unable to judge distances and vehicle speeds accurately, they can easily misjudge whether it is safe to cross a street.
  • Parents can over-estimate their children's ability to cross the street. Many elementary school-aged children don't understand traffic signals and don't know how to anticipate drivers' actions.
  • Drivers and child pedestrians each assume (incorrectly) that the other will yield the right-of-way.

To help remind people driving in and around school zones in 2018 DPD issued over 8,400 citation in schools zones. 

* Reference: 
Sources: The safety tips were compiled from the following great internet resources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission